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Saint James the Great, Apostle

by VP

Posted on Thursday July 25, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Guido Reni - Saint James the Greater - Google Art Project.jpgFile:Guido Reni - Saint James the Greater - Google Art Project.jpg

Guido Reni: Saint James the Greater

"He was an apostle and brother of St. John the Evangelist; who being among the first called by Christ, left his father and nets, and followed him. Pray for all, those, who succeed in his holy function, that they may truly renounce the love of the world, and follow Christ. Having preached the Gospel in many places, he was at length condemned by Herod Agrippa, and beheaded at Jerusalem, being the first of the apostles that gave his life for Christ. Pray for all that suffer for their faith, and beg grace, that you may rather submit to all extremities and death, than deny Christ, or His truths.

His body was translated to Compostella, in Spain, where it has been ever since kept with great veneration, and visited by Christians from all parts of the world. Praise and honour God in His saints: let the memory of their sufferings excite in you a zeal like theirs. Pray for all those pious pilgrims, who for this end undertake their laborious journeys, that God would comfort them, and be the reward of their labours.

Christ, in choosing fishermen to be his apostles, and by their means converting the world to his faith, has abundantly demonstrated that this has not been the work of human wisdom, eloquence, or power, but only of His grace and truth. In this He has also taught His followers, how great confidence they ought to have in His assistance, in whatever they under take; and that for their success, they are ever to depend on Him. It is an instruction to all faithful souls, with what courage they ought to go on in the work of their salvation. It is a task of very great difficulty, which they have undertaken, to master themselves, to stand against the corruption of the world, and defend themselves against all the snares of a powerful and subtle enemy. This difficulty is increased by the consideration of their own weakness; which, compared with the great work which they have to do, seems enough to draw on dejection and despair. But how great a remedy have all Christians against these discouraging temptations, by looking on the apostles, and comparing the immense difficulties of their task of converting an idolatrous and wicked world, with the infirmities and slender abilities of those who were to undertake it. Is there not in this sufficient motive for all to go on with resolution, and a confidence in the divine assistance? They were all men as we are, subject to the same weakness and passions. But our work is nothing, if compared to theirs. They had the whole world on their hands we have generally but one to take care of. We have principles of faith, and education already laid they found all contrary in those to whom they were sent. We have only the opposition of a corrupt nature: and they had the power and interest of earth and hell to stand against them, armed with all the terrors which malice and cruelty could invent. And yet, did not they go on with courage? Were not they every where victorious, in rescuing so many nations from the tyranny of hell, and subjecting them to the faith of Christ? And cannot you, dear Christian, have hopes that God will carry you on with success in your little work. Have you not the same God to help you? His power is the same; His goodness is the same; His arm is not shortened; and His infinite truth, which cannot fail, is still engaged to help all those that put their trust in him. Be faithful then in your endeavours; benot tired with your labour; let no difficulties, or seeming delays discourage you; but place your whole confidence in God; for they cannot fail of His help, who lose not their hopes in Him.

Give to all thy faithful, O God, a true sense of the work which they have to do; that by a watchful and laborious diligence they may put themselves in dispositions of obtaining thy help, without which they must certainly perish."The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Prayer: O Glorious Apostle, Saint James, who by reason of thy fervent and generous heart wast chosen by Jesus to be a witness of His glory on Mount Thabor, and of His agony in Gethsemane; thou, whose very name is a symbol of warfare and victory: obtain for us strength and consolation in the unending warfare of this life, that, having constantly and generously followed Jesus, we may be victors in the strife and deserve to receive the victor's crown in Heaven. Amen