CAPG's Blog 

WEEK 1 - THE HOLY EUCHARIST Figures of the Eucharist in the Old Testament

by VP

Posted on Sunday November 28, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.
The Fraternity Youtube Channel

The Mass in my Life

by VP

Posted on Sunday November 28, 2021 at 02:34PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.
The Fraternity Youtube Channel

source:  Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer and Souls of Christian Apostolate.

 The Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer (FSVF), whose priory is located in Chémeré-le-Roi (France), is a traditional religious community inspired by the Dominican spirit. Disciples of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Brothers are apostles whose preaching is oriented to the salvation of souls. With great enthusiasm the FSVF extends their apostolate to the English speaking world with The Mass in My Life.

Souls of the Christian Apostolate (SOCA), headquartered in Denver, is a lay apostolate based on the spiritual classic, The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Chautard. SOCA’s mission is to ignite renewal in the Church and the salvation of souls with “the one thing necessary”: the interior life. In many ways inspired by the formation provided by the FSVF, SOCA is excited to partner with the brothers and introduce the English speaking world to their timeless formation.