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Blessed James Cusmano, Priest and Physician (1834-1888)

by VP

Posted on Friday March 14, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

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“God has placed deep within the bosom of this physician and priest the heart of Saint Vincent de Paul. The fervour of his love for the poor was unsurpassed, the integrity of his blameless conduct was truly angelic, the kindness beaming from his face recalled Saint Francis de Sales. I have followed him very attentively through all the stages of his virtuous life and I must acknowledge, I have never met a priest who was so zealous for the salvation of souls, so amiable and so holy as he.” Archbishop of Palermo, Cardinal Giuseppe Guarino,

Prayer to Blessed James Cusmano:

O Most loving Father James Cusmano, you who consecrated your life to the love and service of Christ by serving the Poor, teach us to make real in our own lives the "New Commandment" given by Our Lord, by lovingly putting into practice the Works of Charity.
Help us to re-discover the joy of serving others, so that we can come to the fullness of "Faith through Charity". Free us from the illusion of feeling we are so poor that we have nothing to give or of feeling so rich that we have nothing to receive. Make us capable of sharing with others what we have and what we are, in a spirit of true communion. Obtain for us that, by loving and serving Christ with you as our example we may one day contemplate Him and possess Him for ever, together with you in the Home of our heavenly Father. Amen.

Source: Missionary Servants of the Poor Philippines

Almighty God and Merciful Father, I thank you and praise you for you adorned the heart of Blessed James Cusmano with "Charity which knows no bounds" in helping the poor and the unhappy.
Make that, by his example, inflamed by the ardor of the same ardor of charity, I can also be always happy to offer my life for the glory of Your name, to the service of others, and to be blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven. Grant me, through his intercession the grace ... of which I am badly in need. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end amen.

Source: James Cusmano