St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin
by VP
Posted on Friday July 26, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"She was mother of the Blessed Virgin. Admire those virtues by which she was qualified to be the mother of such a blessing; and pray for a large portion of the same, which may recommend you to the favour of heaven.
She was blessed with this happy fruit, after many years of barrenness. Raise up your hope, and be not discouraged at whatever happens. God often defers his help, to render his providence more adorable, and to recompense your patience with greater blessings.
St. Ann was the mother of a family. Pray for all in that state, that God would give them the spirit of discretion and patience, to be faithful in all duties, and to work out their salvation through all their difficulties.
Almighty God having mercifully provided all states with examples among the saints for their encouragement and direction; but the state of marriage having the fewest of all in the Christian calendar; this ought to awaken all of that state to make them fearful, that either their difficulties and dangers are more than ordinary, or that those who are engaged in it are more careless in the concern of salvation than other Christians. There is probably something of both that their difficulties are greater, and their care less and this may have been some motive to the Church to appoint this festival in charity to them. She probably wished that as Christians of all other states in the frequent return of holidays, have so many examples and encouragements to virtue, so these might have their day too, wherein to examine themselves, to ask all necessary helps, and be incited to a holy emulation of the saint whom they honour.
The first difficulty belonging to the state of marriage is in preparing for it. For it being a solemn sacrament, signifying the union of Christ and his Church, it is to be esteemed a holy state; and none ought to engage in it but with holy dispositions. Upon these terms only may those who contract marriage, expect the blessing of heaven. But there being very few who are not carried on either by sensuality, or the violence of blind passion, or the consideration of interest or humour, what wonder is it that blessings do not attend them?
There is afterwards a great difficulty. For when the first passion is abated, if it be not succeeded by a true Christian love, it is almost impossible to satisfy the obligations of this state, in bearing with one another as the apostle commands. So that if Christians that are married, either do not really love, or have not virtue to answer all the effects of love, their life must be a life of sin.
If we add to this, the difficulties belonging to that state, in the care of children; in their education, so as to avoid the two extremes of immoderate fondness, and neglect, and then in disposing of them, so as to provide for their temporal and eternal good. Then the duties towards servants, in which there may be many criminal omissions. Then the great solicitude in family concerns, which in many runs too easily into excess. There appears so many great duties in this state, on one side, and so many difficulties and dangers on the other, that no condition seems to require greater virtue to go through it well. Patience, humility, moderation, courage, longanimity, discretion, and all the gifts of the Holy Ghost, are here necessary. So that as they are guilty of great rashness who engage in it without due preparation, and obliging heaven to direct them in their choice, and fit them for all its difficulties; so it must be as great neglect in those, who having experienced the weight of what they have undertaken, omit this day to importune heaven for all necessary helps, whereby they may be enabled to perform all its duties, and not be hindered by its endless perplexities from securing their eternal salvation." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother.
Prayer to Sainte Anne (To obtain some special favor)
O GLORIOUS St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take V the present affair which I commend to thee under thy special protection . [State your petition.]
Vouchsafe to commend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy outcome. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and, with thee and Mary and all the Saints, praising and blessing Him for all eternity. Amen.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our Life, our Sweetness and our Hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request. [Three times.]
Novena for Priests to the Cure d'Ars Day 1
by VP
Posted on Friday July 26, 2024 at 01:00AM in Prayers
St. John Vianney, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, Raleigh NC
John Vianney, Who Accepted the Cross, O holy priest of Ars, as a young
seminarian you encountered many obstacles on the road to the Priesthood,
but you realized that to suffer was to suffer with Christ on Calvary,
and so, if following our Lord meant taking up His cross, you lovingly
embraced it. Your motto in life became loving while suffering and
suffering in order to love. You did not get discouraged, but your strong
faith united you closer to Jesus every day of your life.
Oh great St. John Vianney, you know what is needed for Father ___ʼs
salvation: a strong faith able to accept the will of God in all things.
To serve Christ, he too must take up his cross and follow Him. By your
prayers, obtain for him a heart full of courage and strength. Obtain for
Father ___ that same courage and strength to follow Jesus
wholeheartedly even if it means following Him to Calvary.
Intercede for him before the Lord that he may do the will of God, obey
the commandments, and loyally love the Church, the Bride of Christ.
Novena Prayer:
O holy Priest of Ars, St. John Marie Vianney, you
loved God and served Him faithfully as His Priest. Now you see God face
to face in heaven. You never despaired but persevered in your faith
until you died. Remember now the dangers, fears and anxieties that
surround Father ___ and intercede for him in all his needs and troubles
especially console him in his most difficult moments, grant him
serenity in the midst of crisis, and protect him from evil. O St. John
Vianney, I have confidence in your intercession.
Pray for Father ___ in a special way during this novena.
Source: Cure d'Ars Prayer Group