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Prayer to St. Louis, KING AND CONFESSOR, A.D. 1270.

by VP

Posted on Sunday August 25, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

St. Louis, Sacred Heart Dunn, NC

Prayer:  O Saint Louis IX, inspire our bishop and priests to preach the Faith with courage, constancy, and love. Strengthen them to combat every evil. Pray that God will raise up courageous and honorable civil leaders who will enact laws respecting the dignity of human life and enforce them with justice, truth, and charity.

Pray for all faithful men and women that they will live virtuous and peaceful lives as they journey toward their final goal of Heaven.

Pray that all children may keep their baptismal innocence and be spared from every evil.

Pray that the sanctity of human life will be forever respected. Pray for an increase in holy vocations to the priesthood and religious life and Saint Louis, as you have left your earthly throne to assume your heavenly throne, pray that we will one day share with you the eternal crown of salvation after our earthly lives are ended. Amen. Source: CAPG


"ST. LOUIS was king of Francis, and the ninth of that name. He was brought up in great piety by his holy mother St. Blanche; whose first care it was to instill into his tender soul the highest esteem and awe for every thing that regarded the divine worship, the strongest sentiments of religion and virtue, and a particular love of holy chastity. She used often to say to him, when he was a child: "I love you, my dear son, with all the tenderness a mother is capable of; but I would infinitely rather see you fall down dead at my feet, than that you should ever commit a mortal sin." In the court, he observed the discipline of the cloister, being moderate in apparel, rigorous in fasting, charitable to the poor and the sick, not only in visiting but relieving and helping them with his own hands. His zeal for Christianity made him bewail the Holy Land being in the possession of Infidels, and think of recovering it. For this end, having transported himself and a great army into those parts, and attempted its relief with success in his first battle with the Saracens, he was afterwards taken prisoner. Being ransomed, he resolved to make a second attempt upon them, but was seized with sickness in his camp, in Africa, and died there, at the head of his army, in the year 1270.

Pray for all Christian princes, and beseech God to give them a zeal for virtue and truth, that being in a rank above all, they may be examples to all. Be zealous in promoting what is good: but if you are sometimes disappointed, in not meeting with success, let not this deject you. For though you propose, yet you must leave it to God to dispose of all, as seems best to him. Is not his wisdom infinite? Depend therefore upon his wisdom, and call not in question what he does. Join with this pious prince in recovering the Holy Land. Ought not your heart to be the seat of God, and your soul the temple of the Holy Ghost? And are not they both subject to the tyranny of infidelity and sinful passions? Arm yourself against this usurpation, and strive to regain that liberty which Christ has purchased for you."  The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother