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Saint Leocadia, A.D. 304

by VP

Posted on Monday December 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Mariano Salvador Maella: Saint Leocadia before the Praetor

DOCILITY OF VIRTUE.-The practice of the highest virtues is really difficult to those only who are animated with the worldly spirit. Any one who is trained to well-doing accomplishes it without effort, but the transition from evil to good is more arduous, because the habits already contracted, and the sentiments long cherished, oppose a formidable barrier. Leocadia was living at Toledo in the practice of all Christian virtues, and had grown accustomed thereto from her childhood. Far from aspiring after the advantages and prospects of the world, she only longed for martyrdom; her soul was inflamed with ardour in reading the lives of the saints, and she piously envied above all the combats and goodly reward which fell to St. Eulalia. God lent a favourable ear to her yearnings; she was brought before the governor Dacian during the course of Diocletian's persecution, cast into chains, tortured with horrible atrocity, and finally thrown into prison, where she expired from her sufferings. Thus does death itself become sweet to any one that knows how to desire it aright.

MORAL REFLECTION.- "By thy commandments I have had understanding; how sweet are thy words to my palate! more than honey to my mouth."-(Psa. cxix. 103.) Pictorial Half Hours with the Saints by Fr. Auguste Lecanu

St. Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, A.D. 397

by VP

Posted on Saturday December 07, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Ambrose by Gerard Seghers  (1591–1651)

"ST. AMBROSE was the most admirable model of invincible courage and constancy in resisting evil, and discharging his duty, since the days of the apostles. His father was a supreme magistrate of the empire; and the saint's birth happened about the year 340. Whilst he was a child, and lay asleep in one of the courts of his father's palace, a swarm of bees flew about his cradle, and some of them crept in and out of his mouth, and at last they mounted up into the air quite out of sight. This was looked upon as a presage of his future greatness and eloquence.

He was chosen bishop of Milan by a particular direction of heaven. Having undertaken the pastoral charge, he was a zealous promoter of church discipline; opposing errors and punishing vice, never letting the dignity of the offenders, or the fear of offending great ones, deter him from the just censure of the offence. Thus he refused admittance into the church to the Emperor Theodosius, because he had commanded a cruel massacre of seven thousand people at Thessalonica and when the emperor attempted some excuse, by saying that David had sinned, the holy bishop firmly replied: "Then as you have followed him in sinning, follow him also in repenting." Theodosius submitted, accepted the penance enjoined him, and passed eight months in his palace in mourning and penance. After this he went to the church, but St. Ambrose still forbade him to enter it, and ordered him to place himself among the public penitents at the church door. There he knelt and lay long prostrate in the rank of the penitents, lamenting his sin, and begging pardon of God; until St. Ambrose, satisfied that he was truly penitent, gave him absolution. It was by the piety and zeal of St. Ambrose, that St. Augustin was reclaimed from his errors and sinful life.

Pray that all prelates and pastors may possess the spirit of St. Ambrose, so as to be above all flattery, fear, and human respect. Pray for all who are engaged in errors and sins; and beg the charity of this saint to join with you for obtaining grace for them." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

Prayer of St. AmbroseJESUS CHRIST, our High Priest and Pontiff, who hast offered thyself on the altar of the cross, a pure and unspotted host for us poor sinners, who hast given us thy flesh to eat and thy blood to drink, I beseech thee, by that blood, the great price of our salvation; I beseech thee, by that unspeakable charity which prompted thee to shed it for us; that thou wouldst teach me how to be present at this great mystery, how to behave with that reverence and honour, and to feel that fear and devotion, which is becoming so great an occasion. Make me, in thy mercy, ever believe and understand, think and speak, of this awful mystery, in a manner which may be pleasing to thee, and good for mine own soul.

Let thy good Spirit enter within my breast, and breathe into it, silently and sweetly, every truth which learned words might more slowly convey. For thy mysteries are profound indeed, and concealed beneath a sacred veil.

Permit me, O God, in thy great clemency, to go through this duty with a clear heart and a pure mind. Free my heart from all impure, vain, and hurtful thoughts. Strengthen me through the strong and faithful guardianship of thy blessed angels, that the enemies of my soul may be put to flight. May the virtue of this great mystery, and the power of thy holy angels, remove from me, and from all thy servants, the spirit of pride and indifference, of envy and blasphemy, of fornication and uncleanness, of doubt and hesitation. May those be confounded who persecute us: may those evil passions which war against our souls be destroyed.

O King of virgins and lover of chastity, may the dew of thy heavenly blessing quench within me every impure flame; so that unspotted chastity may alone find place in my body and soul. Mortify within me every disordered passion, every dangerous sensation; and, amid all thy other favours, give me that true and perpetual chastity which is pleasing to thee. For with what sorrow and tears, with what fear and reverence, with what chastity of body and purity of soul, ought we not ever to approach this divine and heavenly sacrifice, where thy flesh is truly eaten, where thy blood is truly drunk? where the lowest and the highest, where earth and heaven, are joined? where the holy angels are present? and where, in a wonderful and unspeakable manner, thou art both priest and sacrifice? Who could worthily join in this celebration, unless thou, God omnipotent, didst make him worthy? I know, O Lord, I know and I confess that I am not worthy to approach this great mystery, on account of my many sins and my endless negligences: but I know also, and I firmly believe and stedfastly confess, that thou, my God, canst make me worthy; that thou alone canst change impurity into cleanliness, and sin into justice and sanctity. By this thine omnipotence, I pray thee to enable me, a poor sinner, to partake of this sacrament with fear and trembling, with purity of heart, with tears of sorrow, with spiritual cheerfulness, with heavenly joy. Let my mind feel the sweetness of thy blessed presence, and of the company of thy holy angels around me.

For, O Lord, although a sinner, yet I approach to thy holy altar mindful of thy revered passion, that I may offer to thee the sacrifice which thou hast instituted, and which thou hast directed to be offered for our salvation in remembrance of thee. Receive it, I beseech thee, great God, for thy holy church, and for the people which thou hast purchased with thy blood. I offer to thee, O Lord, the sorrows of this thy people, the danger of nations, the groans of captives, the wants of orphans, the distresses of the weak, the failings of the old, the despair of the dying, the sighs of youth, the vows of virgins, the tears of widows. Lighten, I beseech thee, lighten and assuage the sufferings of all.

Yes; do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us all, and despise not that which thou hast created. Remember what our substance is : that thou art our Father: that thou art our God. Be not angry with us, and withhold not the multitude of thy mercies from us. For we do not come before thee to justify ourselves, but to pray for thy pardon and pity. Take away from us these hearts of stone, and give us feeling hearts, which may seek thee, which may love thee, which may tend towards thee and enjoy thee. Look down, O Lord, with a propitious and serene countenance, upon the wants of thy servants; and grant that no prayer may be offered up to thee in vain, that no hope may remain unfulfilled; and do thou thyself, O God, suggest to us those prayers which thou wilt most kindly hear and most freely grant.

We pray to thee, also, O holy Lord and Father, for the souls of the faithful departed; that this great sacrament of love may obtain for them health, salvation, refreshment, and joy. O Lord, my God, let them feel the effects of this great offering of thee, the living bread which came down from heaven and givest life to the world,-of thee, the Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world; let them be refreshed and consoled by it; and may its merits avail to bring them to the joy and glory of thy heavenly kingdom. the fulness of thy blessing, the holiness of thy Divinity, let the invisible and incomprehensible majesty of thy Holy Spirit, descend upon these our offerings; and enable me also to approach this sacrifice with purity, with devotion, with tears, and with reverence, so that even my prayers may conduce to render it available to the salvation of all, whether living or dead.

I beseech thee also, O Lord, by the most holy mystery of thy body and blood, by which, in thy church, we are daily fed, and cleansed, and sanctified, and made partakers of thy great Divinity-I beseech thee to fill me with such virtuous dispositions that I may approach with a good conscience to thine altar, and find safety and life in this heavenly sacrament. For thou hast said, "The bread which I will give is my flesh for the life of the world; "I am the living bread which came down from heaven; "If any one eateth of this bread, he shall live for ever.' O blessed bread, heal the affections of my heart, that I may feel the sweetness of thy love! O bread from heaven, containing all delights, strengthen my heart that it may never fall away from thee, but may ever feel the effects of thy presence! Thou art the bread of angels, and the bread of poor pilgrims, whom thou refreshest with so excellent a viaticum, lest they faint by the way. O holy bread, O living bread, O pure bread, which came down from heaven and givest life to the world, come into my heart, and purify me from every evil inclination of body and soul. Come into my heart, and strengthen me and purify me, internally and externally. Be my shield and the salvation of my soul and body. Drive from me every wily foe; let them fly from the presence of thy power; so that, being fortified by thee both within and without, may advance, by a straight path, to thy heavenly kingdom, where I may no longer see thee beneath veils and mysteries, but where my thirst may be for ever satisfied, and where I may for ever enjoy thee, who, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest for ever. Amen. The Treasury of Prayer by ST. Vincent de Paul 1853

St. Nicholas, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. 342.

by VP

Posted on Friday December 06, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Čeština: Jaroslav Čermák (1831 - 1878) - Sv. Mikuláš

ST. NICHOLAS was a child of prayer, being obtained of God, like Samuel, as the reward of his parents' virtue. A good lesson for parents to recommend their children daily to God, through whose blessing alone they can be secured against the corruption of the world, and the many dangers of sin.

His life was the practice of abstinence, mortification, and extraordinary charity in relieving the distressed. Follow his example, as far as your circumstances permit. Pray against all immoderate love of yourself, and seeking your own ease: and begin to fear that a sensual method of indulging and pleasing yourself will not lead you to that crown, which our forefathers gained only by self-denials.

St. Nicholas was chosen by a particular direction of heaven, archbishop of Myra, a city of Lycia in Asia. In that charge, he was a light shining to men, in all piety, liberality, hospitality, and the care of his flock. Pray that all who are raised to that dignity may be prepared by his virtues, and may be the choice of heaven. Pray for all bishops now in God's Church, and in particular for that Prelate, to whose flock you belong, that they may be every way faithful to their charge, and that their zeal and charity may be answerable to their dignity.

St. Nicholas died at Myra in the year 342, and was buried in his own cathedral. This saint is esteemed the patron of children, because he was from his infancy a model of innocence and virtue; and to form that tender age to piety was always his first care and delight. To impress on the minds of children perfect sentiments of devotion, religion, and virtue, is of the utmost importance. But instruction must be enforced by example. Precepts and exhortations lose their force, when contradicted by bad example. Pray that all parents and instructors may do as well as teach, and that children may be docile and virtuous." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer to St. Nicholas: O God , who by innumerable miracles hast honored blessed Nicholas , the bishop grant , we beseech thee , that , by his merits and prayers , we may be delivered from the flames of hell . Through our Lord Jesus Christ... (1 Pater, 1 Ave) The Glories of Jesus with Prayers at Mass by Rev. Fr. Vincent HUBY, SJ 1835

Saint Nicetius, Bishop of Treves, France (513-566)

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 05, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Nicetius

CATHOLICISM AND HERESY.-St. Nicetius, bishop of Trèves, one of the most distinguished prelates of Gaul, as well on account of his virtues as for his eloquence, zeal, and untiring labours, thus wrote to Queen Clodosinde, the wife of Alboin, king of the Lombards, who was an upholder of Arianism: "To procure the conversion of Alboin, do what your ancestress, Clothilde, accomplished for the conversion of Clovis. And if the king hesitates as to the truth, let him send to the church of St. Martin of Tours; there his envoys will behold the blind restored to sight, the deaf to hearing, the dumb receiving the power of speech, and lepers their speedy cure. What wonders have not you yourself witnessed at the tombs of the holy bishops, Medard and Remigius ? My tongue could not recount all the miracles of the bishops Germain, Hilary, and Lupus. Is anything similar to be met with in the churches of the Arians? No; for the spirit of darkness cannot work miracles." Such, in reality, is the distinguishing characteristic between the true religion and heresy; the latter is utterly sterile. St. Nicetius died full of days and good works, about the year 566.

MORAL REFLECTION.-"If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch," says the Saviour, "and shall wither."(John xv. 6.) Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Wednesday December 04, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints


Saint Barbara

PARENTS ACCORDING ΤΟ THE ORDER OF NATURE.- Those parents who seek to corrupt either the faith or morals of their children are guilty of a heinous crime. Such there are, even in the bosom of Christianity. Let us cite one example, however, borrowed from paganism and from another period. St. Barbara, a young virgin of Nicomedia, had been brought up secretly in the Christian religion. It was not possible, however, that her father, a headstrong supporter of the superstitions of paganism, should remain ignorant of the fact. On learning it, he broke out into a violent rage, and then, being unable to move his daughter either by tears or threats, he shut her up in a tower, and kept her in prison there. Finding that he gained nothing by such treatment, of his own accord he denounced her to the judges during the persecution of Maximinus. To the application of burning coals to her body, the cutting off of her breasts, to the rack, and the dislocation of her limbs, the Christian virgin bravely submitted. She was beheaded in the year 255 or 256. The acts of her martyrdom are not well known, but she is held in universal veneration.

MORAL REFLECTION. -The Saviour has foretold it: "You shall be betrayed by your parents and brethren, but in your patience you shall possess your souls."-(Luke xxi. 16.) Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Prayer to St. Barbara: O GOD, Who hast chosen St. Barbara to be the consolation of the living and of the dying, grant, we beseech Thee, through her intercession, that we may always live in Thy holy love, and place all our hopes in the merits of the most bitter Passion of Thy Son, so that we may never be surprised by the death of sin, but that, fortified by the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist and Extreme Unction, we may enter without fear upon the journey to eternal glory. This we ask most earnestly through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. ( Leo XIII., March 21, 1879.) Devotions and Prayers for the Sick-room by Rev. Fr. Joseph Alois Krebs 1889

St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, Confessor, a.d. 1552.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday December 03, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Saint Francis Xavier

"AMONG those who have laboured most successfully in the conversion of nations in these latter ages, is St. Francis Xavier. He prepared himself by extraordinary application to prayer and mortification, and thus obtained of God that great spirit with which he undertook and discharged with so wonderful success the mission of the East. When John III., king of Portugal, had requested of Pope Paul III. some labourers for the East, of the Society of Jesus, then recently established, St. Francis Xavier was commissioned by the Pope to proceed upon the important work, with the powers of Apostolic Nuncio. On his arrival in the East Indies, he at once acquired by divine inspiration the knowledge of the most difficult languages of those nations, to whom he came to preach. He travelled over numerous provinces, always on foot, and often barefoot. He carried the faith of Christ into Japan, and six other countries. He converted many hundreds of thousands to Christ in the East Indies, and baptised several kings. The Almighty was pleased to confirm this his ardent zeal and courage in diffusing the gospel, by the multitude and splendour of the miracles which he was enabled to perform; among which were four dead persons restored to life. He was also favoured with the gift of prophecy, and foretold many things far distant as to time and place. Worn out at length with labours, and full of merits, the saint died in the island of Sancian on the 2nd of December, 1552.

Pray for all who are preparing to become labourers in our Lord's vineyard, that they may obtain a spirit and zeal like those of St. Francis Xavier. Pray for those nations whom this saint enlightened, but who are now returned to darkness, that the light of faith may again shine upon them. Pray for all who labour in the care of souls; and that you yourselves be faithful to your own duties." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Bibiana, V. M. A.D. 363.

by VP

Posted on Monday December 02, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"She was a virgin: pray for all under the profession of virginity. She was a martyr, and her father, mother, and sister, were all martyrs. Pray for your parents and relations, that God would perfect them in faith and charity.

St. Bibiana, and her sister Demetria, after the death of their holy parents, were stripped of all they had in the world, and suffered much from poverty for five months; but spent that time in their own house in fasting and prayer. The governor of Rome had flattered himself that hunger and want would force them to renounce their faith; but seeing himself mistaken, he gave orders that St. Bibiana should be put into the hands of a wicked woman, who was extremely artful, and undertook to bring her to another way of thinking; but Bibiana, making prayer her shield, remained invincible. The judge, enraged at the courage and perseverance of a tender virgin, at length passed sentence of death upon her, and ordered her to be tied to a pillar, and whipped with scourges loaded with leaden plummets, till she expired. The saint underwent this punishment cheerfully, and died under the hands of the executioner.

Pray for a like fidelity and patience under all trials, that neither convenience nor any worldly advantage may ever prevail upon you to transgress your duty; but that you may be proof against all flatteries, and choose all evils before that of sin. The only affair of a Christian in this world is to seek God, to attain to the possession of his grace and love, and in all this perfectly to do his will. In this consists all his joy and happiness. By this disposition of heart, he is raised above all created things, and united to the eternal and unchangeable object of his felicity." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Eligius, Bishop and Confessor A.D. 659.

by VP

Posted on Sunday December 01, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Eligius at the feet of the Virgin and Child by Gerard Seghers

"He was brought up to a working trade: but being mindful that he was to work for heaven, as well as for bread, his great care was to join the exercises of religious duties to his trade, as of prayer, fasting, watching, and alms-deeds; and as often as circumstances would permit, he had some good book open before him. Learn to sanctify your labours by his example. If you are of the number of those who work for a livelihood, endeavour to be faithful in what you have undertaken. And this, not only in regard of your neighbour, by carefully avoiding what is fraudulent, or may be to his prejudice, through your neglect; but likewise to God and your own soul, by a watchful care against all the suggestions of a covetous, worldly, or solicitous temper; that so you neither rob him of his honour, nor deprive yourself of what is necessary for your salvation. What will your gain profit you, if you lose your soul?

If your employment be in works of charity, or in such business as your state requires, lose not the advantage of what you do, but daily offer to God your labours. Mix them with thoughts of heaven, that your industry may be serviceable for the next life, as well as this.

The piety of St. Eligius became so remarkable, that he was called forth to the ecclesiastical state, and consecrated bishop; and having fulfilled all the duties of his charge with wonderful zeal, made a happy end in the year 659.

Pray for all bishops in God's Church, that they may follow so great an example. It being the first day of the month, forget not to begin it so, that if it should be your last, it may be to you the beginning of a happy eternity." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer for the Bishops:
O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give our bishops ................ all those virtues, which they need for their sanctification! May they watch over themselves and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted them! Fill their hearts with Thine own Spirit! Give them faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send them faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make them shepherds after Thine own heart, living only for their holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, they may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life! Amen

Imprimatur: Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D.D. Raleigh, N.C. March 25, 1956

Saint Andrew, Apostle and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Andrew. Engraving by L Kilian, 1623, after JM Kager. Created 1623. Apostle Andrew, Saint. Contributors: Johann Matthias Kager (1575?-1634); Lucas Kilian (1579–1637). Work ID: yqke5a4f.

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena:

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment In which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen. (15 times)

"The Feast of St. Andrew has been kept since the fourth century on November 30. St. Andrew was both and Apostle and a Martyr. The collect tells us that he was called to govern and teach the Church; and the Epistle and the Gospel deal with the Vocation of him who was the first among the Apostles to know Jesus Christ. When he was called he immediately left his nets to become a fisher of men, and "his sound hath gone forth into all the earth to preach the gospel of peace." After the coming of the Holy Ghost he preached in Palestine, and then taught in Scythia, Epirus and Thrace.

"But all have not obeyed the Gospel" (Epistle), and Saint Andrew ere long became the Apostle of the Cross. The priests of Achaia describe his martyrdom at Patras. He died on that special form of cross which has ever since been called after him, and "the Lord received his sacrifice in the odor of sweetness" (Alleluia). His body, having been fist taken to Constantinople, was in 1210 moved to the Cathedral at Amalfi, in the kingdom of Naples. In 1462, his head was placed by Pius II. in the basilica of St. Peter, his brother. His name is inscribed in the Canon of the Mass. Let us, with Saint Andrew, follow Christ even to the Cross." Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays & Feasts

"ST. ANDREW was an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Pray for all who succeed to his sublime functions. Pray for all bishops and pastors, that they may be quickened with the spirit and zeal of the apostles, for the good of the Church, and of the flocks entrusted to their charge.

St. Andrew was a martyr, and died upon a cross. Pray for all under crosses and afflictions. Beseech Almighty God to give them the patience of this apostle, that in their patience they may possess their souls, and reap the fruit of the cross in lasting consolations.

St Andrew, the brother of St. Peter, and disciple of St. John Baptist, had no sooner heård from St. John, that Christ was the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, than he followed him; and informing his brother of the treasure which he had found, conducted him likewise to Christ. An excellent step to the apostleship, and proper means to become a true disciple. Christ came to seek that which was lost, and those who enter his school, must not come without this charity. All stand in need of his help; and there is no better way of securing this, than by helping others, and communicating to them what light we have, for their instruction. For Christ being in all his members, in this we do service not only to them, but to him, and oblige him to protect us, and more plentifully to pour forth his blessings upon us, for our perpetual establishment in all good.

Those who act thus, have reason to rejoice on this festival, and raise their hopes to a lively confidence in the assistance of heaven: since God, who is infinite in charity, cannot deny his grace to those who, being made after his own likeness, endeavour daily to perfect this image by the sincere imitation of his charity. It were to be wished that all Christians would petition this day for the increase of this charity: that as they profess themselves members of Christ, they would give this solid proof of it, by concurring with their Head, as far as their circumstances permit, in giving life to the world.

This is what Christ has undertaken; and all who are truly incorporated in him, will, to the utmost of their power, contribute to carrying on his work. The wickedness of the world, and the general corruption of Christians, afford too frequent opportunities of practising this charity. Whoever makes one of any company, must too often observe the want of it, in the common abuses of profaning God's holy name, of hurtful, uncharitable, and loose discourses, and excesses which are inconsistent with the humility, modesty, and temperance of the gospel. And how have these evils so far gained ground, but because Christians have not courage to shew their dislike of what is evil, but rather weakly comply than reprove what they know deserves it? They have found Christ themselves, but dare not, with this apostle, inform their friends where he is; but by joining with them in their infirmities or disorders, help to confirm them in their darkness. This weakness must be renounced this day; that while we honour this apostle, we may imitate his virtues, his charity, zeal, and courage; and endeavour to render these so fashionable, that it may become friendly and familiar among Christians to put one another in mind of their faults, for bringing them nearer to Christ, and to heaven." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Saturninus, Bishop and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Friday November 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse: his martyrdom. Engraving.

Impotence of the Demon: St. Saturninus, having been sent by the Pope St. Fabian into Gaul, together with St. Denis, in order to plant the faith there, established his see at Toulouse, and thence directed his efforts into the adjacent regions. The number of the Christians had already become considerable. The holy missionary was accustomed to pass every day near the foot of the Capitol, which contained a temple famous for its oracles. Now, as the latter had become mute, the pagans attributed this to the presence of the Christians, and especially to that of the bishop; they therefore dragged him to the Capitol in order to force him to adore their gods, or else to restore speech to the oracles. "Your gods," said Saturninus to them, "are only demons, and how can you expect that I shall adore them that dread me, and whom my mere presence reduces to silence?" At this reply the people became enraged beyond measure; Saturninus was horrible maltreated; he was trans-pierced with a lance, and then tied to the tail of an untamed bull, that tore him to pieces. This occurred about the year 250 of the Christian era.

Moral reflection: The spirit of darkness is only to be feared by those who yield consent to his suggestions. "Resist the devil," says St. James, "And he will fly from you." (James iv. 7.) Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints. Transl de Auguste Francois Lecanu (1865)

ST. SATURNINUS, MARTYR: UNDER the Emperor Maximian, having suffered a long imprisonment and many torments, both of racks and fire, he was at length beheaded for his faith in Christ. Give thanks for his victory: pray for all who at this time suffer for justice or faith; and while you have before you the example of those who have given their lives for Christ, fail not to shew some more than usual patience in whatever you have to suffer this day. It can be no advantage to you to honour the martyrs, if you receive your trials with the impatience of unbelievers. To have the faith of a Christian, and suffer as one who believes not, cannot be the way to a crown. Put your souls, therefore, in a good disposition, whether for present troubles, or whatever are to come. Pray for patience, submission, and courage; they are the gifts of God; and as he has granted them to others, so the like mercy is open to you, if you persevere in asking with a firm hope in God; if you do not despair, because of your own weakness, nor expect to go through your sufferings without trouble. While you honour the memory of a martyr, suffer something as a martyr." The Catholic Year by Fr John Gother