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Saint Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Narcissus of Jerusalem

"Perjury and its punishment.-St. Narcissus, who governed the Church of Jerusalem in 195, when we find him assisting at a council held in that town, was about eighty years old when elevated to the episcopacy. Notwithstanding the miracles that God vouchsafed to his piety, the venerable bishop was accused of an abominable crime by three impious men, who only resorted to this expedient for the purpose of shielding themselves from a better-founded accusation which he might have laid against them. They each swore with an imprecation. May I be burnt alive!" said one. May I be struck with leprosy!" said another. 'May my eyes never more behold the light of day!" added the third. The holy old man, rather than compromise them by seeking to justify himself, withdrew to a solitude where he might remain unknown. The evils which his accusers had invoked upon themselves speedily befell them; being then justified by God himself, he reappeared, and was more beloved than ever by his flock. He lived to the age of 116, but St. Alexander, in the capacity of coadjutor, helped him to discharge the pastoral functions.

MORAL REFLECTION.-"Let no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, for the Lord is the avenger of all such," says the great Apostle.-(1 Thess. iv. 6.)

Prayer for the Abused and Unjustly Accused (by Fr. Mychal Judge OFM)

O Holy Family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, They cried out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "I find no guilt in Him. Take Him yourselves and crucify Him." (John 19)

Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, falsely and maliciously accused by the mob, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, handed over to death by cowardly authority, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, Sun of Justice, vindicated by your Resurrection, grant us justice.

Father of Truth, send the light of your Holy Spirit into the darkness of every false accusation and unjust condemnation. Give strength to the innocent to stand firmly in truth, as you gave to Jesus, in the face of torture and death. Give courage to church and civil authorities to grant justice and due process to the innocent, in the face of the mob. Father of Mercy, deliver your innocent ones from evil; grant them speedy justice and vindication, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Victim and Savior.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on all innocent victims: the abused and the falsely accused.

Follow with Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Prayer for Persecuted Priests

All Powerful and Eternal God, through the merits of Your Son Jesus, and Through Your love for Him, I implore You, have pity on the priests of the Holy Church. In spite of their sublime dignity, they are fearful and weak, like all created beings. In your infinite mercy, inflame their hearts with the fire of Divine Love. For the sake of Jesus, Your Son, bestow grace on the priests and uphold them. Do not let them fall into temptation and tarnish their noble vocation.

O Jesus, we implore you. Look with pity on the priests of the Holy Church: those who are serving You faithfully and proclaiming Your glory; those who are persecuted for tending your flock; those who are abandoned, weary and sorrowful: those who are lukewarm, confused and who have denied their faith; those who are sick, dying, or in Purgatory. Lord Jesus, we entreat You. Listen to our supplication, have pity and console them.

O Jesus, we entrust to You the priests of the whole world: the priests who baptized me, absolved my sins, offered Holy Mass and consecrated the Eucharist to nourish my soul. We entrust to You the priests that instructed me when I was ignorant, gave me strength in my weakness, showed me the Way and the Truth and comforted me in my sorrow and affliction. For all the blessings they obtained for me, I implore You to support them in Your Loving Kindness.

O Jesus, shelter our priests in Your Sacred Heart. Let them take refuge in Your mercy and love, in this life, and to the hour of death. Amen.

By his Eminence the late Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Bishop of Shanghai.
Published 7/16/1953 during the early years of persecution of the Roman Catholic Church in China by its communist government. He was imprisoned from 1955 to 1988.

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