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St. Felix of Burgundy, Bishop, Apostle of the East Angles, Confessor, a.d. 646

by VP

Posted on Thursday March 06, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Felix of Burgundy.jpg

St. Felix. from the reredos of the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, UK

"Saint Felix was a native of Burgundy, who being for his virtue and merits advanced to the priestly dignity, flourished in sanctity and learning at the time when Sigebert, a prince of the East Angles, went over into that province. Becoming acquainted with St. Felix, he was convinced by him of the errors of Paganism, was baptised by St. Felix, and became a sincere and zealous Christian. Some time after, Sigebert was called home to succeed to the kingdom, and made it his first care to introduce the Christian religion into his provinces of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire, and to establish it on a solid foundation. For this purpose he invited over from France his spiritual father, St. Felix; who without demur quitted his country, friends, and native home, to come and preach the faith of Christ to an uncivilised Pagan people. To proceed regularly in so great an undertaking, he addressed himself to Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury, by whom he was duly authorized and commissioned to preach to the East Angles. King Sigebert received him with great honor, and appointed him for his residence the place now called Dunwich in Suffolk, formerly a great town, but long ago swallowed up by the sea. St. Felix was consecrated bishop by St. Honorius, and undertook his apostolic charge with an ardent desire of the glory of God and the salvation of souls. He founded, with the help of the king, churches, monasteries, and schools; and brought over the whole kingdom to the true faith. St. Felix was bishop for seventeen years, and had during that time discharged the duties of a most zealous and vigilant pastor. At length he departed to our Lord in the year 646, and was buried in the church of Dunwich; but his relics were afterwards translated to the abbey of Ramsey.

Pray for your country. Give God thanks for all those apostolic men, by whose labors God brought so great a blessing to this nation; and beseech him to revive a like spirit in all who succeed to their charge. Pray for the pastors of this nation, that God would animate them with true zeal for the good of their flock." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother