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Prayers of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

by VP

Posted on Friday August 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"Those who remain silent are responsible."

O Prince of Peace, to all who receive You, You bring light and peace.  Help me to live in daily contact with You, listening to the words You have spoken and obeying them.  O Divine Child, I place my hands in Yours; I shall follow You.  Oh, let Your divine life flow into me.

I will go unto the altar of God.  It is not myself and my tiny little affairs that matter here, but the great sacrifice of atonement.  I surrender myself entirely to Your divine will, O Lord.  Make my heart grow greater and wider, out of itself into the Divine Life.

O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage and strength to serve You.  Enkindle Your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of road before me.  I do not see very far ahead, but when I have arrived where the horizon now closes down, a new prospect will open before me and I shall meet with peace.

How wondrous are the marvels of your love, We are amazed, we stammer and grow dumb, for word and spirit fail us.

Carmelite Boston

Saint Romanus, Martyr

by VP

Posted on Friday August 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:St. Romanus (Schweighausen) jm37275.jpg

Saint Romanus

COURAGEOUS FAITH.-How many Christians are there who will have to blush before God for their utter weakness in presence of the prejudices and maxims of the world, which they in their heart condemn, but to which they have with cowardly submission bowed down their souls! Let such craven spirits reflect on the following example:-St. Lawrence was in fetters; on seeing the hour approach wherein he was to suffer for Christ's sake, he could not refrain from manifesting his joy. One of the soldiers charged with his safe custody, by name Romanus, moved at the sight, entreated Lawrence to make known to him the truths of Christianity; the holy deacon instructed and baptized him. Romanus, having now become a Christian, displayed openly the happiness that pervaded his soul. Neither human respect nor fear of the torture to which he exposed himself, nor any other consideration, could restrain him; he proclaimed his faith, saying openly, "I am a Christian!" This was tantamount to pronouncing his own sentence of death, as he well knew. He was handed over to the executioner, tortured in many ways, and finally beheaded the day previous to that when St. Lawrence had to appear before the tribunal, and thus preceded his master in the glorious triumph of martyrdom, in the year 258.

MORAL REFLECTION.- "Neither height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord."-(Rom. viii. 39.)

Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Fr. Auguste François Lecanu 1865