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Saint Martina, Virgin and Martyr A.D. 229

by VP

Posted on Thursday January 30, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Pietro da Cortona Saint Martina Refuses to Adore the Idols.jpg -  Wikipedia

Pietro da Cortona Saint Martina Refuses to Adore the Idols

    "A Roman virgin, who in the third century, under Alexander the emperor, refusing to sacrifice to idols, had her constancy tried with scourges, racks, boiling oil, wild beasts, and the fire. But being miraculously preserved, she finished at length a glorious martyrdom by the sword. Pray for a like constancy under all trials. There is no peace in this world, which is not mixed with persecution; and bearing it with humility, courage, and patience, is the trial of your fidelity. In the passions of men, you meet with something of the wild beast: in the difficulties and misfortunes of the world, you have your scourge: in the misconduct of children, and evil ways of those for whom you are most concerned, how often do you meet with a rack? And what you cannot prevent, or remedy of these by lawful means, are you not bound to bear with patience? This is a common duty: pray then for yourself, and all others in affliction, and endeavour to be faithful.

St. Martina merited the crown of martyrdom by her extraordinary charity. She had lost her parents at an early age, and being inflamed with the spirit of a true Christian, she distributed her great riches to the poor with profuse liberality. When, after many torments, she was condemned to be devoured by wild beasts, she was miraculously preserved unhurt: and being then cast into the fire, she escaped in like manner. These miracles, by God's grace induced some of her torturers even to embrace the faith of Christ. At length when she was beheaded, the whole city of Rome was shaken by an earthquake, and many worshippers of idols were converted to the faith of Christ.

While you honour the happy end of this martyr, pray for a happy death for yourself. Death is a violence to nature; and to embrace this with submission to the hand of God, is a kind of martyrdom. Endeavour then to be humble in all pain and sickness; and bow down with entire submission, begging that whenever death comes, you may surrender your soul with the dispositions of this martyr." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother