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The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel

by VP

Posted on Tuesday July 16, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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Pietro Novelli

"A FEAST in honour of our Blessed Lady is kept on this day, on which, as we are assured by several writers of the Carmelite Order, St. Simon Stock, general of the Carmelites, was admonished by the holy Mother of God in a vision, to establish the confraternity of the Scapular. This confraternity has been approved, and favoured with many privileges by many popes. The object of it is to unite the devout clients of the Blessed Virgin in certain regular exercises of religion and piety.

Learn from the Blessed Mother of God clothing her devout children with the humble scapular, a thorough contempt of the world. She proclaims to us: Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. Love not its riches, its fine apparel, or other vanities; but having food, and wherewith to be clothed, learn to be content. For they that would become rich fall into temptation and the snares of the devil. Despise the honours of the world; and keep not a high and proud heart beneath an humble garment. Be not greedy of power and pre-eminence above others; but willingly sit down in the lowest place, by far the most secure. Equally dangerous, and to be shunned by every faithful follower of Jesus and Mary, are the pleasures of the world. You are called in this life to labour and penance. The time of rest and enjoyment will not fully arrive till you have passed through the gate of death. To live in pleasures and sensual enjoyments, is a life full of danger, and too often leads to eternal death; but by a life of mortification, you secure joy everlasting. This is that holy violence which carries away victoriously the kingdom of heaven. And be not disturbed or fearful about the judgments of the world. Men of the world fear where there is no fear: but for your part, fear only him who has power to cast into hell. Place yourself under the patronage of the holy Mother of God; she will protect you by her powerful intercession, and procure for you the true fear and love of God." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Prayer to the Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel:
O Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin, ornament and splendor of Carmel, thou who regardest with an eye of special kindness those who wear thy blessed habit, look down also benignly upon me and cover me with the mantle of thy special protection. Strengthen my weakness with thy power; enlighten the darkness of my mind with thy wisdom; increase in me faith, hope, and charity. Adorn my soul with such graces and virtues as will ever be pleasing to thy divine Son and to thee. Assist me in life, and console me in death, with thy most amiable presence, and present me to the most august Trinity as thy devoted servant and child; that I may eternally bless and praise thee in paradise. Amen 2 Hail Marys and Glory be to the Father.  The New Raccolta 1903