Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin mary
by VP
Posted on Wednesday March 19, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
St. Joseph, (Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, Washington, NC)
"On the festival of this saint, let virgins pray for the divine protection against all temptations and snares. Let all married persons pray for conjugal chastity; let all parents pray for grace, for the faithful discharge of all duties towards their children. Let all who have the care of families pray that they may not be wanting in any part of their charge, that discipline may be preserved by their care, and virtue encouraged by their good example.
St. Joseph was chosen by Almighty God to be the chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and under the reputation of father, to have the care of the Son of God made man; to protect him in his infancy, and secure both Mother and Son against the cruel designs of Herod. It was he, whose great virtues were rewarded, even in this life, by his being made an eye-witness of the virtues of the divine Jesus, in possessing him under his roof for many years; and seeing him, whom kings and prophets had desired to see, but it was not granted them. He was recompensed not only in seeing, but in hearing, in carrying him in his arms, in embracing and feeding him, and being made the depository of those divine secrets which were committed to no other. His life has not been written by men, but by the Holy Ghost himself; who has left his most considerable actions recorded in the gospel. And it will be our happiness on this festival, if we can learn some of those great lessons, which we are taught by his example.
Since the care of Jesus was by the Eternal Wisdom left to an humble tradesman, have not here all of that degree, as also all house-keepers, a great instruction, that sanctity and perfection are not to be thought the exclusive property of ecclesiastics and religious, but that their condition also is capable of these, and that in the new Law they are expected of them? In this they see that the daily toil of a laborious life is no exclusion to Jesus; but that he may dwell in the midst of them, while with the sweat of their brows they are working for bread, and the provision of their families. Nay, since they see him make choice of such an abode, they cannot doubt but in this all their labours are not only approved, but consecrated by him; and that he has declared a laborious life to be a holy life. Let it be only their care to join innocence with their toil, to season it with daily prayer, and sanctify it by a repeated oblation to Almighty God, in the faithful discharge of the duties of the state to which they are called; and they can have no just reason to complain of their unhappy circumstances, but rather rejoice. For they see their life to be a penitential life, even a performing of the penance enjoined by Almighty God himself on the sons of Adam at their exclusion from Paradise.
It cannot be questioned but that such persons stand much fairer for the pardon of their sins, in undergoing the punishment, than those others who, living at their ease, feed on the toil of others, and wholly dispense with themselves as to this part of their penance. Nay, since these may observe that those primitive Christians, who studied the greatest perfection, took in this laborious and penitential part, and since the apostle gloried in it, they cannot apprehend their most painful labours and daily employments to be a hindrance to salvation, but rather one part of a Christian life, and very proper for gaining a happy eternity. It is with such that the divine Jesus delights to dwell. And if he be not always with them, they may be assured that it is not their labours that drive him thence, but either their love of idleness in neglecting these, or because not content to depend on their industry and pains, they make use of lies, frauds, and injustices, whereby to overreach their neighbour, and enrich themselves by wronging him. Were it not for these unwarrantable methods, no state might be more favoured by heaven than that of labouring Christians. If they would but renounce these practices, be faithful in their callings, observe their times of prayer and spiritual duties, they might be so many families of saints, and have Jesus their companion here, and reward hereafter." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
To St. Joseph for a Particular Priest
Saint Joseph, I present to you this day
Father [name], priest of Jesus Christ, and beg you to be to him advocate
and defender, counselor and friend. Open your heart to him as you
opened your home to the Virgin Mother in her hour of need. Protect his
holy priesthood as you protected the life of the Infant Christ
threatened by cruel Herod. In darkness bring him light; in weakness,
strength, and in fear the peace that passes understanding.
the sake of the tender love that bound you to the Virgin Mary and the
Infant Christ, be for him, Saint Joseph, a constant intercessor and a
shield against every danger of body, mind, and soul so that, in spite of
his weaknesses and sins, his priesthood may bring glory to Christ and
serve to increase the beauty of holiness in his bride the Church. Amen