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St. Eleutherius, Abbot

by VP

Posted on Friday September 06, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

S. Eleuthère, abbé (St. Eleutherius, Abbot), September 6th, from "Les Images De Tous Les Saincts et Saintes de L'Année" (Images of All of the Saints and Religious Events of the Year), Jacques Callot (French, Nancy 1592–1635 Nancy), Etching; second state of two (Lieure)

Jacques Gallot 1636, St. Eleutherius, Abbot

"St. Eleutherius, was abbot of St. Mark's, near Spoleto in Italy, and favored by Almighty God with the gift of miracles. A wonderful simplicity and spirit of compunction were the distinguishing virtues of this holy man. A child who was possessed by the devil, being delivered by being educated in his monastery, the abbot said one day that since the child had been among the servants of God, the devil had not dared to approach him. These words seemed to savor of vanity, and they were no sooner spoken, than the devil began again to torment the child. The abbot humbly confessed his fault, and fasted with his whole community, till the child was again freed from the devil, who never more entered into him. St. Gregory the Great not being able to fast on Easter Eve, on account of the extreme weakness of his breast, engaged St. Eleutherius to go with him to the church of St. Andrew, and put up his prayers to God for his health, that he might join the faithful in that solemn practice of penance. The saint prayed with many tears, and St. Gregory coming out of the church found himself suddenly strengthened, so that he was enabled to keep the fast as he desired. St. Eleutherius also raised a dead man to life. Resigning his abbacy, he died in St. Andrew's monastery in Rome, about the year 585. From the first event above related, you see the evil of vanity, and how great reason you have to be on your guard, since the elect of God are thus in danger. As vanity is displeasing to God, be careful to oppose the first approaches of it; and set the memory of your sins against whatever supposed advantages come into your mind. Never praise yourself, nor think well of yourself; and never put others upon praising you. Boast not of anything belonging to you: but if after your boasting, you find something unusual befall you, wonder not; for it is thus that God punishes your rashness, and brings you to the true knowledge of yourself." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

Moral reflection: "Appear not to men to fast, but to thy Father who is in heaven, and thy Father, Who seeth in secret, He will repay thee." (St. Matthew 6.18) Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

by VP

Posted on Thursday September 05, 2024 at 01:34AM in Saints

Mother Teresa

"Jesus loves His priests very much and wants them to grow in holiness by living the priesthood to the full – this simple way will help very much. Let us pray and ask Our Lady to take care of them as she did of Jesus.”

-- Mother Teresa of Calcutta ©Mother Teresa Center. Used with Permission.

Our Lady, Holy Name Cathedral, Raleigh NC

Prayer for Priests

Mary, Mother of Jesus, throw your mantle of purity over our priests. Protect them, guide them, and keep them in your heart. Be a Mother to them, especially in times of discouragement and loneliness. Love them and keep them belonging completely to Jesus. Like Jesus, they, too, are your sons, so keep their hearts pure and virginal. Keep their minds filled with Jesus, and put Jesus always on their lips, so that He is the one they offer to sinner and to all they meet.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, be their Mother, loving them and bringing them joy. Take special care of sick and dying priests, and the ones most tempted. Remember how they spent their youth and old age, their entire lives serving and giving all to Jesus.

Mary, bless them and keep a special place for them in your heart. Give them a piece of your heart, so beautiful and pure and immaculate, so full of love and humility, so that they, too, can grow in the likeness of Christ. Dear Mary, make them humble like you, and holy like Jesus.

Fr. Joseph Langford, MC. Co-Founder with Mother Teresa of the Missionaries of Charity Fathers Used with Permission: Corpus Christi Movement for Priests

St. Cuthbert, Bishop and confessor

by VP

Posted on Wednesday September 04, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

The Journey by Fenwick Lawson, showing the coffin of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne being carried by 6 monks, eventually to Durham.

"St. Cuthbert, before his death, charged his disciples, that rather than fall under the yoke of schismatics or infidels, they should, when threatened with such a calamity, take with them his mortal remains, and choose some other dwelling. In the year 875, to escape from the Danish pirates, the monks quitted Lindisfarne, and carrying with them that sacred treasure, wandered to and fro for seven years. In 882, they rested with it a Concester, a small town near the Roman wall, now called Chester-le Street. In 995, the fresh inroads of the Danes obliged the bishop to retire with the saint's body to Ripon, and four months after to Durham. The body of the saint remained without the least taint of corruption; and many miracles were wrought at his shrine. This day was appointed to be kept as a yearly memorial of the translation of the body of St. Cuthbert to Durham.

Pray for your country, that God would deliver it from all corruptions. Give no countenance to any of them, by your bad example; but endeavor to be a light to all that sit in darkness. Let the primitive zeal of the saints for God's honor inspire you with some degree of this generous spirit, so as not to permit you in silence to see and hear God and His holy Law brought into contempt. This is what you are obliged to pray for, since you cannot prove yourself faithful to him, whom you serve, if you can be a silent witness of his cause being so often betrayed.

Remember too that no state is secure from the devil's snares. His attempts against Christ Himself in the desert are an instruction that no retirement can depend upon an exemption; but that there is to be expected the greater violence, where there are endeavors to approach the nearest to perfection. If you experience his malice however, be not discouraged. Remember only to go on with fear, without any confidence of yours own strength, but in an entire distrust of yourself. Thus you will certainly defeat the worst designs of the enemy."

The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church By Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

Saint Eucherius of Orleans, Bishop

by VP

Posted on Tuesday September 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

"Retirement: God has oftentimes selected from the retirement and silence of the cloister the eminent whom He would place in the Church as a shining light. In retirement it is that the soul collects and concentrates its strength; there it gets attempered, like true steel in the water. Eucherius, of an illustrious family of Orleans, and nephew of Savarius, the bishop of that town, lived retired for some years in the Abbey of Jumieges, which he was edifying but his virtues and never meant to quit, when the inhabitants of Orleans came to draw him, despite all opposition on his side, from his retreat, in order that he might replace his uncle. Their calculations were well founded, for they gained a pastor according to God's own heart. Charles Martel, who was fond of lavishing upon his warriors the property of the Church, found Eucherius wanting in compliance, for the bishop regarded it as the patrimony of the poor. He was driven into exile, and dragged from town to town by the satellites of Charles. The persecution lasted for six years, and Eucherius died, in 793, worn out with fatigue and suffering, though in nowise wroth nor failing in courage, after having borne the episcopal charge for twenty-two years.

Moral Reflection: Nothing softens the soul and weakens piety so much as frivolous indulgence. God has revealed what high store He sets by "Retirement," in these words: "I will lead her into solitude, and I will speak to her heart." _ (Osea 2.14.) Pictorial half hours with the saints by Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Tuesday September 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

Prayer to Saint Gregory, Pope and Confessor

O invincible defender of Holy Churchʼs freedom, Saint Gregory of great Renown by that firmness thou didst show in maintaining the Churchʼs rights against all her enemies, stretch forth from heaven thy mighty arm, we beseech thee, to comfort her and defend her in the fearful battle she must ever wage with the powers of darkness.

Do thou, in an especial manner, give strength in this dread conflict to the venerable Pontiff who has fallen heir not only to thy throne, but likewise to the fearlessness of thy mighty heart; obtain for him the joy of beholding his holy endeavors crowned by the triumph of the Church and the return of the lost sheep into the right path.

Grant, finally, that all may understand how vain it is to strive against that faith which has always conquered and is destined always to conquer: "this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith." This is the prayer that we raise to thee with one accord; and we are confident, that, after thou has heard our prayers on earth, thou wilt one day call us to stand with thee in heaven, before the eternal High Priest, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.

Pope St. Pius X

by VP

Posted on Tuesday September 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints


Pope Pius X is convinced that on the character of the clergy mainly depend the present welfare and the future hopes of religion. He is convinced that in modern times the Church needs ministers of more than ordinary virtue, men who are ever ready to spend themselves for Christ and to suffer hard things for His sake. Hence he observes with alarm the growth of a worldly spirit in some of the clergy - disregard for mental prayer, indifference to spiritual reading, neglect of self-examination - and he foretells with sorrow what will be the bitter fruits of such worldliness. Sacred duties will be callously performed, the light of the faith will be darkened, dangerous novelties will be preferred to sound doctrine, human wisdom will be substituted for the Word of God, and pride and contumacy will take the place of the humility and meekness of Christ."
: The Priest of Today, His Ideals and His duties, by Thomas O'Donnell C.M. 1910

"The Pope had very special and peculiar difficulty in dealing with the Catholic Modernists; for Modernism was very insidious in its methods. The Modernists said: there may be difficulties about the dogmas of faith from the point of view of philosophy and historical criticism; they may not be philosophically and historically true; but, even so, their religious value remains, for they can be believed by faith. To the ordinary faithful Faith meant intellectual assent to truths on the authority of the word of God. It seemed, then, as if the Catholic Modernists were not impugning the intellectual truth of the dogmas of faith. But the Modernists meant by Faith the use of dogmas as rules of action; we should live and act, they said, as if Christ were God, as if He had arisen from the dead, as if He were really present in the Blessed Eucharist. There was then an equivocal use of the word "faith".

The true faith of the Church was being undermined. Intellectual assent to the dogmas of faith on the authority of God would be impossible if the dogmas themselves were philosophically or historically false. Thus Modernism was a formula or prescription for an easy imperceptible death to Christianity. But Pope Pius X. intervened, and saved his people from the poisoned prescriptions of the Modernists." The Catholic Book Bulletin, Vol 1 P33-34 1911, Modernism and the Old Faith by Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Goghlan, D.D.

Prayer for Priests (St. Pius X)

O Jesus, eternal High Priest, divine Sacrificer, Thou who in an unspeakable burst of love for men, Thy Brethren, didst cause the Christian Priesthood to spring forth from Thy Sacred Heart, vouchsafe to pour forth upon Thy priests continual living streams of infinite love.

Live in them, transform them in to Thee; make them, by Thy Grace, fit instruments of Thy mercy; do Thou act in them and through them, and grant, that they may become wholly one with Thee by their faithful imitation of Thy Virtues; and, in Thy name and by the strength of Thy spirit, may they do the works which Thou didst accomplish for the salvation of the world.

Divine Redeemer of souls, behold how great is the multitude of those who still sleep in the darkness of error; reckon up the number of those unfaithful sheep who stray to the edge of the precipice; consider the throngs of the poor, the hungry, the ignorant and the feeble who groan in their abandoned condition.

Return to us in the person of Thy priests; truly live again in them; act through them and pass once more through the world, teaching, forgiving, comforting, sacrificing and renewing the sacred bonds of love between the Heart of God and the heart of man.

St. Pius X (Raccolta 1907, Prayer 614. Rescript in his own hand. March 3, 1905 )

Saint Stephen of Hungary, KING AND CONFESSOR, A.D. 1038.

by VP

Posted on Monday September 02, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

File:Benczúr - Painting of St Stephen in the Basilica of Budapest.jpg

St Stephen offers his crown to the Virgin Mary -

Painting behind the altar in the St Stephen basilica in Budapest by Gyula Benczúr:

"ST. STEPHEN was the first King of Hungary. His earliest care on taking the reins of government, was to settle a firm peace with the neighboring nations. He then labored to root out idolatry, and promote the reign of Christ in the hearts of all his subjects. He invited into his dominions many holy priests and religious men, who by their exemplary lives and zealous preaching, sowed the seed of faith, and built many churches and monasteries. It is incredible with what ardor the holy king exhorted his people, especially his domestics, to the practice of all virtues. He provided for the poor throughout his whole kingdom, and took them under his special protection, especially the helpless orphans and widows. He lost no part of his time in vain amusements or idle company; but divided it between the duties of religion, and those of his station. His alms-deeds, meekness, temperance, patience, and other virtues, succeeding one another in their victories and repeated heroic acts, sanctified his whole life, and made it, as it were, one uninterrupted sacrifice to God. There is no saint whose virtue is not exercised by tribulation. Sickness deprived St. Stephen of all his children. This affliction he bore with entire resignation, adoring it in the holy will of God; but it weaned his heart more and more from the world. He endeavoured to redouble his fervour in all his religious exercises, and directed his devotions and charities principally to obtain a happy death. St. Stephen laboured for three years under a complication of painful distempers. Perceiving his last hour at length drawing near, he commended his kingdom to the patronage of the Blessed Virgin, and after having received the sacraments of Penance, the Holy Viaticum, and Extreme Unction, he happily expired on the Feast of the Assumption, 1038, being threescore years old. Pray for his nation, that it may be preserved from errors and sins. Pray for all Christian princes, that they may encourage justice, virtue, and truth. They have a difficult charge; and being appointed for the good of all, ought to have the prayers of all." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

"Faith is the strength of Nations: A nation is never more prosperous and powerful than when its members are united in one and the same faith. Errors in religion entail errors and division, and, as a matter of course, weakness in policy.

This was fully understood by Stephen, the Vaivode of Hungary; and hence he did all in his power to continue the work inaugurated by his father for the conversion of Hungary. He often accompanied the missionaries while they were evangelizing, and when Christianity was at length solidly established, sent the monk Anastasius to the Sovereign Pontiff, to obtain full confirmation of what had been accomplished. Sylvester II, confirmed all that had been effected, and conferred on the pious Vaivode the title of "King". Stephen, out of respect, listened standing while the bulls from the head of the Church were being read out. Hungary having become Christian, and having been placed under the protection of the Holy Virgin, was civilized in due course, and has remained one of the most powerful nations in Europe. St. Stephen died in 1038, regretted by the people at large on account of his high courage, and venerated for his virtues.

Moral reflection: "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." (Psa. cxxvi. 1.)

Pictorial half hours with the saints by  Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

For the Church and Civil Authorities by Archbishop Carroll

We pray Thee, O almighty and Eternal God, Who through Jesus Christ Hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy; that thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy name.

We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life our Pope Francis, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ in the government of His Church; our own bishop ...; all the other bishops, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people into the ways of salvation.

We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgments decreed, assist, with the Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of the United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by faithful execution of the law in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality.

Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty.

We pray for his Excellency the Governor of this State, for the members of the Assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability.

We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal.

Finally, we pray Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace: the souls of our parents, relations, and friends; of those who, when living, were members of this congregation; and particularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors who, by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship, and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance.

To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.