CAPG's Blog 

Saint Mary Magdalene

by VP

Posted on Monday July 22, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

 Domenico Fetti. The Repentant Mary Magdalene

Sanctuary of the Saint Baume, France

St. Mary Magdalene said to St. Mechtilde: Whosoever shall give God thanks for all the tears I shed upon the feet of Jesus, our most merciful God will grant him through my intercession remission of all his sins before his death, and a great increase of love to God.

O most merciful Jesus, I give thee thanks for that work of piety which the blessed Mary Magdalen wrought on thee when she washed thy feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed them and anointed them with fragrant ointment; whereby she obtained from thee such signal grace that thou didst pour into her heart and soul so great love of thee that she could love nothing apart from thee: beseeching thee that by her merits and intercessions thou wouldst vouchsafe to me tears of true repentance, and pour into my heart thy divine love. Amen. (Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.)

I. LAUDA MATER ECCLESIA. (Office hymn for the feast of St. Mary Magdalene)

Now let the Church in earth and heav'n
To Christ upraise her melody:
By sev'nfold grace from devils sev'n
A captive soul is now set free.

Full oft she sinned of whom we tell,
Mary, the sister of Lazarus ;
Who, from the very jaws of hell,
Repentant life hath shewn to us.

To Christ the Healer see her go,
With precious ointment for her Lord:
The Good Physician speaks, and lo!
He heals her sickness by His Word.

Ounction from a broken heart!
O rivers from those laden eyes!
Such choosing of love's better part
 Brings pardon with a glad surprise.

This loving Saint was first to see
The Victor, rising from His rest:
The earliest joy was hers to be
Who loved Him most, who loved the best.

Now GOD in mercy grant to us,
In life's incessant storms and cares,
That all the Saints most glorious
May aid us sinners with their prayers.

To GOD Alone be glory giv'n,
For sev'n-fold pow'r and glad release:
To souls of men, from sin forgiv'n,
He gives new life and joy and peace.
  (S. Odo of Cluny, 11th Century.)

St. Mary Magdalen:

"She had lived a long time in all the disorders of luxury and vice; but touched at length with the sense of her crimes, and knowing Christ to be her only physician, she runs in to him, while he is at table with the Pharisee, and throws herself at his feet. She washes his feet with her tears, and wipes them with her hair; she kisses them, and pours forth her sweet perfumes, and departs not thence till she has Christ her advocate, and hears those words of comfort from his sacred mouth: Thy sins are forgiven thee: thy faith hath made thee safe, go in peace.

Adore the goodness of your Redeemer, and bless his mercy who has given such encouragement to repenting sinners. Pray for all those unhappy ones, who, like Magdalen, are engaged in sin; that being sensible of their misery, they may, with her, seek their Redeemer, and by a sincere conversion be received into his favour. Let this day's mercy raise up your hopes in Christ; and, whatever your sins have been, preserve you from all despair.

St. Mary Magdalen having thus obtained pardon of her sins, became a true disciple of Jesus: and her heart, which she had rescued from the love of the world, she gave now entirely to him. She delighted in his sacred doctrine, and her place of rest was at his feet, where she first found wonderful effects of his goodness. She poured perfumes on his head, to prepare him for his burial, she followed him to the cross with tears, she was the first at his sepulchre, and there continued watching for her Lord. She was informed of His resurrection by the angels, and was the first mentioned in Scripture, to whom Christ appeared.

Learn from her the method of a true conversion. If God has mercifully drawn you out of a state of sin, express your sense of this mercy, in a more than ordinary fidelity to your Lord. Endeavour to outdo all in every Christian duty, in prayer, fasting, and all kinds of humiliation. The innocent Christian is obliged to a life of virtue; the converted sinner ought to do something more, and make his life a penance, bearing some proportion to his past offences. But whatever your life has been, pray on this day to be delivered from all temptations, or strengthened against them. Resolve upon avoiding all immediate occasions of sin; be cautious in the choice of company, and in all your conversation; avoid all familiarities; keep a strict guard on your thoughts, your eyes and your tongue. Never read books which are likely to soften and injure your soul; beseech God to take from you the love of the world, and of all its vanities and snares; to give you a true sense of your own weakness, and of all the dangers before you, and to inspire you with courage necessary for your security. As far as you forsake the world, you may hope God will approach to you, and prepare you for a better." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, model of true penitents, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, who made no delay in returning to God, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, who, being once converted, despised all earthly pleasures, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, who had no other grief but that of having offended infinite goodness, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, who turned all that had served to sin into proofs of love and sorrow, pray for us
Saint Mary Magdalene, whose eyes, once instruments of sin, are now bathed in tears at Jesus' feet, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, whose lips, once defiled, are now made pure by the hallowed kiss of Jesus' feet, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, whose hands, once sinful, are now made holy by the sacred touch of Jesus' feet, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, whose hair, once adorned to please creatures, is now used to wipe Jesus' feet, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, whose penance was a true holocaust to divine love, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who heard the blessed words"Thy sins are forgiven,", pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who left Jesus' feet with the consoling words-" Go in peace!", pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who followed Jesus even to Calvary, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who assisted at the agony of Jesus, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who received drops of blood falling from the cross, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who heard the loud cry-"All is consummated!", pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who saw Jesus expiring, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who mingled thy tears with those of the sorrowful Mother, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who went early to the sepulchre, to embalm the body of Jesus, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who, in thy grief, noticed not the bright host of heaven, pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who would not be comforted until the life-giving voice had said: Mary!", pray for us
St. Mary Magdalen, who wast the first apostle of the resurrection, pray for us

Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world, forgive us, Lord,
Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world, hear us, Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Let us pray : MY God! may thy love be the sole principle of my penance. Let my sorrow be to have offended thee, my supreme good, my first beginning and last end. May my tears flow from a heart wounded with love. I grieve for the past, and firmly resolve never more to offend thee.

Not that in heaven my home may be,
Nor lest I die eternally,
Nor from the hope of joy above me,
But even as thyself didst love me,
So love I, and will ever love thee,
Because thou art my God, my King, for evermore." Amen.