CAPG's Blog 

External Honors

by VP

Posted on Friday October 22, 2021 at 12:00AM in Articles

"The external honors rendered by the Catholic Church to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, have been the subject of constant attack from protestant writers, and their objections have been principally founded on these ceremonies and practices being unknown to the primitive Church; nor even introduced till at a comparatively recent period. But those who argue thus, lose sight of the great principle, that the Church is a body directed by the Spirit of God, constantly abiding with it, and acting according to circumstances; hence, whenever a particular heresy arises, some counteracting means is used to arrest its progress. For this reason the Nicene Creed was framed and introduced in the service of the Church as a test of Arianism; and it is a well-known fact that it was not sung at Rome, during the celebration of Mass, for some centuries after it was used throughout the rest of Europe, on account of the orthodoxy of the people not requiring it. For the same reason the Elevation was introduced in the Mass as a test whereby the followers of Berengarius might be distinguished; and the solemn processions to honor the Holy Eucharist have been designed to compensate in some measure for the irreverence and sacrileges of the last few centuries. Had the Christians retained their primitive fervor, daily Communion, and purity of heart and conduct, there would have been no occasion for the introduction of these rites; but under the state of things which have existed for the last few centuries, it ought to be a subject of infinite consolation to all sincere Christians that the scoffs and blasphemies of modern infidels may be in some measure atoned for, by the solemnities instituted in especial honor of this great Mystery of love. Had we no other rule but that of mere antiquity, the Catholic Ritual would be reduced to a level with the Mahometan Koran. A rite instituted by a Council of the sixteenth century, has not a less claim on the obedience and the reverence of the faithful that one of an older date."

Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, by Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin page 164

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