O Radix Jesse. (Advent Meditations)
by VP
Posted on Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 11:00PM in Advent Sermons
Root of Jesse, Who standest for a sign to the nations, before Whom
kings shall shut their mouth, of Whom the Gentiles shall entreat mercy ;
come to set us free, and no longer delay.”
1. The King Who is
to come is of the root of Jesse, since He is of David’s royal line. He
is the true David, Who laid low the spiritual Goliath, the prince of
darkness, who in pagan times defied the power of the living God. He is
above all the Man after God’s own heart, in that the one motive of His
heart was to carry out His Father’s will. If this is the motive power of
my life, then I too am of the root of Jesse, and in spite of failings
am a man after God’s own heart, just in proportion as this motive is
ever present to me.
2. Jesus is a sign to the nations; a sign of
contradiction to His enemies, but before Whom the most powerful will
have to shut their mouth in humble subjection; a sign to His friends,
the men of good-will in every clime and country, who will be drawn to
Him to offer their joyful homage at His feet, entreating of Him that
mercy which He is more ready to grant than they to ask. To me He is a
sign, either fondly loved, or neglected and treated as of no account.
O Root of Jesse, O King and Savior, come and set us free ; free from
all that displeases Thee, free from the snares that entangle our feet,
free from our perverse attachment to our own will, free from the power
of the devil, free from our slowness in obeying Thy commands and holy
inspirations, free from all that hinders us in Thy service ; come and
say the word, and we shall be delivered. "
Saint Andrew Christmas Novena: Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen. (15 times)
Glory Be (three times).
Infant Jesus, make me love Thee more and more.
St. Nemesion, Martyr, A.D. 250.
by VP
Posted on Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"In the persecution of Decius, Nemesion, an Egyptian, was apprehended at Alexandria, and accused of theft, by certain enemies of his faith, whose malice suggested this way of destroying both his life and reputation. The servant of Christ easily cleared himself of that false charge; but his faith in Christ was then made his crime, and he was accused of being a Christian. Hereupon he was sent to the prefect of Egypt, and confessing his faith at his tribunal, he was ordered to be scourged, and tormented even more grievously than the thieves. After this he was condemned to be burnt with the most criminal among the robbers and other malefactors; whereby he had the honour and happiness more perfectly to imitate the death of our divine Redeemer.
False accusations are a
severe trial: therefore, let not your charity be wanting in praying for
those who are under it. And for yourself, consider this matter
seriously. Reproach, ignominy, and disgrace, were some of those evils, to which Christ Himself submitted; and being sanctified in His sacred person, may be to you a sanctification, if you receive them in the spirit of Jesus
Christ, that is, with His patience, charity, and meekness. It is
allowable, in such cases, to justify yourself with moderation and peace:
but if your plea be not received, then is the time to join yourself to Christ, and imitate His humility and silence in submitting to the scourge
which God is pleased to lay upon you. It may be just from His hand,
though not from those who appear against you. Let this be your rule, and
permit not every ordinary provocation of this kind to fill your mind with resentment and passion. This is a sure mark of pride, a certain proof that you have not yet learnt the maxims of the Cross, and are far from the humility of your Saviour, who delivered Himself up to him who judged him unjustly. It is unworthy of your Christian profession, and will be the loss of that advantage which God puts into your hands, when He sends you these trials. Pray then for the grace to bear them with humility and patience, prepare for their approach, and practise these virtues when the trial comes." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Ember Wednesday Advent: Christ is betrayed
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Meditations
Ember Wednesday in Advent.
"This being Ember-week, we
are required to humble ourselves in fasting and prayer, and to observe
these days according to the spirit of the Church. Beg a blessing on the
fruits of the earth, and pray for all those, who at this time are
promoted to Holy Orders, that they may be worthy ministers of the
Church. It is by God's blessing that the earth is fruitful for the
relief of our necessities. Beg of Him to be favourable to us at this
time, and give His wonted blessing to the earth, that whatever seed is
committed to it may bring forth its increase for our support and
comfort; and that finding the wonderful effects of God's goodness, we
may be mindful of the mercy, and give Him the glory." The Catholic Year, Father John Gother.
Divine Savior Jesus Christ, Thou are the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. Oh, be in a very special way the Good Shepherd of those poor lost priests who are also appointed by Thee to be leaders of Thy people, but who have broken the oath of their holy ordination and have become unfaithful to their exalted calling. Bestow upon these poorest of the poor the very fullness of that pastoral solicitude with which Thou dost so faithfully seek the sheep that are lost! Touch their hearts with the irresistible ray of grace which emanates from Thine all-merciful love! Enlighten their minds and strengthen their wills, that they may turn away from all sin and error and come back to Thy holy altar and to Thy people. O most compassionate Savior! Remember that Thou didst once redeem the souls of Thine erring priests with Thy Precious Blood and in infinite preferential love didst impress upon them the indelible character of the priesthood. Put wholly to shame those miserable helpers of Satan who lay snares for the virtue of priests and endanger the holy ideal of the priesthood. Most graciously accept our prayers and sacrifices for poor priests who have gone astray and hear our earnest petition. Amen
St. Anthony of Padua, defender of the Holy Eucharist, obtain for us holy priests.
St. John-Mary Vianney, model of sacerdotal holiness, obtain for us holy priests.
St. Francis Xavier, patron of missionary priests, obtain for us holy priests.
St. Therese of the Child-Jesus and of the Holy Face, victim offered for the sanctification of priests, obtain for us holy priests.
Saints and Servants of God, obtain for us holy priests.
Imprimatur - Bishop John F. Null (April 18, 1948)
Litany to Obtain Holy Priests:
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
Christ, hear us
Christ, Graciously hear us
God, Our Heavenly Father, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God, The Holy Ghost, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, Three Persons in one God, have mercy on us
Lord, obtain for us priests
Lord, obtain for us holy priests and make us docile to their teachings
Holy Mary, Queen of the Clergy, obtain for us holy priests
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, obtain for us holy priests
Saint Michael, splendor and protector of the Church militant, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Saints and Archangels, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Patriarchs and Prophets, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Martyrs and Virgins, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Bishops and Confessors, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Priests and Doctors, obtain for us holy priests
All you holy Founders of religious orders, obtain for us holy priests
St. Anthony of Padua, defender of the Holy Eucharist, obtain for us holy priests
St. John-Mary Vianney, model of sacerdotal holiness, obtain for us holy priests
St. Francis Xavier, patron of missionary priests, obtain for us holy priests
St. Therese of the Child-Jesus and of the Holy Face, victim offered for
the sanctification of priests, obtain for us holy priests
Saints and Servants of God, obtain for us holy priests.
To celebrate with reverence the Holy Mysteries, obtain for us holy priests
To offer every day the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, obtain for us holy priests
To feed the people of God with the Bread of life, obtain for us holy priests
To promote the splendors of the Divine Worship, obtain for us holy priests
To regenerate souls through baptism, obtain for us holy priests
To instruct the faithful in the Holy Faith, obtain for us holy priests
To keep the faithful in the fear of the Lord, obtain for us holy priests
To announce to all the Word of God, obtain for us holy priests
To unmask and combat false doctrines, obtain for us holy priests
To fortify the Faith of those who doubt, obtain for us holy priests
To support and encourage those who fail, obtain for us holy priests
To raise up those who fall and to reconcile them to God, obtain for us holy priests
To bring back to God those who rejected Him, obtain for us holy priests
To protect christian morality, obtain for us holy priests
To fight with zeal the corruption of morality, obtain for us holy priests
To bless holy unions, obtain for us holy priests
To defend the honor and sanctity of marriage, obtain for us holy priests
To strengthen the happiness of our christian families, obtain for us holy priests
To fortify and console our sicks and those who suffer, obtain for us holy priests
To assist our dying ones, obtain for us holy priests
To lead our dead to eternal happiness, obtain for us holy priests
To pray and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for our dead, obtain for us holy priests
To give glory to God, and to give grace and peace to souls of good will, obtain for us holy priests.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
The Lord chose for Himself priests so that they will offer Him a worthy thanksgiving.
Let us pray: God Almighty and merciful, favorably grant the prayers of
Your faithful and grant to those whom You have given the immense
generosity of your clemency, to be elevated to the service of the
heavenly mysteries, to become worthy ministers at Your sacred altars, so
that their teachings be confirmed by your sanctification, through Our
Lord Jesus-Christ, Amen.
Translated by CAPG (Litanies pour Obtenir de Saints Prêtres: Private Litany to obtain Holy Priests)
O Adonai. (Advent Meditations)
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Advent Sermons
O Lord, and Leader of the house of Israel, Who didst appear to Moses in
a flame of fire in the bush, and didst give to him the law on Mount
Sinai, come to redeem us with Thy stretched out arm.”
1. The
Savior for Whom we look is also Our Lord (Adonai), the Leader and Chief
to whom we have sworn fealty. We speak of Him continually under the
familiar name of Our Lord, and each time we do so we reassert our
acknowledgment of the obligation to follow where He leads, and to be
subject to Him in all things. O happy followers of such a Leader! If we
tread in His footsteps, and obey His voice, He will set our feet in
green pastures, and lead us to the fountains of the water of life.
The flame of fire in the burning bush was a figure of Jesus in Mary's
sacred womb. Holy indeed was the place where God was present, and whence
He promised to His people their deliverance from Egypt. So He still
speaks as if concealed in Mary’s womb, and reminds us that He has made
her holy with a holiness second only to His own; and when we draw nigh
to her we hear His voice announcing to us that He has heard our prayers
offered through her, and will come to deliver us from our enemies.
What shall be our prayer to Him when He inspires us to make our request
with boldness at the throne of grace ? Come to redeem us with Thy
stretched-out arm. Come to deliver us from the effects of our past sins.
Come to deliver us from the attachment to some sin that still lurks
within us. Come to deliver us from all our countless negligences and
imperfections. Come with Thine arm stretched out to ward us from the
foe, O Lord and Lover of our souls. " Meditations # 22 for Advent . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
Saint Andrew Christmas Novena: Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen. (15 times)
Glory Be (three times).
Infant Jesus, make me love Thee more and more.
The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"By the great mystery of the Incarnation, the Blessed Virgin Mary contracted the most intimate union with the eternal Son of God, whom she was privileged to conceive and bear in her womb. She was ever humble, and remained respectfully silent, without any boasting of the great things which God had accomplished within her. But what tongue can express the inward feelings and affections which filled the glowing heart of the most pure Mother of God? What light shone in her understanding, to penetrate the mysteries and the unfathomed goodness of God? What ardours of holy love inflamed her will? These affections increased in her soul, as the time drew nigh when she should give birth to the world's Redeemer. And this festival is appointed by the Church, to encourage us to contemplate the sentiments of the Blessed Virgin at this time; so that by endeavouring to acquire some share of her dispositions, we may be well prepared for the approaching festival of our Lord's Nativity.
Having had the great happiness to conceive our Blessed Saviour, the holy Virgin ardently desired to give Him birth. She knew that He was given for the salvation of all, and was anxious that a work so important should be begun upon the earth.
How often do you conceive God in your souls by holy desires and good
resolutions; but how rarely are these brought forth to any practical
result? Study in future to cherish holy resolutions and bring them to
maturity. The Blessed Virgin, knowing the decree of God, that Christ should be born of her,
earnestly desired His birth, that she might see Him, adore Him, and
minister to Him. Learn hence to give to your Saviour, not your
affections only, but your external homage and service; and minister to Him in the persons of the poor and of every neighbour. The Blessed Virgin prepared herself for the happy event which she expected, by inflamed acts of divine love and holy desire, and the perfect exercise of every virtue. Employ this day, and every day before the great festival of Christmas, in the like holy exercises; and beseech the Blessed Virgin to obtain for you grace to share in her holy dispositions." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
St. Olympias, WIDOW, A.D. about 410.
by VP
Posted on Monday December 16, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"This saint lived at Constantinople in the time of St. John Chrysostom. Her husband having been dead some time, the Emperor Theodosius proposed to her to marry Elpidius, his own near relation: to whom she answered, that God having taken away her husband, because she was not fit for the duties of the married state, she was resolved no more to engage in it. She was true to her resolution; and employed both her money and time in the relief of widows, orphans, and the sick. Her austerities were great, her habit mean, her humility edifying, her tears continual: and that nothing might be wanting to consummate her virtue, she was persecuted by the Emperor Arcadius, for espousing the cause of oppressed innocence in the person of her pastor, St. John Chrysostom. For this, being forced into banishment, she found her way by a happy death, to a better country which she had long desired.
Make use of this example as your state requires. There are difficulties in all conditions, and that of marriage cannot properly be Christian, without the self-denials of the cloister.
If humility and charity helped her to heaven, will not prodigality and
vanity shut you out from it? Take not your measures from the world, but from the gospel; and then say who has given you power so much to dispense with it. Follow the gospel, if you hope to come to the promises of the gospel. The saints all studied to husband every moment to the best advantage, knowing that life is very short, and that the night is coming on apace
when no man can work. Let no moments be spent merely to pass away time.
Diversions and corporal exercise ought to be used with moderation, only
as much as may seem requisite for bodily health and the vigour of the mind.
Every one is bound to apply himself to some serious employment. This,
and his necessary recreations, must be referred to God, sanctified by a
holy intention, and seasoned by humility, patience, prayer, and other
virtues. Thus will our lives be an uninterrupted sacrifice of divine praise and love." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Ember Days Winter (December 18, 20, 21)
by VP
Posted on Monday December 16, 2024 at 11:00PM in Prayers
Let us, therefore, revive Embers days!
Let us again pray, fast, and abstain for more faithful priests!
Wednesday (20th): the day Christ was betrayed (Fast and half-abstinence)
Friday (22nd): Christ was crucified (Fast and abstinence)
and Saturday (23rd): the day Christ was entombed. (Fast and half-abstinence)
"Many Christians, alas, scarcely know the purpose of the Ember days. They have been appointed in order that the faithful pray for good priests, and may supplement their prayers by fasting and good works. Good priests must be obtained through prayer. The greatest blessing for a parish is a good, zealous priest. Those who often pray for priests will draw God's blessing upon themselves, and will experience the assistance and blessing of the priest in the hour of death."Rev. Ferreol Girarday C.S.S.R
The observance of Ember days is a very old tradition, going back to the
Apostolic time and taking after the Roman Pagan customs that held
festivals on each seasons of the year. In 494, Pope Gelasius I used
the Ember Saturdays to confer ordination to the priesthood.
their origins, Ember days had a two fold purpose: to pray for the
laborers and for the fruits of the harvest. During these three days,
Catholics were thanking Our Blessed Lord "for the gifts of nature" asking
Him "to teach men to make use of them in moderation, assist the needy"
but most of all to pray for more good priests. Ember Days: Catholic Encyclopedia
In 1969, Pope Paul VI excluded the embers day from being mandatory
days of fast and abstinence and left their celebrations to the
discretion of the local bishops. Even though the US Bishops' Conference
has decided not to celebrate them, we may still choose to do so as a
personal devotion since its observance at home or small communities is
not discouraged:
"17. Vigils and Ember Days, as most now know, no
longer oblige to fast and abstinence. However, the liturgical renewal
and the deeper appreciation of the joy of the holy days of the
Christian year will, we hope, result in a renewed appreciation as to why
our forefathers spoke of "a fast before a feast." We impose no fast
before any feast-day, but we suggest that the devout will find greater
Christian joy in the feasts of the liturgical calendar if they freely
bind themselves, for their own motives and in their own spirit of
piety, to prepare for each Church festival by a day of particular
self-denial, penitential prayer and fasting."
Vigils and Ember Days (USCCB) 1966
"We should never let these seasons pass without adding prayer to our fasts, or it may be compensating fast by prayer. Our prayer should be for the clergy, not only those ordained, though for them especially; but for the Sovereign Pontiff, the cardinals, bishops, parochial clergy, missionaries and religious orders, seminarians; and for the grace of vocation to the priesthood. An excellent prayer for this purpose is the Litany of the Saints, in which so many bishops, priests, and Levites are invoked; or the Rosary may be appropriately said, grouping those for whom we pray into five classes, corresponding to the five decades." Publications of the Catholic Truth Society, (Volume 24)
"The fast of the Ember days has been instituted principally to obtain of God good, holy and zealous priests for His Church. On this point especially depend the honor and welfare of the Church and the salvation of mankind. History proves, beyond all doubt, that a careless and tepid clergy do greater injury to the Church and to the souls of men than a bitter and bloody persecution. Persecution, in its outcome, proves beneficial to the Church and sends heroic martyrs to heaven, but a clergy devoid of holiness and virtue is the scourge of souls and the disgrace of the Church." Rev. Ferreol Girarday C.S.S.R
O Sapientia (Advent Meditations)
by VP
Posted on Monday December 16, 2024 at 11:00PM in Advent Sermons
the feast of Christmas, the coming Savior is welcomed in seven
antiphons, which greet Him under various titles, and entreat Him to come
quickly to enlighten and deliver His people.
“O Wisdom, Who
earnest forth from the mouth of the Most High, reaching in Thy strength
from end to end, and sweetly disposing all things, come and teach us the
way of prudence."
1. The first title given to Jesus is that of
Wisdom. He was the Eternal Wisdom of God, and the source of all wisdom
to men from one end of time to the other. With Him all wisdom ; without
Him no wisdom. Yet I have sometimes fancied myself wise when I was
acting quite apart from Him, and perhaps His wishes or commands. What
utter folly !
2. It is the Eternal Word that disposes all things
sweetly. Everything that happens in heaven or earth is arranged by Him,
and is arranged not unkindly, or harshly, or bitterly,but sweetly. Why
then do I regret what I ought to know He has arranged sweetly, i.e. t
with designs of love for me if I take it in the right spirit ?
Come and teach us the way of prudence. This is our first petition to
Him Who is to come. If only He imparts prudence, all must be well.
Prudence chooses the right end, viz., the glory of God, and the right
means to the end, viz., what we know God asks of us now, and in our
present circumstances. Teach me, O Jesus, that lesson of prudence which
will guide me safe to the kingdom of heaven."
Meditations #21 for Advent . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891 Digitized by google
Saint Andrew Christmas Novena:
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment In which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen. (15 times)
Prayer to the Holy Infant for priestsJesus, Divine Infant, I bless and thank Thy most loving Heart for the institution of the priesthood. Priests are sent by Thee as Thou were sent by the Father. To them Thou entrusted the treasures of Thy doctrine, of Thy Law, of Thy Grace, and souls themselves.
Grant me the grace to love them, to listen to them, and to let myself be guided by them in Thy ways. Jesus, send good laborers into Thy harvest. May priests be the salt that purifies and preserves; may they be the light of the world; may they be the city placed on the mountain. May they all be formed after Thy own Heart. And in heaven may they be surrounded by a joyous throng of those they shepherded on earth. Amen.
Glory Be (three times).
Infant Jesus, make me love Thee more and more
St. Eusebius, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 371.
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 15, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"He was a bishop: pray for all the bishops in God's Church. Who knows, but if the faithful constantly joined in presenting their most earnest petitions to Almighty God, as often as the festivals of holy prelates return throughout the year, He might bless the Church with a succession of holy pastors, who by word and example might be as so many lights to the faithful, to conduct them to a happy eternity?
St. Eusebius was bishop of Vercelli, and a powerful opponent of the Arian heresy, which at that time desolated the Church, under the protection of the Emperor Constantius By this emperor, he was sent into banishment for defending the Nicene Creed, and refusing to subscribe to the condemnation of St. Athanasius. The holy man suffered much in his exile from hunger, thirst, scourging, and various kinds of cruel treatment; but he had learned to undervalue his own life for the cause of Christ, and he cheerfully abandoned his body to his persecutors. Neither torments, nor enticements, could ever move him to consent to the enemies of his faith.
On the death of Constantius, he was permitted to return to his see, and came to Alexandria to concert measures with St. Athanasius for applying proper remedies to the evils of the Church. He afterwards travelled over the East, and through Illyricum, confirming in the faith those that were wavering, and bringing back many that were gone astray. St. Jerome places his death in 371; and he is styled a martyr, and honoured as such in the offices of the Church.
Pray for patience in all sufferings for yourself, and others who are under any trials. If you honour a martyr, suffer something this day with more than ordinary meekness. Consider how often you are in a passion, how easily you are disquieted, how inconsiderable a thing provokes you, how ordinary temptations overcome you. Are these the steps of a martyr? Is this according to the Gospel? Blush then, and be confounded at your weakness: pray for new strength, and beseech this holy martyr to pray for you." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
- "Woe to us who have been born in this wretched age, an age - I say it weeping - in which anyone who has any zeal whatever for the glory of God, and casts his eyes on the men and women who now live, will be moved to tears to see everything turned upside down, the beautiful order of virtue overthrown, the bright light of life quenched, and scarce anything left in the Church but open iniquity and feigned sanctity. The light of good example is extinguished in those who ought to shine as luminaries to the whole world, like watch-towers and beacons on the mountains. No light, alas! comes from them, but horrid darkness, and pestilent mischief, by which innumerable souls are falling into destruction." -- St. John Fisher; Bishop of Rochester, Cardinal, Tower of London, 1535
- Prayer for Holy Bishops (Saint John Fisher): Lord, according to Your promise that the Gospel should be preached throughout the whole world, raise up men fit for such work. The Apostles were but soft and yielding clay till they were baked hard by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So, Good Lord, do now in like manner again with Thy Church Militant; change and make the soft and slippery earth into hard stones; set in Thy Church strong and mighty pillars, that may suffer and endure great labors, watching, poverty, thirst, hunger, cold and heat; which also shall not hear the threatenings of princes, persecution, neither death but always persuade and think with themselves to suffer with a good will, slanders, shame, and all kinds of torments, for the glory and laud of Thy Holy Name. By this manner, good Lord, the truth of Thy Gospel shall be preached throughout all the world. Therefore, merciful Lord, exercise Thy mercy, show it indeed upon Thy Church. Saint John Fisher (Sermon in 1508) from Saint John Fisher Forum
16. The Second Coming of Christ (Advent Meditations)
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 15, 2024 at 11:00PM in Advent Sermons
1. When the apostles on Mount Olivet were gazing after their Master, Who had just ascended into heaven, two angels stood by them and announced to them that He Who had just vanished from their sight would return in like manner. Our Lord Himself had already declared that He would come again with power and great glory and would sit upon the throne of His glory. At the sound of His approach the dead will rise from their graves to meet Him, and the nations of the world who have not accepted His sway will be filled with unspeakable terror and dismay. What will be the dispositions with which I shall rise again to meet Christ? What would they be now if He were to come to-day?
2. The object of His coming will be to judge the living and the dead. All that is now hidden will be made manifest before the world. All the secret thoughts and whispered words, and actions concealed from the eyes of men, will then be made manifest. How should I like to have all my base and low motives dragged to light, all my unkind words revealed to those against whom they were spoken, all those actions, of which I cannot myself think without shame, proclaimed so that all may behold them ?
3. Our Lord will come, radiant in majesty and glory, to crush His enemies under His feet and reward His faithful soldiers and servants. How great then will be the ignominy and shame of the mighty men of earth, if they have not bowed their neck to the King of kings! How full of joy will be the hearts of all who have humbled themselves before Him! How will they be beautiful beyond compare, and honored before His holy angels! Learn now to humble yourself under the yoke of Christ. "Meditations #16 for Advent . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
Saint Andrew Christmas Novena: Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen. (15 times)
Glory Be (three times).
Infant Jesus, make me love Thee more and more.