CAPG's Blog 

Reapers of the Harvest

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 09, 2019 at 12:00AM in Books

To hasten the triumph of the Church, all must be animated by an energetic and practical spirit of zeal, and must labor as Apostles to spread the faith according to their opportunities. Bearing in mind that union is strength, they should maintain perfect charity with one another and with their pastors. It is too often forgotten what important help and encouragement they can give the clergy by fervent prayer for the increase of vocations, for ecclesiastical students and for all priests, the young, the middle-aged and the old, for the strong and zealous as well as for those who are weak and in affliction, and they can help too, by showing sincere respect for the priestly office, and heartfelt sympathy in a priest's trials.

Let fervent petitions, then, ascend daily to the Lord of the harvest that He may send forth many true laborers intro the harvest; and let each of us work for God with courage, with unbounded confidence in Heaven's protection, and with genuine love towards all men, that we may lead all to Christ, and to the possession and consolation of the truth as revealed by Him. Then shall there finally be "one body and one spirit, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all" (Eph. iv. 4-6). And the Church shall rejoice in the fulfillment of the Divine promise: " The Gentiles shall walk in thy light and Kings in the brightness of thy rising...and the children of them that afflict thee shall come bowing down to thee, and all that slandered thee shall worship the steps of thy feet, and shall call thee the City of the Lord, the Sion of the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. Lx. 3-14).

Source: Within the Soul: Helps in the Spiritual Life, a Book of Little Essays by Fr. Michael J. Watson. 1914

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