St. Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem and Martyr
by VP
Posted on Saturday February 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"HE was successor of St. James the Less in the see of Jerusalem, and second bishop of that city, being the son of Cleophas, who was brother of St. Joseph. He was a prelate, eminent in zeal and sanctity; and was therefore seized by the Jews and crucified, at the age of a hundred and twenty years; being one of the last of those who had seen Christ upon earth. Pray for that unhappy city, which having been obstinate against the mercies of Christ, has drawn down lasting miseries on itself. Consider the many blessings which you have received, and the offers of grace which have been made to you: and see that you provoke not the divine justice against you by neglect, contempt, and ingratitude. The abuse of mercies brings a heavy account after it, and often entails misery on generations. Reflect on your temporal and spiritual blessings, and see how far you refer them to the Giver. Pray for the amendment of all past abuses.
Pray for all pastors of Christ's Church, that they may inherit the spirit of this
holy prelate. Pray for him in particular, under whose care you are.
And since there is no living in this world without suffering, remember
to embrace those sufferings with joy, which are the consequence of a faithful discharge of your
duty. Follow innocence and justice: for however they may be
prejudicial to your temporal concerns, yet never think yourself a loser,
as long as there is an everlasting blessing attending them. What if men
judge and speak ill of you? Be contented that God is the witness of your fidelity. It is much better to suffer for justice, than to rejoice in the fruit of iniquity. That is the Gospel rule which you profess; the other is the way of the world,
which you are obliged to renounce. Pray for grace, that you may be
faithful in what you have undertaken. Pray for all Christians, that they
may renounce what is corrupt, and be true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whatever sacrifices it may require of them." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother