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Saints Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs, A.D. 304 and 628.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday January 22, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"The former was a deacon of Spain, who for preaching the Gospel in the time of Dioclesian, was apprehended. St. Augustine assures us that he suffered torments far beyond what any man could have endured, unless supported by a supernatural strength; and that he preserved such peace and tranquillity in his words, countenance, and gestures, in the midst of them, as quite astonished his very persecutors, and visibly appeared as something divine. He continued faithful under the trial of scourges, racks, and fire, and variety of other torments; and at length a soft bed was prepared for him, on which he was no sooner laid than he expired.

Pray for this spirit of patience under all trials. There is no living in this world, but under some kind of persecution.

Relations, neighbours, your own indiscretion and passions may be to you a Dioclesian. If you have not a trial of your faith, you have at least of your fidelity to your God; and if you could but hold out with the charity and patience of the martyrs, you need not doubt of meeting with the crown of martyrs. Pray therefore that you may be just and faithful in little occasions. These present themselves often, and so often are you tried. If you sincerely honour the constancy of a martyr on the rack, be ashamed of your ordinary weakness, and beg pardon for it.

St. Anastasius was a Persian monk, who after cruel torments, was put to death with seventy other Christians, who were all ordered to be strangled. Pray for the empire of Persia, that God would please to bring it to the knowledge of his truths. Pray for all under any affliction whatever. Be careful never to sink under your own trials, nor consent to the least secret murmuring. Pray for all who are in their agony, or near death, that God would comfort and support them with his divine grace." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gotheer