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Saint Clare, Virgin and Abbess, A.D. 1253.

by VP

Posted on Monday August 12, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Sainte Claire, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Raleigh

"ST. CLARE was born at Assisium in Italy, and moved by the example of St. Francis, gave all that she had to the poor.Before the altar of the Blessed Virgin she put off her fine clothes, and St. Francis cut off her hair, and gave her his penitential habit, which was no other than a piece of sackcloth tied round with a cord. She afterwards instituted a religious Order of nuns, called from her, poor Clares; obliging them to great austerity, in perpetual abstinence from flesh meat, using no soft beds, nor linen, and going barefoot. Her esteem of holy poverty was admirable. She looked upon it as the retrenchment of the most dangerous objects of the passions, and as the great school of patience and mortification, Frayer was her spiritual comfort and strength, and she seemed scarcely ever to interrupt that holy exercise. Having lived with her religious above forty years, being at length exhausted with fasting, prayer, and watching, she surrendered her soul to God, in 1253. Pray for all the religious of this Order; and praise God for that wonderful spirit of sanctity, which is still preserved among them. Wonder at the zeal of so many tender virgins, who renouncing all the softness, superfluity, and vanity of their education, engage and persevere in a life of so much hardship and severity. Let this be a reproach to you of all your contrary methods. Learn from them how little is sufficient for nature; and see how much you have wasted. You may pity them for being deprived of so many satisfactions which you enjoy: but consider whether they are unhappy in the want, or you in the enjoyment of them. They deprive themselves of that only which is superfluous and dangerous; and by thus seeking yourself, put your salvation to the hazard. Which then has chosen the better part?" The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

"Our labor here is brief, but the reward is eternal."

"Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a shadow."

"Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you."

"O CLARE, the reflection of the Spouse which adorns the Church in this world no longer suffices you. You now behold the light with open face. The brightness of the Lord plays with delight in the pure crystal of your soul, increasing the happiness of Heaven and giving joy this day to our valley of exile. Heavenly beacon, with your gentle shining enlighten our darkness.

May we, like you, by purity of heart, by uprightness of thought, by simplicity of gaze, fix on ourselves the divine ray which flickers in a wavering soul, is dimmed by our waywardness, is interrupted or put out by a double life divided between God and the world. Your life, O Virgin, was never thus divided. The most high poverty which was your mistress and guide preserved your mind from that bewitching of vanity which takes off the bloom of all true goods for us mortals. Detachment from all passing things kept your eye fixed on eternal realities. It opened your soul to that seraphic ardor in which you emulated your father Francis. Like the Seraphim, whose gaze is ever fixed on God, you had immense influence over the Earth, and Saint Damian’s, during your lifetime, was a source of strength to the world. Deign to continue giving us your aid. Multiply your daughters. Keep them faithful in following their Mother’s example, so as to be a strong support to the Church. May the various branches of the Franciscan family be ever fostered by your rays, and may all Religious Orders be enlightened by your gentle brightness. Shine on us all, O Clare, and show us the worth of this transitory life and of that which never ends. Abbot Dom Gueranger

"How great was the devotion St. Clare felt toward the Sacrament of the Altar is shown by the fact that during the severe illness which had confined her to bed she had herself raised in a sitting position and supported by props, and thus she spun the finest linens. From these she made more than fifty sets of corporals and, enclosing them in silken or purple burses, sent them to different churches in the plains and mountains about Assisi.

When about to receive the Body of the Lord, Clare shed burning tears and approached with awe, for she feared Him not less hidden in the Sacrament than ruling heaven and earth."

Source: The life of Saint Clare; ascribed to Fr. Thomas of Celano, 1910.

Prayer to St. Clare:

O blessed saint, who didst give thyself so early to Jesus, grant that I may imitate thy blessed example, as far as my state in life will permit, and that I may never prove a hindrance, either in word or deed, to any who desire to consecrate themselves to God, as you did. Oh! dear saint, whose very name is light, and whose heart was ever full of such tender love to Jesus crucified, obtain for me the grace of Divine light and guidance in all my undertakings, and of such ardent love of my adorable Savior that I may be willing, nay rather that I may prefer to endure any suffering sooner than offend Him, even by a wilful imperfection. And as thou wast conducted to heaven by the Blessed and Immaculate Mother of God, oh! intercede with her for me that I may SO love and serve her in life as to be worthy to be received into her maternal arms in the hour of my death, and to be presented by her to Jesus. Amen.

Prayer in Honor of the Five Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, Composed by St. Clare:


All praise, honor, and glory be to Thee, O Lord Jesus, for the most sacred wound of Thy right hand. By this most holy wound pardon me, I beseech Thee, the sins which I have committed against Thee, in thought, word, or deed; and the sensualities of which sleeping or waking I may have been guilty. Grant that I may ever have before me a pious remembrance of Thy wounds, and that I may testify my gratitude to Thee for having received them, by imprinting them on my own body through a continual mortification. Deign to grant this, O Lord, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. Pater, Ave.


All praise, honor, and glory be to Thee, O sweetest Jesus, for the most holy wound of Thy left hand. By this sacred wound show mercy unto me, and take from my

heart all that is displeasing to Thee. Make me victorious over the enemies that cease not to war against me; grant me Thy strength and power that I may trample them beneath my feet. By Thy holy death deliver me from all the dangers to which my life and salvation are exposed, and render me worthy to partake of Thy glory in Thy heavenly kingdom, world without end. Amen. Pater, Ave.


All praise, honor, and glory be to Thee, O good Savior Jesus, for the sacred wound of Thy right foot. By this most holy wound grant me to merit forgiveness from Thee, by a penance proportioned to the enormity of my sins; oh! by Thy most holy Passion, grant that my will may be ever united to Thine, and defend my body and soul from all adversity. When the day of awful judgment shall be at hand, deign mercifully to receive my soul, and make it a possessor of Thy eternal joys, O Thou who livest for ever and ever. Amen. Pater, Ave.


All praise, honor, and glory be to Thee, O most merciful Jesus, for the sacred wound of Thy left foot. By this most holy wound I beg of Thee to grant me the full and entire remission of all my sins, that I may escape the rigors of Thy dread judgment. O most merciful Jesus, I implore, by your holy death, that before mine I may worthily receive the sacrament of Thy Body and Blood, that I may be able to confess all my sins, with perfect contrition and great purity of body and soul; and that I may receive the sacrament of Extreme Unction to my eternal salvation. Grant this I beseech Thee, O Lord, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. Pater, Ave.


All praise, honor, and glory be to Thee, O loving Jesus, for the sacred wound of Thy side. I beg of Thee, by this most holy wound, and by the charity Thou didst show in allowing Thy most Sacred Heart to be laid open to us by the lance of the soldier Longinus, that Thou wouldest deign not only to purify me from original sin by baptism, but also to deliver me from all evils, past, present, and to come, by the merits of Thy Precious Blood, which is at this moment offered and received throughout the world. Through Thy bitter death grant me a lively faith, a firm hope, and a perfect contrition, that I may love Thee with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength. Confirm me in good works, that I may persevere with courage in Thy holy service, so that I may be found pleasing in Thy divine sight, now and evermore. Amen. Pater Ave.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee,

R. Because by Thy death and by Thy blood, Thou hast redeemed the world.

PRAYER: Almighty and eternal God, who hast redeemed the world by the five wounds of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech Thee, that we who daily honor those wounds, may be delivered from sudden and eternal death. This we implore through the same Lord Jesus, who liveth and reigneth with Thee for ever and ever. Amen.

Novenas, hymns, and litanies, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare, 1863