Saint Celestine I, Pope (April 6)
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 06, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
Pope Celestine I - Wikipedia
"Saint Celestine was a native of Rome, and upon the demise of Pope Boniface he was chosen to succeed him in September 422, by the wonderful consent of the whole city. His first official act was to confirm the condemnation of an African bishop who had been convicted of grave crimes. He wrote also to the bishops of the provinces of Vienne and Narbonne in Gaul, to correct several abuses, and ordered, among other things, that absolution or reconciliation should never be refused to any dying sinner who sincerely asked it; for repentance depends not so much on time as on the heart. He assembled a synod at Rome in 430, in which the writings of Nestorius were examined, and his blasphemies in maintaining in Christ a divine and a human person were condemned. The Pope pronounced sentence of excommunication against Nestorius, and deposed Him. Being informed that Agricola, the son of a British bishop called Severianus, who had been married before he was raised to the priesthood, had spread the seeds of the Pelagian heresy in Britain, Saint Celestine sent thither Saint Germanus of Auxerre, whose zeal and conduct happily prevented the threatening danger. he also sent saint Palladius, a Roman, to preach the Faith to the Scots, both in North Britain and in Ireland, and many authors of the life of St. Patrick say that apostle likewise received his commission to preach to the Irish from Saint Celestine, in 431. This holy Pope died on the 1rst of August in 432, having reigned almost ten years.
Reflection: Vigilance is truly needful to those to whom the care of souls has been confided. "Blessed are the servants whom the Lord at His coming shall find watching."
Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints
Saturday in Easter Week.
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 06, 2024 at 01:00AM in Meditations
"Christ, rising from the dead, is our instruction at this time, that whoever pretends to be His disciple, ought not to lie buried in the grave of sin, but rise with His Lord to a life of grace, obeying the summons of St. Paul: "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall enlighten thee". No one can be a true disciple of Christ, who believes not what He teaches; neither can any one seriously judge himself His disciple, if he does not what Christ commands. He commands you now, O Christian, to awake and arise from sin. If you do it not, how do you belong to Him? For this end, the Church now calls upon you by confession and sincere repentance to purify your soul from whatever can defile, and present it a pure offering before God, if not without spot nothing that can render It may be easily known or blemish, at least so that there be you unfit to accompany your Lord. How near you are come to be this happy soul, if you consider yourself by St. Paul's measures: "If you are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth". Not that a Christian is entirely to banish from his heart the thoughts of all worldly things. This cannot be in this life, where our duty in several ways links us to this world; but that our hearts be so possessed with the love of God, that using this world only as far as necessity requires, our great concern and solicitude in the main body of our actions may be how to perform the Will of God, and work out our salvation.
This is the method, and
these are the marks of a soul risen with Christ: and where these are
not, it is to be feared that the soul goes not beyond the ceremony of a
resurrection and repentance. Deceive not then yourself any more,
Christian soul; for you cannot deceive Him, who is the searcher of
hearts. If at this time you have thoughts of repenting, see that your
repentance be accompanied with a change of yourself, and with amendment
for otherwise, though Christ be risen, yet you can expect no part in the
resurrection of the just." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother