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Saints Cornelius and Cyprian, Pope and Bishop. Martyrs AD 252, 258

by VP

Posted on Monday September 16, 2024 at 12:41AM in Saints

Cornelius  From the cloister of the Abbey of Mariawald, German (Lower Rhine), about 1520-1

"St. Cornelius was bishop of Rome, under the Emperor Gallus, and was a man of unblemished character, and virginal purity. He was remarkable for his humility; meek, modest, peaceable, and adorned with all the other virtues. He behaved in his pastoral charge with remarkable zeal and piety, and adhered to his duty in the most perilous times with great courage and steadfastness. St. Cornelius was the fist person apprehended at Rome, in the persecution of Gallus. He was first sent into banishment, and afterwards brought back to Rome, where he suffered death in 252.

Saint Cyprian

St. Cyprian

St. Cyprian was the illustrious bishop of Carthage, and Father of the Church. By his great charity to the sick and poor, by his zeal in all ecclesiastical discipline, by his faithful discharge of all pastoral duties, and by his learned writings, he has rendered himself eminent to all ages. He was apprehended at Carthage, under Valerian the emperor, and first sent into banishment. There he made a holy preparation for martyrdom, devoting his time to compunction and penance, and making heavenly contemplation his favorite employment. Being recalled to Carthage, he was soon after apprehended, and martyred by the sword, in the year 258.

Pray for his present holiness, and for all the pastors of God's Church, that in zeal for truth, virtue and discipline, they may follow the steps of these their ancient predecessors.

Pray for that vast country Africa, formerly Christian, now Mahometan: a severe scourge. If this be the punishment of sin, how careful ought you to be in all yours ways, that so you may escape the divine rigor, and have no hand in drawing down the like severity on your country or family.

Pray for all in trouble: ask patience for yourself. Though you are not called to martyrdom, yet you have frequent opportunities of suffering for Christ. The cause of truth, justice, and virtue, is the cause of Christ."

The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother.

A Prayer for the Church (Holy Face Devotion)

O God, by Thy Holy Name have pity on us, protect us, and save us.

O Good Jesus, in thy sweet Name guard our Sovereign Pontiff; breathe into his soul the spirit of the Comforter.

Jesus, thy Church is menaced with great trials! Holy Father, by the virtue of thy salutary Name protect the Church of Jesus Christ. This was the last will of thy Divine Son; it is the holy prayer which love prompted towards the end of His life. Holy Father, keep in thy Name those thou hast given me (St. John Chap xxvii 11)

O most holy and worthy Mother, refuge of the Church, intercede for us and save us by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Michael and the Holy Angels, guard the bark of Peter, disperse its enemies by the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Venerable Marie de Saint Pierre, Holy Face Devotion, Work of Reparation 1885