Saint Magloire, Abbot of Dol in Brittany († 586)
by VP
Posted on Thursday October 24, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Magloire of Dol, oil painting by Eugène Goyet (1798–1846), Church Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas in Paris
"THE APOSTOLATE OF MONKS.-The religious orders, whose appearance dates from the earliest ages of the Church, contributed greatly to the spread of the Gospel, as well by preaching as by the edification and good example they afforded. Vast populations have been converted to true religion by the agency of monks, such for instance as those of Brittany and England. St. Magloire, having been consecrated as a missionary bishop, or, as then termed, "regionary bishop," in succession to St. Samson, who had founded the monastery of Dol, and converted a portion of Brittany, continued his apostolic labours, leading the same humble, poor, and mortified life as before. He passed over to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, where he signalized his arrival by a miracle. Count Loiesco, having been cured by him of the leprosy, made him a grant of land whereon he founded a monastery, so that the monks might complete the work which had been begun. In times of famine and epidemic these monasteries became a very providence to the surrounding districts. St. Magloire died on Easter-eve in 575.
MORAL REFLECTION.-" Be mindful of them that have rule over you, who have spoken to you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end."-(Heb. xiii. 7.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu