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Saint Raphael, Archangel

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 24, 2024 at 12:00AM in Tradition

Saint Raphael the Archangel. Colour lithograph. Raphael (Archangel). Work ID: gza6qtuq.

St. Raphael

Tibi, Christe, Splendor Patris by Gloriae Dei Cantores (St. Raphael, October 24th)

"AMONG the holy archangels, three are particularly distinguished in the Scriptures, SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. This day is appointed in honor of St. Raphael, whose name signifies the Healing of God. The archangel Raphael was sent to conduct the younger Tobias on his journey to Rages, and carefully directed and guarded him on his way, appearing as an Israelite, under the name of Azarias. He conducted the young man to the house of his virtuous kinsman, and procured for him the person, who by a special providence had been reserved for his wife. The holy angel brought them both home in safety to the aged parents of Tobias; and by his direction the young man anointed the eyes of his father who was blind, and he was immediately restored to sight. For all these valuable services, the father and son were anxious to reward the faithful Azarias, and begged him to accept of half of all things that they had brought. Then the heavenly messenger discovered to them who he really was; and invited them to bless the God of heaven, because he had shewn mercy to them. For," said he, "I am Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the Lord." And when they had heard these things, they were troubled, and being seized with fear, they fell upon the ground on their face. And the angel said to them: Peace be to you, fear not. For when I was with you, I was there by the will of God: bless ye Him, and sing praises to Him. It is time therefore that I return to Him that sent me: but bless ye God, and publish all His wonderful works. And when he had said these things, he was taken from their sight, and they could see him no more." (Tob. xii.) See, says St. Augustin, how great is the merit of alms-deeds, for which Tobias was so remarkable, and which brought down an archangel from heaven to serve him.

St. Raphael is also considered to have been that angel of the Lord, who went down at certain times into the pond at Jerusalem, called Probatica, and so moved the water, as to impart to it virtue to heal the first person who entered the pond after the motion of the water; as we read in the fifth chapter of St. John.

Pray on this day with the Church, that this most glorious prince of the heavenly host would be mindful of you, and ever beseech the Son of God in your behalf. Pray that St. Raphael would accompany you, and be your guide in every way, and your protector in every danger, as he was to Tobias. And beseech the Almighty to let his holy angels minister to you, and by their assistance defend you, and help you forward in the way of salvation." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER, 1865

Prayer to Saint Raphael

Glorious Archangel, St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, illustrious by thy gifts of wisdom and grace, guide of travelers by land and sea, consoler of the unfortunate and refuge of sinners, I entreat thee to help me in all my needs and in all the trials of my life, as thou didst once assist the young Tobias in his journeying And since thou art the "physician of God," I humbly pray thee to heal my soul of its many infirmities and my body of the ills that afflict it, if this favor is for my greater good. I ask, especially, for angelic purity, that I may be made fit to be the living  temple of the Holy Ghost. Amen.  Pope Leo XIII, June 21, 1890 Source: My Prayer Book, Fr. Lasance

Tibi, Christe, Splendor Patris by Gloriae Dei Cantores (St. Raphael, October 24th)


Jesu, brightness of the Father!
Life and strength of all who live!
In the presence of the Angels,
Glory to Thy name we give,
And Thy wondrous praise rehearse,
Singing in alternate verse.

Hail, too ye angelic powers!
Hail ye thrones celestial!
Hail, Physician of salvation,
Guide of life, blest Raphael!
Who the foe of all mankind
didst in kinks of iron bind.

O may Christ, by the protection,
Shelter us from harm this day;
Keep us pure in flesh and spirit,
Save us from the enemy;
And vouchsafe us, of His grace,
In His paradise a place.

Glory to Th' Almighty Father
Sing we now in anthems sweet;
Glory to the great Redeemer,
Glory to the Paraclete;
Three in one, and one in three,
Throughout all eternity, Amen.

Source: Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Catholic Laity, The Official Prayer Book of the Catholic Church, 1916 Prepared and published by the order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore.

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