CAPG's Blog 

Bishop Schneider’s Prayer for the Synod on Synodality

by VP

Posted on Friday September 29, 2023 at 09:30AM in Prayers

Lord Jesus Christ, Our God and Saviour, You are the Head of the Church, Your spotless Bride and Mystical Body. Look mercifully upon the profound distress to which Our Holy Mother Church has been subjected. Doctrinal confusion, moral abomination, and liturgical abuse have, in our day, reached an unprecedented height. “The heathens have come into your inheritance, having defiled your holy temple, and laid Jerusalem in ruins” (Ps 79:1). Churchmen who have lost the true Faith and become promoters of a worldly globalist agenda, are intent on changing Your truths and Commandments, the Divine Constitution of the Church, and the Apostolic tradition.

O Lord, with humble spirit and contrite heart we beseech You, prevent the enemies of the Church from exulting in a victory over the authentic Catholic Church obtained by imposing a counterfeit church under the guise of “synodality.” Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come to the aid of Your Church with Your almighty strength. For where sin and apostasy in the Church abounds, the victory of Your grace will abound the more.

We firmly believe that the gates of Hell will not prevail against Your Church. In this hour, in which our beloved and holy Mother Church is suffering her Golgotha, we promise to remain with her. Graciously accept our interior and exterior sufferings, which we humbly offer in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, as a reparation for our own sins and for the sins of sacrilege and apostasy within the Church.

O Lord, send forth your Holy Angels under the command of Saint Michael the Archangel, to bring your heavenly light to the Pope and synod participants, and to frustrate the plans of your enemies within the synod assembly. O Lord, look mercifully upon the little ones in the Church, look upon the hidden souls who sacrifice themselves for the Church, look upon all the tears, sighs and supplications of the true children of the Church, and through the merits of the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother, arise, O Lord, and by Your intervention grant Your Church holy shepherds who, imitating Your example, will give their lives for You and Your sheep. O Lord, we beseech You: Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant us a holy Pope, zealous in promoting and defending the Catholic Faith, we implore You, grant it! Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant us holy and intrepid bishops, we implore You, grant it! Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant us holy priests, who are men of God, we implore You, grant it! In You, O Lord, we rest our hope: let us never be put to shame. To You, O Lord Jesus Christ, be given all honour and glory in Your Holy Church. You live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit: God, forever and ever. Amen.


September 29, 2023
+ Athanasius Schneider


Father Thomas Price

by VP

Posted on Tuesday September 12, 2023 at 01:00AM in From the Past

"Rev. Thomas Price: What explanation can be given to the questions: When a person has been thoroughly educated in the Catholic Faith, having had great care bestowed on his training, but who when he reaches manhood falls away from the Church and says he does not believe in the religion of his childhood?

The general reply is that faith is a gift of God whereby we trust God and all that He says simply because He says it, and that a person loses this trust in God because of his faithlessness to God's grace. Education and training, the very best education and training, are after all only a means, a great means, but after all only a means, to strengthen this trust in God and what He says, and after it is all done a person may and sometimes does through faithlessness to God's grace fall, that is, lose this belief in God and God's words. No man ever loses faith in God or the Catholic Church except by his own fault. The fault may be hidden. It may be pride, especially of intellect; it may be wilful trifling with temptations against faith, it may be a loss of grace through immoral life, or it may be a neglect of the means of grace, the sacraments, etc. But in every particular case, if the truth can be reached, it will be found to be faithlessness to God's grace. Neither any amount of education nor training nor anything else can save a man against his own will, nor cause him to retain Catholic faith if he is untrue to God's grace. Such persons as you speak of are usually led away from the Church by pride, or baneful associations of one kind or another, terminating in faithlessness to the graces of faith. They often yield to these influences for a time and then return to God and the Church. Let our correspondent pray, as St. Monica prayed for St. Augustine, and the same God who listened to Monica's prayers will not fail our correspondent."

Source Truth Magazine   page 74. June 1908 Founded 1897 by Rev. Thomas Frederick Price

The diocesan phase for the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Father Price was opened on March 9, 2012. 

Please join us in prayer for its success.

Heavenly Father, You so inspired Father Thomas Frederick Price with love for You and zeal for the Gospel that he dedicated his life to serve You and Your Church, first in North Carolina, his home state, and then in the foreign missions. Grant that by his example we may grow in holiness and into a deeper union with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to be authentic witnesses of the Gospel and proclaim the Holy Name of Jesus throughout the Diocese of Raleigh and to all the people and in all the places we are sent to love and serve.

If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Father Thomas Frederick Price, by granting the favor I (we) now request through his prayerful intercession (mention your request here). I (we) make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Source: Cure d'Ars Prayer Group

The Bishop

by VP

Posted on Sunday September 10, 2023 at 01:00AM in Documents

"The bishop saying Mass, administering the sacraments or preaching the Gospel is the most perfect image of Christ. He does so according to the laws of the universal church. In him the clergy and people see Christ the Bishop of eternity. "He that receiveth you receiveth me. He that despiseth you despiseth me." That relates not only to the Pope. to the bishop, but in a less degree to any pastor, to any minister of Christ. For the ministers of Christ preach not themselves but "Christ and Him crucified."

The bishop is the head of the diocese. He is the father of all the faithful in the diocese. For he brings forth his spiritual children, his priests and clergymen by rite of holy ordination. They are the images of himself. The Priests he ordains are his sons whom he brings forth to God. He feeds his children by the words of life, by good example, by heavenly food, by the teachings of eternal life.

Happy is the diocese and the clergy who have a bishop after the heart of Jesus Christ, who lives the life of the Master.

The good bishop loves his clergy; looks on them as a father on his children; he upholds the good priest; he rewards the men of God; he defends the weak; he treats them with justice, benignity, gentleness, kindness; he is clothed with the bowels of the mercy of Jesus Christ, with forgiveness looking down from on high on those who falter on the way.

Behold his name will be called blessed, his clergy and people will love him, they will uphold him; like Moses on the mount, they will stand under his weary hands, strengthening him till he gains the victory over all enemies of the Lord and of his church. Both clergy and people will love him because he is "like unto the only begotten Son of God full of grace and truth" who "for us men and for our salvation left the bosom of his Father, came down from heaven and was made man and dwelt among us: to show pastors how to rule their subjects."

Source: Christ's Kingdom on Earth, or, The Church and Her Divine Constitution , organization, and Framework: Explained for the People by Fr. James Meagher 1892

"Stand Firm in Your Faith" Bishop Strickland

by VP

Posted on Saturday September 09, 2023 at 03:36PM in Documents

Holy Mass in bombed St. Paul Cathedral in Münster, 1946 r.(c) Aschendorff Verlag

"Regrettably, it may be that some will label as schismatics those who disagree with the changes being proposed. Be assured, however, that no one who remains firmly upon the plumb line of our Catholic faith is a schismatic. We must remain unabashedly and truly Catholic, regardless of what may be brought forth. We must be aware also that it is not leaving the Church to stand firm against these proposed changes. As St. Peter said "Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (Jn. 6:68) Therefore, standing firm does not mean we are seeking to leave the Church. Instead, those who would propose changes to that which cannot be changed seek to commandeer Christ's Church, and they are indeed the true schismatics."  Stand Firm in Your Faith, Bishop Strickland, Diocese of Tyler

Prayer for the Holy Church

Lord, God of virtues, turn Thy loving face towards us and save us!

Thou didst banish idolatry from the world, and didst plant the vine of the Church with so much care, that carefully revealed truth was made known in all parts of the world. The cross of Jesus Christ has been everywhere adored, the prophecy has been fulfilled which announced that one day the true faith should fill the whole world.

But too soon heresy, that wild beast coming forth from the forest of hell, came to lay waste that vine, so that error is now reigning in many kingdoms of Europe. And what is still more deplorable is that in countries that have remained faithful the Faith has now become an object of persecution on the part of the unbelieving.

Ah, my God! We beg Thee to turn Thy face to us, and behold now Thy vine has been laid waste. Look on it, visit it, and repair the damage done to it by its enemies: they have despised and turned into derision Thy Church, Thy Scriptures, Thy precepts, Thy maxims, in a word, all holy truths.

Call to mind O Eternal Father, that in order to obey Thee and to cultivate this vine according to Thy holy will, Thy Son Jesus Christ made himself the Son of Man; call to mind that He consecrated the sweat and fatigue of His whole life to planting it.

We pray Thee, then, through Thy love for this divine Son, to hear our prayer: do Thou vouchsafe to govern and preserve the Holy Church; do Thou vouchsafe to humble her enemies. We pray Thee, hear us. St. Alphonsus' Prayer Book (1888)

Modernism and the Old Faith

by VP

Posted on Sunday September 03, 2023 at 11:56AM in Quotes

"The Pope had very special and peculiar difficulty in dealing with the Catholic Modernists; for Modernism was very insidious in its methods. The Modernists said: there may be difficulties about the dogmas of faith from the point of view of philosophy and historical criticism; they may not be philosophically and historically true; but, even so, their religious value remains, for they can be believed by faith. To the ordinary faithful Faith meant intellectual assent to truths on the authority of the word of God. It seemed, then, as if the Catholic Modernists were not impugning the intellectual truth of the dogmas of faith. But the Modernists meant by Faith the use of dogmas as rules of action; we should live and act, they said, as if Christ were God, as if He had arisen from the dead, as if He were really present in the Blessed Eucharist. There was then an equivocal use of the word "faith".

The true faith of the Church was being undermined. Intellectual assent to the dogmas of faith on the authority of God would be impossible if the dogmas themselves were philosophically or historically false. Thus Modernism was a formula or prescription for an easy imperceptible death to Christianity. But Pope Pius X. intervened, and saved his people from the poisoned prescriptions of the Modernists." The Catholic Book Bulletin, Vol 1 P33-34 1911, Modernism and the Old Faith by Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Goghlan, D.D.

Prayer to the Holy Angels for Parishes
All you legions and choirs of Angels, please make haste to come to the aid and defense of our One Holy Roman Catholic Church. Led by St. Michael, may She be protected from destruction within by all modernistic attempts that try to diminish the true presence of God and take away His proper and due respect! In particular, come to the aid of my parish (name your parish) that it may remain or be remade to be a place of reverence and a stronghold from which the One True Triune God may continue to lead and strengthen us. Amen.

Priests' First Saturdays

by VP

Posted on Saturday September 02, 2023 at 01:00AM in Prayers

Saint Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest

"The first Thursday of the month of the first Saturday of the month is dedicated to the priesthood. The faithful offer all their prayers and good works of the entire day, their sacrifices, Masses, communions, sufferings, and joys, through the pure hands of Mary, the Mother of Priests, to Jesus, the “Supreme and Eternal Priest,” for the sanctification of priests and candidates for the priesthood. Parishioners are asked to pray especially for their parish clergy. If Jesus prayer for His Apostles; if the Mother of God prayed for them; why should not our Catholic people pray for their successors, the Pope, the Bishops, and the priests?"

"As recently as 1934 the General of the Salvatorians suggested to Pope Pius XI that one Saturday each month might become a day specially devoted to prayers for priests. Pius XI agreed wholeheartedly, declaring that he praised and blessed the suggestion, and since 1934, bishops of more than fifty European dioceses have recommended this practice. How does one take part in Priestsʼ Saturday? It means offering the Saturday after the First Friday of the month wholly and entirely for the sanctification of priests throughout the world; offering Mass and Holy Communion together with all the prayers, actions, joys, sorrows of the day and offering it all to Christ through the hands of Mary. Priestsʼ Saturday is intended to help all priests--the Pope, the bishops, missionaries, all who teach in seminaries and schools, the contemplative religious, the parish priests. For some people a weekday Mass will be impossible. Still they can make an offering of their whole day, and they could say this prayer at least once on Priestsʼ Saturday:"

Source: Priests' Saturday

Priests' First Saturday

Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who hast entrusted the whole work of Thy redemption, the welfare and salvation of the world, to priests as Thy representatives, through the hands of Thy most holy Mother and for the sanctification of Thy priests and candidates for the priesthood I offer Thee this present day wholly and entirely, with all its prayers, works, sacrifices, joys, and sorrows.
Give truly holy priests who, inflamed with the fire of Thy divine love, seek nothing but Thy greater glory and the salvation of our souls.
And thou, Mary, good Mother of priests, protect all priests in the dangers of their holy vocation and, with the loving hand of a Mother, also lead back to the Good Shepherd those poor priests who have become unfaithful to their exalted vocation and have gone astray.

In addition to the above make it a point also to recite frequently the following:

Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who Hast entrusted the weal and woes of Thy Holy Church to priests, with all the fervor of my heart I recommend to Thee the wants of my pastor and all priests. Enrich them more and more with true priestly sanctity. Give them generous, all embracing, apostolic hearts, full of love for Thee and for all Thy souls, so that they, being themselves sanctified in Thee, may sanctify us who are confided to their care, and may lead us safely to heaven. Bestow upon them in rich abundance all Thy priestly graces!
Let them ever give us a glowing example of love and fidelity towards Holy Mother Church, towards the Pope, and bishops, and grant that by word and example they may shine as models of every virtue.
Most loving Jesus, bless all their priestly labors and sacrifices! Bless all their prayers and words at the altar and in the confessional, in the pulpit, and in school, in confraternities, and at the bedside of the sick!
Protect and preserve them in all dangers from within and from without.
Divine Savior, give to Thy Church priests who abound in true holiness! Call many good boys and young men to the priestly and religious state! Aid and sanctify all those who are to become Thy priests! And to the souls of departed priests grant everlasting rest. But to me give a true spirit of faith and humble obedience, in order that in my pastor I may ever behold the representative of God and willingly follow all his teachings. Amen