CAPG's Blog 

God's Wondrous Plan

by VP

Posted on Friday September 27, 2019 at 12:00AM in Books

Ad Vos O Sacerdotes.

God's wondrous plan, both in nature and grace, is to work through the agency of His creature. He gives us life, but through our parents; light and heat, but through the sun; breath, but through the air; food and clothing, but through the hands of our fellow-creatures; knowledge, but through our teachers. So in the world of grace our Lord comes to us, but through a human mother. He gives His truth to the world, but through the Church; His grace, but through the Sacraments; His own very self, in His hidden Sacramental life, but through the hands of His priests.

O Veneranda sacerdotum dignitas

Source: A Spiritual Retreat By Fr. H. Reginald Buckler

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