January 23: Feast of the Espousal of Mary and Joseph
by VP
Posted on Thursday January 23, 2025 at 12:00AM in From the Past

Vitrail de Saint-Quiriace in Provins, Département Seine-et-Marne (Île-de-France)
"In this festival we are called upon to admire the wise disposition of divine Providence in preparing for the birth of the world's Redeemer. The blessed Virgin Mary was espoused to St. Joseph. This was decreed by heaven for several important reasons. By the genealogy of St. Joseph, which the evangelist St. Matthew has carefully recorded, the origin of the Blessed Virgin was also proclaimed. St. Joseph was given her from heaven to be the protector of her chastity; and that the honour and reputation of our Blessed Lady might be preserved when she became the mother of our divine Redeemer. He was also given to accompany and protect her when the holy family were obliged to fly into Egypt, as well as in her other journeys, fatigues, and persecutions. O how great was the purity and sanctity of that spouse, who was chosen to be the guardian of the most spotless Virgin! Another reason is assigned by St. Ignatius the Martyr, that the mystery of the birth of Christ might be concealed from the devil, who was not permitted to know that He was born of a virgin.
It was therefore the will of the Almighty that His divine Son should be born of a virgin, and yet that His holy mother should be espoused to St. Joseph. She did not demur, nor did she fear for her holy vow of perpetual virginity; because she had given herself up entirely to the disposal of God, and to His divine will. She never doubted that He would preserve her purity, when she was accomplishing His holy will. Suffer yourself in like manner to be governed and disposed of at all times as God pleases, and you will never incur any danger. You may well fear, when following your own will; but in doing the will of God you will always be secure.
Observe in this mysterious desponsation of the Blessed Virgin to St. Joseph, that one object of it was to conceal for a time the mystery of the Incarnation.
Learn hence to conceal your virtues by profound humility, till it be
necessary that they should appear for God's greater glory and the good of your neighbour. See how different is the judgment of God from the estimation of the world. God preferred in this holy couple, justice, sanctity, virginity, and humility; whereas the world
seeks after high birth, riches, and temporal advantages. Judge then
like God, and you will not be so enslaved to earthly goods. And beg the Blessed Virgin and her chaste spouse to intercede for you." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother