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Saint Andrew Corsini (1302- 1373) Carmelite Bishop and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Monday February 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

Guido Reni 039.jpg

San Andrew Corsini in preghiera - Guido Reni (1630-1635)

"In his youth, notwithstanding a pious education under the care of his parents, he ran into great disorders; and had no regard to the good instruction and example, which had been given him. All parents ought to remember, that though giving good education be their duty, and the most assured way to a virtuous life, still it is no security against vice. But then there is this comfort, that their children's sins are none of theirs, not being occasioned through their fault. Whereas those parents who have been wanting in this duty, cannot see their children unhappy, but they must condemn themselves: and having reason to fear all this misfortune to be the consequence of their neglect, they cannot reckon themselves innocent, as long as they see their children guilty. Nor can they find true peace, till by prayers, tears, and endeavors, they have either persuaded them to reform, or have reason to hope that God will accept of their endeavors in expiation of their former neglect.

God having afterwards touched his heart, he renounced all his former ways, and entering into a religious state, became an example of great piety. After some years, he was chosen bishop of Fesulæ; in which charge he laboured to satisfy all its obligations, and by a life of extraordinary charity and mortification, gave encouragement to all virtues. He died in 1373. Let no sinners be discouraged, but raise their hopes in God, who offers His grace to all; and upon a sincere conversion, never fails to change vessels of weakness into vessels of honor. He has mercy to forgive the greatest offences, and no crime is so provoking as a distrust of His goodness. Make then an act of hope for yourself, with entire confidence in your God; and pray for all those dejected souls, whose immoderate fears keep them at a distance from Him. That is a good fear which makes us humble, and more fervent in prayer, upon the knowledge of our infirmity and unworthiness; but this fear is abused when it discourages us in our duty, and hinders our progress. Pray for all that are thus indiscreet; and resolve that your fear shall never extinguish your hope." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

"Great sorrow oppressed the heart of the princess Corsini, a widow, when she witnessed the daily increasing immorality of her young son Andrew. How often had she begged him to abandon his dissolute life! "Do tear yourself away," she would frequently say, "from those young men who ruin you. You bring disgrace upon our whole house, and shorten the days of my life."

But what did it effect? Moved, one moment, by his mother's entreaties he would forget his good resolution in the next. On one occasion, after Andrew had stayed away from home several nights in succession, his mother ordered all the family to put on mourning, and she herself hastened to the church of the Carmelites, there to relieve her soul by most earnest prayer. When she was leaving the church she met Andrew, who upon seeing her exclaimed: "What! You are in mourning? Who has died in the family? " The mother answered: "This is not the place to tell you." When they reached home, she said:"You seem not to know for whom me mourn, Andrew! Is it not for yourself? Yes, indeed, you are dead to us - we mourn for you, and for ourselves! The first part of my dream which I had before your birth, has been verified! I saw a wolf; but the wolf became a lamb at the threshold of the Carmelite convent. But it seems that the latter part of my dream is not to become true, although I have so often offered you to Mary, our most blessed Mother." Whilst thus speaking she wept bitterly. His mother's words, and the mournful appearance of the whole house cut Andrew to the heart. "Mother," he cried out, "The wolf I was, the lamb I will become." And he went to the Carmelite convent, performed severe penances, conquered the most violent temptations, advanced rapidly upon the path of virtue, and was in after-years made bishop of Fiesoli in Italy. He is the St. Andrew of Corsini whose feast the Church celebrates on the 4th of February. By what circuitous routes Andrew at last attained the end destined for him by Almighty God!

Save yourself such by-ways, O Youth! You are not preparing for a happy future, if you misuse, or neglect the present. Lead a pure life, adorn your heart with virtues; then you may hope that God will give you a future field of useful and honorable actions."

The Pearl among the Virtues, Fr. Peter A. Von Doss 1877


Hear, O holy Pontiff, our prayer: we are sinners and would learn from you how we are to return to the God we have offended. His mercy was poured out upon you. Obtain the same for us. Have pity on Christians throughout the world, for the grace of repentance is now being offered to all. Pray for us that we may be filled with the spirit of compunction. We have sinned. We sue for pardon. Intercession like yours can win it for us. From wolves, change us into lambs. Strengthen us against our enemies. Get us an increase of the virtue of humility which you had in such perfection, and intercede for us with our Lord that He may crown our efforts with perseverance, as He did yours, that thus we may be enabled to unite with you in singing forever the praises of our Redeemer.

Source: Don Prosper Gueranger

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