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Saint Amatus, Benedictine Abbot

by VP

Posted on Friday September 13, 2024 at 12:37AM in Saints

PERSECUTED VIRTUE.-Persecution seems to be the portion of virtue. God desires or permits it in accordance with His ever-wise designs, which it behoves us to adore without seeking to penetrate. Amatus gave himself up to all the fervor of piety in a cell attached to the monastery of Agaune, near which was built a little oratory that still exists, called "Our Lady of the Rock," whence he was drawn to be raised to the see of Sion, in the Valais. He discharged the functions of this high office for many years with such edification that his reputation for sanctity continued to increase day by day. But the weak-minded , Thierry III swayed by his mistresses and by the atrocious Ebroin, mayor of the palace, allowing himself to be influenced against him, condemned him without appeal, and banished him from his diocese. The pious bishop patiently bore this unjust treatment, and withdrew to a monastery, where he died a holy death towards the year 690. Thierry, having returned to better thoughts, reproached himself bitterly with his mode of dealing, and repaired the mischief by numerous deeds of benevolence.

MORAL REFLECTION.-The just man when persecuted resembles our Savior more nearly: "Let him then take up his cross, and follow" the divine model.-(Mark viii. 34.) Half Hours Pictorial with the Saints by Fr. Lecanu

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