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Guardian Angels

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 02, 2024 at 12:00AM in Tradition

File:'Guardian Angel' by Félix Castelo.jpg

Felix Castello: Guardian Angel  

Angel-guardian of men, spirits and powers we sing,

whom our Father hath sent, aids to our weakly frame,

Heavenly friends and guides, help from on high to bring,

Lest we fail through the foeman's wile.

He, the spoiler of souls, Angel-traitor of old,

Cast in merited wrath out of his honored place,

Burns with envy and hate, seeking their souls to gain

Whom God's mercy invites to heaven.

Therefore come to our help, watchful ward of our lives;

Turn aside from the land God to thy care confides

Sickness and woe of soul, yea, and what else of ill

Peace of heart to it folk denies.

Now to the Holy Three praise evermore resounds:

Under whose hand divine resteth the triple world

Governed in wondrous wise: Glory be theirs and might

While the ages unending Run.

North Carolina Catholic Sept 28 1951

"THIS day is observed by the universal Church in honour of our guardian angels. Fail not to give God thanks for all the help and protection which you receive from those ministering spirits. Let the many examples of both old and new Testament excite your faith and hope, as to this point. Recommend yourself to the charity and protection of your angel guardian: beseech him to go before you in all your ways, and deliver you from all the snares of the infernal spirits, and particularly to stand by you at the hour of death.

Eternal praise is due to God for his mercy to sinners, who knowing how very blind and weak we are in the midst of so many dangers, with which we are encompassed, has given us in charge to his holy angels, to take care of us, that what is wanting to us, through our manifold infirmities, may be supplied by their power and charity; and that by them we may be defended from enemies, delivered from dangers, and conducted to a place of rest, in the participation of that happiness which they enjoy. For this mercy, it is our duty, particularly on this day, to bow down and adore our God; and beg that under the care of our good angels, our lives, in virtue and good discipline, may be a perpetual homage of thanksgiving. We must beg those blessed spirits to supply for what is wanting in us, giving praise to the Lord of glory, in everlasting hymns, for his infinite goodness to us, who have every provision made for us to become eternally glorious with them in heaven.

At the same time it is our duty to make a good use of these mercies of our God, and be careful not to render his blessings unprofitable to us by our sins. Whatever helps we receive from his creatures, are the effects of his bounty, and thanks are due for them. And since the end of God's ordinances is his own glory and our salvation, we must take care that our lives be so directed, as to answer these purposes of his infinite wisdom and providence.

Pray therefore to your good angel, to direct your feet in the ways of peace, to defend you from all evil spirits, and to help you, as often as the violence of temptation puts you in danger of sin. Always have a great reverence for your angel guardian, and remember his holy presence. Let the sense of his presence be a salutary check to every evil thought, word or action; and let it be a source of consolation to you, and an encouragement to good. Beseech him to procure for you help to avoid sin, to perform all your duties, to overcome the world and yourself, and persevere in the love and service of your Creator, till you come to praise him with the choirs of angels for ever." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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