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Saint Alexis of Rome, Confessor

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 17, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Alexis of Rome

IMITATION OF THE SAVIOUR.-Alexis, born at Rome, in 350, of a family bearing senatorial rank, quite as illustrious by its Christian virtues as for its nobility and opulence, chose as his portion that part of our Saviour's life in which He has found fewest imitators, namely, in His humiliation. Having been urged by his family to turn his thoughts to marriage, he profited by this to carry out his design, and fled to Edessa; where, during seventeen years, he remained unknown, seeking for humiliations and the contempt of men with as much eagerness as others exhibit in pursuit of fortune and honours. But at length, becoming admired for his sanctity, he once more fled; and, the course of events leading him back to Rome, he went to his own father's house to crave an asylum as the veriest beggar. He there ended his days, after having been for seventeen years made the object of scorn to the entire household. His family at length discovered who he was by means of a paper found upon him containing his name and the main events of his life. The pope, the emperor, and sovereign princes came to render homage to him who had so profoundly humbled himself amongst men.

MORAL REFLECTION.-"Every one that hath left house or lands for my sake shall receive a hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting."-(Matt. xix. 27.) Pictorial Half Hour with the Saint by Abbe Lecanu