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Finding of the Body of St. Stephen, THE FIRST MARTYR, A.D. 415.

by VP

Posted on Saturday August 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

"A FESTIVAL in memory of that day, when by divine revelation the body of St. Stephen, the first martyr, mentioned in the Acts, was found at Jerusalem, together with the bodies of Nicodemus, Gamaliel, and his son Abibas, in the year 415, under the Emperor Honorius. Upon the opening of St. Stephen's coffin, the earth shook, and there came from it so agreeable an odor, that no one remembered any thing like it. Seventy-three persons, afflicted with various distempers, recovered their health upon the spot. The sacred relics were removed with great solemnity by the Christians into the church of Sion; afterwards to Constantinople, under Theodosius the younger; and at length to Rome, in the time of Pelagius I. At the removal of this sacred body, God was pleased to work many miracles, by giving sight to the blind, and health to the sick, as recorded by St. Augustin in his book Of the City of God, and by other writers of those primitive times. Bless God in his saints, for all his graces bestowed on them, and for all his wonders wrought by them. Revive this day in your mind the virtues of St. Stephen, his great zeal for the faith of Christ, his patience in suffering, and wonderful charity in praying for his enemies, even those who stoned him. Pray that on this day of miracles, God would work one more o you, by changing your obstinate and rebellious heart, and subjecting it entirely to the impression of his grace and the accomplishment of his holy will. Pray for the zeal, patience, and charity of this saint. Offer yourself to do and suffer whatever your profession of a Christian, and the obligations of your state call you to; for this is the manifest will of God Pardon all your enemies, and pray for them. Depart not from your prayers, till this perfect charity be wrought in you. Admit of no false coloring or pretexts to disguise your passion. Resolve to speak freely to those who seem averse to you, and never permit yourself in discourse, to express any resentments, or dislike of them, If this be hard, the difficulty is from the corruption and pride of your heart: pray for remedy." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother