Saint Katharine Drexel
by VP
Posted on Monday March 03, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Katharine Drexel, Holy Name Cathedral, Raleigh NC ©CAPG
Saint Katharine Drexel in North Carolina
Quotes from Saint Katharine Drexel:
- "The patient and humble endurance of the Cross - whatever nature it may be- is the highest work we have to do."
- "Ours is the Spirit of the Eucharist, the total gift of self."
- "The Eucharist is the never ending sacrifice. It is the Sacrament of Love, the supreme love, the act of love."
- "My sweetest Joy is to be in the presence of Jesus in the Holy
Sacrament. I beg that when obliged to withdraw in body, I may leave my
heart before the Holy Sacrament. How I would miss Our Lord if He were to
be away from me by His presence in the Blessed Sacrament!"
"The opening chapter of the rule admirably defines this twofold purpose
of the life of a Sister of the Blessed Sacrament: "The object of the
Institute is the honor and service of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
The sisters admitted to this religious congregation, besides attending
particularly to their own perfection, which is the principal end of all
religious orders, shall, by an apostolate of prayer and work, zealously
endeavor to procure through Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament living
temples for His Divinity amongst the Indian and colored races. To attain
this end the sisters admitted to this religious congregation shall
consecrate themselves, body, soul and spirit, to the service of their
Eucharistic Lord by their twofold apostolate, and feel convinced that
even if they were to perform heroic acts of virtue, they would only be
doing their duty; that is, they would be conducting themselves as it is
meet and fitting for the honor of Him who has given Himself entirely to
them." (...)
Devotion to Jesus in the Holy Sacrament is the great central devotion of
the sisterhood. The rule says, "Jesus really present in the Holy
Eucharist shall be the constant object of their affection. They shall
often reflect, on the infinite charity displayed for us in that ever
adorable Sacrament, and by frequent visits every day, pay assiduous
court to their Heavenly Spouse on His throne of love, uniting their acts
of adoration, prayers and thanksgiving, to those of the angels who
continually attend Him in the tabernacle. In all their sufferings and
anxieties, in all their fears, afflictions and temptations, they shall
seek comfort and consolation at the foot of the altar. They shall endeavor to model themselves on the
gentleness, humility, obedience and annihilation of Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament. The practical rule of their conduct should be, what does our
Lord Jesus Christ want of me at this moment? In this action is there
anything for His service, for His glory? What would our Lord do on such
or such an occasion?" (...)
"The Feast of the Purification following witnessed the opening of "Holy Providence House." In an incredibly short time the building was filled to its utmost capacity-one hundred and fifty children. The majority are girls, whom the sisters keep until their twenty-first year. The boys, when they have reached the age of twelve, are transferred to industrial or trade schools. The girls receive a good common-school education, the larger ones spend one-half day in school work, the other half in domestic employment. Some take a course in scientific dressmaking; the steam laundry instructs others in all the details of fine laundry work; while the bakery and cooking classes afford instruction to an equally large number. The aim is to give the girls a good, solid English education, and a thorough knowledge of all the branches of domestic economy." American Ecclesiastical Review
St. Marinus of Caesarea, Martyr, A.D. about 272.
by VP
Posted on Monday March 03, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
"He was an officer in the Roman army under Valerian. Being asked by the governor of Palestine if he was a Christian, he answered in the affirmative: whereupon the judge gave him three hours so consider whether he would abide by his answer, or recal it. The bishop of Cæsarea being informed of the affair, came to him, when he was withdrawn from the tribunal, and taking him by the hand, led him to the church. There, pointing to the sword which he wore, and then to the book of the gospels, he asked him which of the two he would choose. Marinus, without the least hesitation, stretched out his right hand, and laid hold of the sacred book. Upon which the bishop said: "Go, be constant, and doubt not but God will give thee strength." Being summoned again before the judge, he professed his faith with even greater resolution and alacrity than before, and was immediately led away and beheaded, losing his sword, but gaining the promise of the gospel.
To many Christians the like choice is now offered; and how great is the number of those, who for temporal interest forsake the gospel, transgressing all its maxims to make their own advantage? And what is their gain, when accounts are made up, when the loss of heaven is the fruit of their injustice? Follow a better rule. Hold the gospel in your hand, and go no further than you can carry this with you. If any advantage be offered, and the condition of the purchase is offending against the truth or justice of this sacred volume, renounce the proposal;
for this is giving heaven for earth, and eternity for a moment. Praise
God for his mercy to this his servant, who having the same infirm nature that we have, desirous of quiet, and averse to suffering, was so confirmed by the divine grace, as cheerfully to submit to persecution, and to offer himself a sacrifice for the glory of God's name, and in testimony of his truth." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother