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St. Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Chruch, A.D. 604

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 12, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"Having lived a monk for some time, eminent for sanctity, he was afterwards abbot; and upon the death of Pelagius, was chosen bishop of Rome. In this dignity he preserved a wonderful humility, was ever careful in regulating the clergy, in promoting the honour and worship of God, in relieving the poor, having a list of all that were in the city and neighboring villages, and never dining but with some of them at his table. Though he was of a very infirm constitution, he was very vigorous in the public concerns of his flock; and in his vacant hours either reading, writing, or dictating to others holy lessons, such as discover the great sanctity of this prelate, and serve for food to all pious souls. Pray that all his successors may inherit his spirit; and that his example may be a rule to all the prelates of Christ's church. Pray for his present Holiness, that God would direct and assist him in the whole discharge of his duty.

St. Gregory, before he became pope, was anxious to bring about the conversion of the English nation. Seeing certain youths of fine features exposed to sale for slaves in the market at Rome, and being informed that they came from England, where the people were still heathens, he fetched a deep sigh, and lamented that the devil should be master of so much beauty, and that so fine an exterior should have nothing of God's grace within. When he was advanced to the chair of St. Peter, moved with compassion for the English, he sent St. Augustin with some other religious into this country, in the year 596, by whose zealous labors it was converted to the Christian faith. St. Gregory is therefore styled by St. Bede, the Apostle of England. Give God thanks for the light of the gospel, thus brought into this nation. Pray that God would remove all obstinacy, prejudice, and blindness from deluded souls, and solicit in particular in behalf of those who sincerely seek him. Pray for all the pastors of this nation, that they may faithfully labor in seeking the lost sheep; and that God would give a blessing to their endeavors." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer to Saint Gregory, Pope and Confessor: O invincible defender of Holy Church's freedom, Saint Gregory of great Renown by that firmness thou didst show in maintaining the Church's rights against all her enemies, stretch forth from heaven thy mighty arm, we beseech thee, to comfort her and defend her in the fearful battle she must ever wage with the powers of darkness.
Do thou, in an especial manner, give strength in this dread conflict to the venerable Pontiff who has fallen heir not only to thy throne, but likewise to the fearlessness of thy mighty heart; obtain for him the joy of beholding his holy endeavors crowned by the triumph of the Church and the return of the lost sheep into the right path.
Grant, finally, that all may understand how vain it is to strive against that faith which has always conquered and is destined always to conquer: "this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith." This is the prayer that we raise to thee with one accord; and we are confident, that, after thou has heard our prayers on earth, thou wilt one day call us to stand with thee in heaven, before the eternal High Priest, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.

Source: CAPG