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Saint Vedast

by VP

Posted on Tuesday February 06, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Remigius baptizes Clovis I, by the Master of Saint Gilles, c. 1500

"EVANGELICAL MEEKNESS: St. Vedast had the glory of leading, by means of his devout exhortations, King Clovis to the saving waters of baptism. He accompanied the haughty prince while on his way to Rheims to join St. Remigius. Vedast at that time was practicing the hermetical life in a solitary spot near Toul. Having afterwards been raised to the see of Arras, he converted a multitude of unbelievers, and erected in different parts of his diocese a great number of new churches. His gentleness, affability, and modesty won all hearts. The poor regarded him as their father, and never entreated him in vain ; the rich looked upon him as their friend, as one who held their persons in esteem, and did not condemn the legitimate enjoyment of their worldly possessions; the unbelievers regarded him as a very oracle, and the Christians as a saint. After having exercised for forty years this ministry of charity, conciliation, and apostolic labours, frequently illustrated by miracles, he died on the 6th February, 540.

MORAL REFLECTION.-It is but a little matter to convince the mind, if the heart be not won over; to demonstrate the truths of religion does not suffice - it is of more account to cause it to be loved. Let us adopt, then, as our guiding-line of conduct the counsel of St. Paul: "To become all things to all men, to gain all to Christ."-(1 Cor. ix. 22.) Pictorial Half hour with the Saints, by Rev. Fr. Auguste Lecanu