CAPG's Blog 

Necessity of Affection for the Church

by VP

Posted on Friday June 25, 2021 at 11:07AM in Quotes

"The vastness of Christ's love for the Church is equaled by its constant activity. With the same charity, let us show our devoted, active love for Christ's Mystic al Body. Now, from the first moment of His Incarnation, when He laid the first foundations of the Church, down to His last mortal breath, our Redeemer never ceased for an instant, although He was the Son of God, to labor unto weariness for the establishment and the strengthening of the Church, whether in giving us the bright example of His Holiness, or in preaching, or in conversing, or in gathering and instructing the disciples.  And so We desire that all who claim the Church as their Mother should seriously realize that not only the sacred ministers and those who have consecrated themselves to God in the religious life, but the other members of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ as well, have the obligation of working hard and constantly for the up-building and the increase of this Body."

Source: Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi, June 29, 1943. The American Ecclesiastical Review.

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