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Basilissa and Anastasia, MARTYRS, A.D. about 65.

by VP

Posted on Monday April 15, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Basilissa and Anastasia - Wikipedia

"Two noble women, who were disciples of the apostles SS. Peter and Paul at Rome. They were some of the first who suffered martyrdom. Their spirit was according to the Gospel in relieving those who suffered by the cruelty of the Emperor Nero, and comforting such as were obliged to retire. Being seized by the emperor's order, they were so little apprehensive of his threats, that they even raised his fury by defending the innocence of those whom he had put to death. Upon which he commanded their tongues and feet to be cut off, and afterwards finished their sacrifice by the sword.

Strange difference between that primitive age and this! Then it was the great solicitude of Christians to signalize themselves by their generous charity to the distressed, and to prepare for a glorious death. And now the great concern is to be remarkably vain, and to waste all that in extravagance and idleness, which should be the help of the poor. And can you Christian answer this method, that God's blessings being now multiplied to you in peace, you should be less faithful in his service? Let not your plea be in the necessity of complying with the world; for this is a necessity grounded on the love of the world; and had you the spirit of the primitive times, you would soon rank the greater part of this necessity under another head, even that of superfluity and extravagance, The only thing necessary, is to save your soul: study this point and it will soon change all your present ideas.

The martyrs gained in every way by their sufferings, but you lose by not making a good use of what you suffer. You lose when you meet with ill-treatment from your neighbours; laying then aside all mildness, discovering impatience, and treating them with passion. You are losers as often as you are contradicted or opposed, especially by those to whom you are not well affected. You are losers, when you fall under trouble or distress, or are visited with sickness, violence of pain, or loss of friends. In all this confess your weakness, and earnestly beg help of God's goodness." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

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