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Many Holy Hermits, Martyrs

by VP

Posted on Monday February 19, 2024 at 06:27AM in Saints

File:Balthasar Beschey - Hermit praying - M.Ob.1480 - National Museum in Warsaw.jpg

Balthasar Beschey: A Hermit at Prayer

"In the fifth century many holy hermits who lived in the deserts of Palestine, separated from the world, and from all conversation besides that of God, were murdered by the Saracens, and by their cruelty made so many sacrifices to God. Is it not strange that these, who had renounced all the goods of this life, should not have been more exempt from its evils? But such is the order of Providence, that while the wicked are often punished here for their iniquities, the just too have their scourges, either for the trial of their fidelity, or to render their crown more glorious. If these come to be your portion, be not dejected, nor too positive in concluding them to be the effect of God's anger, since there are scourges of mercy, as well as of justice. Accept them with a peaceable mind, using our best and continued endeavours to moderate all fears and impatience, and suppressing those thoughts which too curiously search into the counsels of God. Leave it to Him to order as He knows best; with an assurance that it is in your power to turn them to your advantage. If you are in sin, let them be a motive to amendment: if you can discover no disorder in your life, look on Christ and His martyrs, and learn from them how you are to suffer.

Bow down before the sovereign Lord of all, in acknowledgment of His mercy to these His servants: who being nothing of themselves but vessels of weakness, were by His grace so raised above nature, as to triumph over all the cruelty that the enraged enemies of their faith could practise against them. Acknowledge this privilege of grace, which was such a blessing to these holy hermits, to have been his gift. By Him they were so perfected in faith, as to despise this world with all that was inviting in it. They rejoiced in torments, and met the terrors of death with comfort. Study their example, and you cannot fail of turning all to your good." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother

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