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Holy Saturday: "He descended into hell, the third day he rose again from the dead.”

by VP

Posted on Saturday March 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Tradition

James Tissot - Holy Saturday

"The Savior of the world, having expired on the cross, and by His death paid the ransom due to the divine justice for the sins of men, descended into Limbo, to deliver thence those just souls who were waiting for their Redeemer, and were prepared to enter with Him into glory. Inexpressible was the joy of those holy souls at the presence of their Redeemer, who having conquered death and hell, came down in the happy character of a deliverer, and demanded them from their long confinement, to take part in his triumphs. It was the Messias whom they expected; and He being come, they think all the time of their banishment to have been as nothing, beginning now to enjoy Him, whom they had so long desired, and whom no time can ever more take from them. The same will be the happiness of every one that dies well. Whether the evils of life have been great or inconsiderable, long or short, they all disappear at the hour of a happy death, and are lost in eternity.

Our Blessed Redeemer was pleased to be taken down from the cross, and laid in a sepulchre, so to confirm to all generations the truth of His death for us, and of His resurrection from the dead. Pray that by a firm faith of what He has suffered for us, you may plentifully partake of His mercies, and daily increase in that hope and love, which are to bring you to the possession of Him. From His sacred body being laid in the sepulchre, you may learn the mystery which is taught you this day, that you also ought to be buried together with Him; that you are not only to labour that in the likeness of His death the old man may die in you, but that he may be buried also; so that he be altogether hidden from the world, and that nothing may appear in us but the new man, who is renewed in us by his death.

What happy fruit of Christ's passion would it be to us, could we obtain this mercy! We are convinced of the folly of sin, and the vanity of all that pleases for a moment; we are tired of our corruption; but who will deliver us from the body of this death? None can do this but Jesus. Wherefore apply yourself to Him: sit at His sepulchre, and by His sacred passion beseech Him to have compassion on you, to help you in the relief of your necessities, and give you the victory which you desire." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

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