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Henry II

by VP

Posted on Monday July 15, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Kronung Heinrich II.jpg

Henry II

"PIETY, MEEKNESS, AND BRAVERY.- Henry II., anointed emperor of Germany on the 8th July, 1002, showed by his life that piety is a royal virtue, because it had justice as its companion, and that piety and justice sanctify bravery when allied with mercy. Though four times compelled to fight against his revolting subjects, he as often pardoned them. Great wars gave full employment to his arms. He subdued Poland, Bohemia, and Moravia, the populations whereof had made incursions into the empire. He drove out the Saracens from Italy, whose presence had been disturbing Rome and Christendom in general. Being at length at peace on every hand, he journeyed through his dominions in order to impart new life while repressing abuses, establishing justice, and protecting religion. He expelled all flatterers from the imperial court, and loaded with favours such as reproached him for any fault. He died at Halberstadt, on the 14th July, 1024, and was canonized in 1152. Werinhair, the bishop of Strasbourg, prevented him from relinquishing the sceptre, as he had intended, with the aim of seeking greater perfection.

MORAL REFLECTION.-Happy would it be for nations were those invested with the governing power true saints; and saints they would be, did they but remember that they hold the place of God.-(Prov. viii.) Pictorial Half Hour with the Saints, by Abbe Lecanu