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St. John Gaulbert. Abbot, A.D. 1073

by VP

Posted on Friday July 12, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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St. John Gualbert with other Vallumbrosan saints and beati

"He was born at Florence, and for some time a soldier; but upon showing mercy to the murderer of his brother, God rewarded this his charity in forgiving an enemy, by inspiring him with holy resolutions of changing his life. Entering into a religious house, where he became an example of all virtues, he afterwards instituted a new order, under the rule of St. Benedict, which from the valley where the saint built the first monastery, was called the order of Vallis Umbrosa, or the shady valley. St. John was chosen the first abbot; and, with other religious men who followed him, wholly applied himself to make war against error, and all the practices of simony. In this undertaking, he met with great opposition, and suffered much : but God blessed his endeavours with great success. Being at length exhausted with labour, fasting, watching, prayer, mortification, and old age, he died in the year 1073.

Pray for all the religious of this order, that they may keep up the spirit of their holy founder. Pray for his charity, that you may learn that gospel-lesson of forgiving and loving your enemies. Great blessings are entailed upon it; and so you are to expect pardon of God for your own sins, as you forgive others, who have offended you. But then see that you be sincere in this. It is easy to say that you forgive them; but this must be from your heart; and the charity of your heart must manifest itself in your behaviour, in your words and actions. If you cannot come up to this, remember that your profession of charity is to be suspected as false and counterfeit ; and you cannot have true peace, till you have gained this point. Pray for grace, that you may be no ways wanting in this essential duty. Join likewise your prayers this day for rooting out all practices of simony from among the faithful; they are very provoking to God, who manifested his early anger against them in Simon Magus. Let no kind of temporal advantage influence you in spiritual affairs." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Pius I. POPE AND MARTYR, A.D. 157.

by VP

Posted on Thursday July 11, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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"ST. PIUS was a native of Aquileia. He had served the church among the clergy at Rome many years under the Emperors Hadrian and Antoninus Pius, when he succeeded St. Hyginus in the pontifical throne in the year 142. He condemned the heresiarch Valentinus, and rejected Marcion, who came from Pontus to Rome after the death of St Hyginus. He appears to have died by the sword, and thus obtained the crown of martrydom; though some suppose that he is styled a martyr merely on account of the severe conflicts which he sustained. He passed to a better life in the year 157.

Pray for the present bishop of that holy see; that God would assist him for the faithful discharge of all duties. Pray for all pastors and for all the faithful. Pray for yourself, that your life may be answerable to your faith. Pray for all that are out of the church; that God would shew mercy to them, and bring them into the fold of Christ. Study to obtain the spirit of the martyrs; that the love of God and the faith of the life to come may make all that welcome, which may any way help to secure to you the possession of what you desire. How are you to think yourself unhappy under the afflictions of this life, when an humble submission to them is of so great value in the purchase of heaven? Comfort and relieve, as far as you can, such as are persecuted for truth or justice. If you know any, whom the iniquity of men has made miserable, show your compassion; for thus you will oblige God to your assistance, and lay up treasures in heaven. Be not one of those who court such as are in prosperity; but if the world has frowned upon them, then know them not; for this is a baseness of spirit unworthy of a Christian. Let your conduct be regulated by duty, and not by human respects or worldly considerations." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Seven Brothers, Felicitas their mother and Ss. Rufina and Secunda, Virgins, Martyrs second century

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Felicitas and her Seven Sons

"The seven brothers were the sons of St. Felicitas, a noble pious Christian widow in Rome, who brought them up in the most perfect sentiments and practice of heroic virtue. The mother and sons were apprehended, and brought before Publius, the prefect of Rome. He used the strongest inducements to bring them to sacrifice to the pagan gods; but despairing of overcoming their resolution, the prefect laid the whole process of the examination before the Emperor Antoninus. He, having read the interrogatory, gave orders that they should be condemned to different deaths. One of the brothers was scourged to death; two were beaten with clubs till they expired. Another was thrown headlong down a steep precipice. The three youngest were beheaded; and the same sentence was executed upon the mother four months after.

SS. Rufina and Secunda were sisters, who having consecrated their virginity to God, and resolutely refused all offers of marriage made by their parents, were accused for their faith in Christ; and after many torments of scourges and fire, were beheaded at Rome under Valerian. Pray for all those who are dejected in troubles; that God would give them the patience of the martyrs.

Consider what it is to want comfort; have compassion on those who stand in need of it, and pray for their relief. Humble yourself under your present troubles, and beseech God to sanctify them to you. All your disquiets avail you nothing; but a patient submission may save your soul. Pray for all those who have consecrated their virginity to God, and for those who live in that state in the world. The devil and the world are so much their enemies, and so many snares are before them, that all good Christians have reason to stand on their side. Be ever cautious in making vows; and never do it but with good advice. But if you have obliged yourself, see that you be faithful in the performance." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Elizabeth Queen of Portugal, Widow, A.D. 1336

by VP

Posted on Monday July 08, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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"THIS saint was queen of Portugal; and in the several states of virgin, wife, and widow, was a religious example of humility, charity, piety, and mortification. She was of a most sweet and mild disposition; and from her tender years had no relish for anything, but what was conducive to piety and devotion. Esteeming virtue her only advantage and delight, she abhorred romances and idle entertainments, and was an enemy to all the vanities of the world. Being married to the king of Portugal, she found no temptation to pride in the dazzling splendour of a crown. She was abstemious in her diet, mean in her attire, humble, meek, affable in conversation, and wholly bent upon the service of God in all her actions. Charity to the poor was a distinguishing part of her character. She visited the sick, served them, and dressed their most loathsome sores. She made it her principal study to pay to her husband the most dutiful respect, love, and obedience; and bore his injuries with invincible meekness and patience. After his death, St. Elizabeth consecrated herself to the divine service in the third order of St. Francis; and continued to support a great number of poor people by her alms and protection. In her last sickness, she received the Holy Viaticum on her knees, and shortly after, Extreme Unction; from which time she continued in fervent prayer, often invoking the Blessed Virgin. She appeared overflowing with heavenly joy, and gave up her happy soul to God in the year 1336, of her age sixty-five.

Consider her life, and you will find it the reproach of your own. If you cannot submit to those humiliations which she sought; if you think happiness to be in such vanities as she despised; if you spend in these, what she distributed to the poor; if her solitude, frequent prayer and fasting seem an aggrievance; you have reason to blush at yourself, pray for grace and amend." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Pantaenus, Father of the Church

by VP

Posted on Sunday July 07, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Pantaenus, PD

"Philosophy and religion: St. Pantaenus, gifted with the nobles qualities of mind and heart, had devoted himself to the study and practice of the Stoic philosophy, which was held in high esteem amongst the ancients. But when he had arrived at the knowledge of Christianity, he at once understood that philosophy was as naught in comparison with the Gospel. Having become a Christian, he was charged with the direction of the school of Christian philosophy, instituted at Alexandria by the disciples of St. Mark. He was directing it with as much talent as true learning, when the bishop of Alexandria sent him to the Indies in order to combat the doctrines of the Brahmins, and revivify the faith. With the result of his labors we are unacquainted; it is only known that he returned after an interval of some years, bringing back with him a copy, in Hebrew, of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, which must have been taken thither by St. Bartholomew. The illustrious St. Cyril, of Alexandria, is to be reckoned among his disciples. St. Pantaenus died the death of the saints at Alexandria about the year 215, after having taught his followers to sanctify their lives rather than to indulge in subtle discussions.

Moral Reflection: "Have a care that none lead you astray by a vain philosophy," says the Apostle; for philosophy, indeed, apart from religion, is a vain thing. ( Colos. 2. 8.) Pictorial half hours with the saints By Abbe Auguste François Lecanu 1865

Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria, Confessor

by VP

Posted on Friday July 05, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Forum Catholique

"Absorbed in meditating on the great Sacrifice and his heart burning with love for God, he went to the foot of the altar. A profound and religious silence prevailed among those present, and all eyes were turned on him, a sign of the great event about to take place. At the solemn moment of consecration, a marvelous light encircled him and a multitude of Angels descended, and surrounding him, assisted reverently at the Mass. This heavenly vision lasted until the end of Communion." Source: Barnabite Fathers

Prayer for a Parish Priest

O Almighty and Merciful God, who moved by Thine infinite goodness,hast deigned to call Thy servant Father [N] to the ministry of Thy altar, listen graciously to our humble prayer, that, sustained by Thy grace, he may become daily less unworthy of his holy vocation, and vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to bless and sanctify both his words and his works, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, model of the priestly heart, have mercy.

St. Junipero Serra, Spanish priest and Missionary

by VP

Posted on Monday July 01, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Saint Junipero Serra

Prayer: O sincere and humble Saint Serra, we ask for your intercession that those called to serve our Lord through priestly and religious vocations might do so with the same obedience, zeal, and humility you exhibited as a priest, teacher, and spiritual father. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

"Twenty-five leagues from Monterey he (Junipero) came upon a little stream which watered a lovely oak-studded valley inclosed by rugged mountains. The beauty of this wild and lonely place charmed him. He decided to found the mission here. The bells were accordingly unpacked and suspended from the branch of a great oak. Junipero seized the ropes and shouted with a kind of delirious rapture, "Hear, Gentiles, come, come, to the Holy Church, come, come, to receive the faith of Jesus Christ."

One of the friars, Fray Miguel Pieras, remonstrated with him. "Why do you tire yourself in this way?" he demanded. "There are no Indians in sight; it is a waste of time to ring the bells.""I would like these bells to be heard by all the world," exclaimed Junípero, " or at least by all the Gentiles who live in the mountains."  Junípero Serra; the Man and His Work By Abigail Hetzel Fitch

"With no less carefulness did this servant of God try to draw his children toward the worship of the most Holy Sacrament. He instructed them to prepare and decorate arches in the road where the procession of Corpus Christi would pass. Four chapels were placed along the way with their respective altars where our Crucified Lord might rest, and after the singing in each one of them of the corresponding anthem, verse and prayer, an Indian stood up (generally a little boy) and recited a praise to the Divine Sacrament, of which two were in Spanish and two in the Pame dialect, which were very touching and increased the devotion of all. When they had returned to the church a Mass was sung and a sermon preached on this most Holy Mystery. With the same carefulness he consecrated himself to encourage in all devotion to our Lady Mary, and especially to her Most Immaculate Conception, preparing for this celebration with a Novena at which all the people were present. On the great day of the feast Mass was sung, a sermon was preached, and afterwards they chanted The Joys of the Most Immaculate Conception. Every Sunday afternoon they recited the Crown of Our Mother of Mercy, finishing it with a Hymn of Praise and the Hymn of Joy, which were sung. In order to make this the more attractive the Venerable Father had had sent out from Mexico a sculptured image of our most Sweet Lady which was put upon a platform and taken out in procession through the town every Saturday night, the illumination being made with lanterns, and with the accompaniment of the singing of the Rosary. After coming back again into the church they sang the hymn, “Tota pulchra es Maria," which our beloved servant translated into Spanish and which the Indians learned by heart and chanted with great solemnity, producing in all who heard it the greatest tenderness, especially that verse which says: "Thou art the honor of our people" and by means of which a most ardent devotion was kindled toward our Most Merciful Mother.

In the same way he tried to impress upon their plastic hearts devotion to Saint Michael, Archangel, to the Most Holy Patriarch, Saint Joseph; to our Holy Father, Saint Francis, and to the other Saints in such a fashion that the whole people were as well instructed as if they were Spaniards and had been brought up Catholics, all this being due to the very fervent zeal of our Venerable Fr. Junípero. In view of the most laborious service of this model Prelate his subordinates were set to imitate him, as well as were also the friars of the other four Missions, and through these means the whole of the five towns became as thoroughly Christian as if they had always been such." Francisco Palou's Life and Apostolic Labors of the Venerable Father Junípero By Francisco Palóu 1913

St. Theobald of Provins, 1066

by VP

Posted on Sunday June 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Saint Thibault

THE FORCE OF EXAMPLE.-Thibault, son of Count Arnold of Champagne, was taken with a love for the cœnobitic life through reading the lives of the hermits of the Thebaid, and began to initiate himself therein from early childhood. While still a youth he secretly left the paternal roof, accompanied by a friend, named Walter, with whom he proceeded to Suabia, exchanging on the road their rich garments for humble attire. They took up their abode in a forest, and, subsequently, in a wild solitude near Vicenza. They gained their livelihood by the labour of their hands, returning to their quiet cell to support themselves on the proceeds, amid the most rigorous austerities. Walter dying while in this retirement, Thibault, now left alone, forthwith redoubled his fervour of life. His virtue having attracted the attention of the public, the Count and Countess de Champagne succeeded at length in finding their son. They came to seek him, and, overcome with admiration at the angelic life he was leading, prostrated themselves at his feet. The count would have remained with him had not urgent affairs precluded him from so doing. The countess, however, stayed with her son, who built a cell for her, and soon after died at the age of thirty-three. Alexander III. inscribed his name among the saints.

MORAL REFLECTION.-Thus may the example of the saints influence people living in the world, and even thus may youth "be formed from the pattern shown."-(Exod. xxv. 40.)

Saint Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, Doctor of the Church

by VP

Posted on Friday June 28, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Irénée ; Vitraux de Lucien Bégule (1901), Église Saint-Irénée.

"This  Saint  was  born  about  the  year  120.  He  was  a  Grecian, probably  a  native  of  Lesser  Asia.  •  His  parents,  who  were Christians,  placed  him  under  the  care  of  the  great  St.  Polycarp,  Bishop  of  Smyrna.  It  was  in  so  holy  a  school  that  he learned  that  sacred  science  which  rendered  him  afterward  a  great ornament  of  the  Church  and  the  terror  of  her  enemies.  St.  Polycarp  cultivated  his  rising  genius,  and  formed  his  mind  to  piety  by precepts  and  example;  and  the  zealous  scholar  was  careful  to reap  all  the  advantages  which  were  offered  him  by  the  happiness of  such  a  master.  Such  was  his  veneration  for  his  tutor's  sanctity that  he  observed  every  action  and  whatever  he  saw  in  that  holy  man, the  better  to  copy  his  example  and  learn  his  spirit.  He  listened to his  instructions  with  an  insatiable  ardor,  and  so  deeply  did  he engrave  them  on  his  heart  that  the  impressions  remained  most lively  even  to  his  old  age.  In  order  to  confute  the  heresies  of  his age,  this  father  made  himself  acquainted  with  the  most  absurd conceits  of  their  philosophers,  by  which  means  he  was  qualified to  trace  up  every  error  to  its  sources  and  set  it  in  its  full  light.
St.  Polycarp  sent  St.  Irenaeus  into  Gaul,  in  company  with  some priest ;  he  was  himself  ordained  priest  of  the  Church  of  Lyons  by St.  Pothinus.  St.  Pothinus  having  glorified  God  by  his  happy death,  in  the  year  177,  our  Saint  was  chosen  the  second  Bishop  of Lyons.  By  his  preaching,  he  in  a  short  time  converted  almost that  whole  country  to  the  faith.    He  wrote  several  works  against heresy,  and  at  last,  with  many  others,  suffered  martyrdom  about the  year  202,  under  the  Emperor  Severus,  at  Lyons. (Pictorial lives of the saints : with reflections for every day of the year, by Shea, John Gilmary, 1824-1892)

"For where is the Church is, there likewise is the Spirit of God. And where the Spirit of God is, there likewise is the Church, there all grace." Against Heresies 3:24:1 St.  Irenaeus

"Woe to them who alienate themselves from her! They suck not in life from the nourishing breasts to which their Mother invites them, they slake not their thirst at the limpid Fount of the Lord's Body: but, afar from the rock of unity, they drink the muddy waters of cisterns dug in fetid slime where there is not a drop of water of truth." The Liturgical Year: Time after Pentecost (v. 11, 3rd ed.) By Prosper Gueranger

"O God, who didst vouchsafe unto blessed Irenaeus, Thy martyr and bishop, by his strenuous teaching of the truth, utterly to confute heresies, and happily to establish peace in Thy Church: grant unto us Thy people, we beseech Thee, to be steadfast in the practice of our holy religion, and in all our days to enjoy that peace which is from Thee."

 God, the author and lover of peace, to know Whom is to live, and to serve Whom is to reign, protect us Thy suppliants from all assaults, that we, who trust in Thy defense, by the intercession of blessed Irenaeus, Thy martyr and bishop, may not fear the arms of any of our foes. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever."

Collect and Post Communion,

Ladislaus I of Hungary

by VP

Posted on Thursday June 27, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Saint Ladislaus Hungarian King 1077-1095

THE CROWN OF THE CHRISTIAN. -Whatever rank or station you hold, ever bear in mind that you are a Christian. Christianity is above all greatness, and baptism is more holy than the unction of kings. Far from being an obstacle to the accomplishment of duty, Christianity is the hallowing thereof. Thus it was that Ladislaus, elected king of Hungary in 1080, understood and knew how to fulfil the high charge confided to him, The most humble of Christ's followers never showed greater zeal in the accomplishment of Christian works or more simple and modest virtues than he. Never did sovereign exhibit more ardour for the reign of justice, or more courage in defending his country. He annexed to his dominions Cracovia and Dalmatia, expelled the Huns, and conquered the Poles, Russians, and Tartars. He was preparing for a great crusade against the infidels, in order to wrest from them possession of the Holy Land, when he died in 1095. His tomb has been illustrated by numerous miracles.

MORAL REFLECTION.-There is no true greatness apart from religion. "The great man, and the judge, and the mighty is in honour; but there is none greater than he that feareth God."-(Eccles. x. 27.)" Pictorial Half Hours with the Saints by Abbe Auguste Lecanu