CAPG's Blog 

Our Priesthood

by VP

Posted on Friday January 25, 2019 at 08:58AM in Books

The Catholic Church rejoices and glories greatly in the charitable zeal of her clergy in preaching the gospel 
of Christian peace, in bringing salvation and civilization even to barbarous nations, among whom by their labors,
often consecrated by the shedding of their blood, the kingdom of Christ is being daily propagated and our holy
faith is winning new laurels and still greater lustre. And if your charitable offices, beloved sons, meet with envy, 
abuse, calumny, as only too frequently is the case, do not therefore give way to sadness, "be not weary in well-doing" 
(II Thess., Ill, 13). Keep before your eyes that host of great men who, following the example of the Apostles,
in the midst of bitterest contumely borne for the name of Christ, "went rejoicing, blessing when they were cursed."
 For we are the sons and the brothers of the Saints whose names are resplendent in the book of life, whose praises 
the Church proclaims: "Let us not stain our glory."* 

Once the spirit of sacerdotal grace is restored and increased among all orders of the clergy, Our designs,
 under the Divine guidance, for the restoration of all else, will acquire far more efficacy. 

Source: Our Priesthood, by Bruneau, Joseph (1866-1933)

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