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Saint Barbatus of Benevento, Bishop, A.D. 682

by VP

Posted on Tuesday February 18, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

EVIDENCES OF SANCTITY. Barbatus had shown from childhood that gravity, piety, love of holy books, and inclination for study which seemed to call him to the clerical state. The eloquence with which he was gifted soon attracted the attention of the bishop of Benevento, and this prelate confided to him an important parochial charge in the vicinity of the cathedral town. But the missionary labours of the young priest were wholly fruitless; he found only hardened hearts which lent him no hearing, or calumniators who gave a false meaning to his words, and put his intentions at naught. Pursued by hatred and insult, Barbatus withdrew to Benevento, where ample justice was rendered to his merits; the inhabitants even chose him as their bishop, and he long governed that see with admirable piety and wisdom. To him pertained the glory of converting to the faith the Lombard nation, and of contracting the most friendly relations with Pertharitus, their ruler. St. Barbatus died, full of days and good works, in 682.

MORAL REFLECTION. Adversity should be regarded as the test of sanctity. The angel said to Tobias: "And because thou wast acceptable to God, it was necessary that temptation should prove thee."(Tobias xii. 13.)" Half Hour with the Saints by Abbe Lecanu

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