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St. Ignatius of Loyola, CONFESSOR, A.D. 1556.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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Peter Paul Rubens: Miracle of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

"It was now, during these last days of a glorious life, that the saint expressed his happiness that, by the holy thought of those Loreto fathers who were on a mission at Macerata, the people had been attracted from an immodest play acting at the theater to the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in a church which was magnificently decorated for the occasion. This was during the carnival, when mirth often degenerated into excess and sin; and this was the origin of the forty hours' exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, which is now commonly made during the last days of Shrovetide. The saint ordered the practice to be continued in all the houses of the Society. It was one of the last expressions of his will that was to be given to his children." The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola By Gertrude Parsons

Souls detached from Earth: God takes special care to detach those whom He loves with special predilection from the passing pleasures of this world, by sending them desires after heavenly bliss, and by the Sorrows and bitterness of the present life. (Light from the Altar, p 268)

Patience in sufferings: If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He has great designs for you, and that He certainly intends to make you a saint. And if you wish to become a great saint, entreat Him yourself to give you much opportunity for suffering; for these is no wood better to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross, which Christ used for His own great sacrifice of boundless charity. (Light from the Altar p 264)

  Blessing through the Hands of Mary: May our Lady deign to intercede for us sinners with her Divine Son and Lord, and to obtain from Him a blessing on our pains and trials. (Light from the Altar, p 258)

"He was born at Loyola, of a noble family in Spain; and having for some time followed the court, and afterwards the camp, he received a fortunate wound in a siege, which obliged him to retirement. Here it was, that by reading pious books which Providence put into his hands, he began to entertain thoughts of engaging in a better cause. These he improved so far, that throwing up his arms he put on sackcloth, confined himself to bread and water, lay on the ground, and was even cruel to himself in the severity of most rigorous mortification: but these were all sweetened by the refreshment of heavenly comforts.

Pray for all who are engaged in a sinful and worldly life, that God would touch their hearts, and make them sensible of their errors. Accustom yourself to the reading of pious books, and be constant in this exercise. Recommend the same to all under your care; and pray that it may bring forth fruit. Learn from this saint the method of a true conversion. Trust to no signs of repentance, unless they be accompanied with a change of life. And how can this be changed, if you throw not by your arms, and renounce not all the occasions of your sins? Let some mortification follow your repentance: there cannot easily be a true sense of past crimes, if you do not think the offender deserving of punishment. How can your resolutions be sincere of keeping peace with God, if you do not take effectual means for overcoming your passions, and bringing the inward man into subjection? And how can this be without mortification? Rebellious tempers are not to be reduced but by force; first weaken them, and then you may command them.

Being now inflamed with a zeal of doing good to others, and having qualified himself with sufficient learning, beginning with the first rudiments in his riper years, he laid the foundation of the Society of Jesus, with nine companions, men of piety and learning. Thus he declared war against infidelity and error, and with wonderful charity studied by every means to do good to the faithful, in promoting all kinds of instruction, by preaching and catechizing, erecting schools, and making provision for orphans and all others, whose necessitous condition exposed them to danger. In these exercises he spent his life; and having seen his endeavors blessed with unspeakable success in the conversion of nations, and the reformation of great abuses among believers, he was called to the reward of his labors on the last day of July, 1556.

Give thanks to God for the apostolic spirit of this holy man, and pray for all his followers, that the same spirit may rest on them, and the blessing of heaven attend them in all their pious and charitable undertakings." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

SS. Abdon and Sennen, MARTYRS, A.D. 250.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday July 30, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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 SS. Abdon and Sennen

"They Were Persians, but coming to Rome, courageously confessed the faith of Christ in the persecution of Decius in 250. They were accused of burying the bodies of the Christians, which had been cast out without burial, in their own ground; and being apprehended by order of the emperor, they were commanded to sacrifice to the false gods of the pagans. This they refused to do, and with great constancy professed their faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Upon which they were confined in prison, and when Decius returned to Rome, were led in chains in his triumph. They were dragged before the idols, but shewed the greatest contempt for them. They were then exposed to bears and lions, but the wild beasts dared not touch them. At length they finished a glorious martyrdom by the sword. The Christians at Rome did not treat them as strangers, but as brethren united to them in the hope of the same blessed country; and after their death carefully deposited their bodies in the house of a sub-deacon called Quirinus.

Pray for all in persecution and trouble, that they may be supported with heavenly comforts. And since the suffering of the martyrs is a reproach of all impatience, confess your weakness in this point, and pray for remedy. But let your endeavours accompany your prayers, and forget not your duty in the time of trial. Be watchful against all manner of anger and dejection. These are two mischievous passions, which enslave the mind, darken the understanding, and hinder all the effects of grace. Make your first opposition against these; and let no deceitful reasoning flatter you into them. Having gained ground here, you have in this removed the greatest obstacles, and may hope by degrees to advance, so as to stand constant under the most oppressing evils. This is the constancy of the martyrs: pray for it daily, and on this day especially beseech these holy martyrs to procure it for you." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Martha

by VP

Posted on Monday July 29, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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James Tissot: Mary Magdalene at the Feet of Jesus

"She was the sister of Mary Magdalen and Lazarus, who entertained Christ at her house at Bethania, and being busy in making preparation for him, asked that Mary, who sat at the feet of Christ, might be desired to help her. To whom Christ made answer: "Martha, Martha, thou art careful, and art troubled about many things. But one thing is necessary: Mary hath chosen the best part." After Christ's ascension, being seized by the Jews, as it is related in her life, she was forced on board a ship with all belonging to her, and having no other pilot but Providence, arrived at Marseilles, where she spent her days in prayer, and all the exercises of a holy life, and thus waited till death carried her to be his guest, whom, she had before entertained.

Pray for the spirit of Martha in all your labours; that whatever you do may be designed for the entertainment of Christ. This has been the practice of many servants of God, who being obliged to an active and laborious life, have always endeavoured to direct and offer all their labours to Christ, in the person of those whom they served, according to his own precept: "Whatsoever you do to any of these little ones, you do it to me." For this end, in all business avoid solicitude, as much as possible. Go on with peace and submission to the will of God, and often remember the one thing necessary. That is a happy family, where Martha calls in Mary to her help; where prayer and the love of retirement sanctify their labours and all exterior employments. For the mind is so easily taken up with these, either through desire of success, or the solicitude of giving satisfaction, or escaping reproof, or seeking the esteem of others, that if it be not recalled by prayer and seasonable retreats, it will be wholly dissipated, and so occupied with this world, as to lose the greater concern of the next. Be therefore watchful against this evil, and pray for remedy. Your time in this world is to be short, but your being in the next is to be eternal. Provision must be made for both; but let that which is the greater, be your greater concern: so that being busy about many things, you may still remember the one thing necessary." The Catholic Year, by Fr. John Gother

Novena Prayer to Saint Martha: O admirable Saint Martha, I have recourse to thee and I depend entirely on thy intercession in my trials. In thanksgiving, I promise to spread this devotion everywhere. I humbly beg thee to console me in all my worries and my difficulties. By the immense joy that filled thy soul when thou didst receive the Redeemer of the world at thy home in Bethany, be pleased to intercede for me and my family, in order that we may keep God in our hearts and therefore, deserve to obtain the remedy to our necessities, especially the present situation that overwhelms me. (mention request) I implore thee, O helper in all needs, help us to overcome our difficulties, thou who so victoriously fought the devil. Amen

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be and three times the invocation "Saint Martha, pray for us."

SS. Nazarius, Celsus, and Victor, MARTYRS, and Innocent, POPE AND CONFESSOR A.D. about 68, and 201, 417.

by VP

Posted on Sunday July 28, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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Ss. Nazarius and Celsus

"THE first two lived soon after the apostles. Nazarius having been baptized by St. Linus, who succeeded St. Peter, and taking with him Celsus, a youth whom he had instructed in the Christian faith, went to Treves, where in the persecution of Nero, they were both cast into the sea, But being miraculously delivered they came to Milan; where, for preaching the gospel, they were beheaded. Their bodies were found many years after by St. Ambrose, with their blood yet fresh as if they had been then taken out of the executioner's hands.

Pray for a like zeal for the faith of Christ. Let neither fear nor shame hinder you from doing good to others. To contribute to the salvation of your neighbour, is the most effectual way of securing your own. Be not sparing of your pains in a cause for which so many have laid down their lives. And remember, that whilst vice and liberty have so many abettors, you cannot want opportunities of practising this charity. Others are bold in evil; why should not you be so in all that is good? The devil has many apostles; be you one of Jesus Christ.

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Victor, bishop of Rome, was a prelate zealous in maintaining the faith received, and the discipline of the Church. He died in the year 201, after he had sat ten years. It is not certain that he died a martyr, though he is usually styled so; perhaps on account of the continual persecutions which he suffered.

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"All Ecclesiastical matters throughout the world are, by divine right, to be referred to the apostolic see, that to St. Peter, the author of its name and honor" Pope Innocent I Source: The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, Butler

Innocent was bishop of the same holy see in the time of St. Jerome and St. Augustin, who make mention of his great sanctity. Having faithfully discharged all the duties of a good pastor, he made a happy end in the year 417. Pray for the present head of the Church, that God would assist him with all grace necessary for his great charge. Pray for all the pastors in Christ's Church, that being animated with the spirit of the primitive times, they may spend their lives for the good of their flock." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin

by VP

Posted on Friday July 26, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

Sainte Anne, Bretagne

"She was mother of the Blessed Virgin. Admire those virtues by which she was qualified to be the mother of such a blessing; and pray for a large portion of the same, which may recommend you to the favour of heaven.

She was blessed with this happy fruit, after many years of barrenness. Raise up your hope, and be not discouraged at whatever happens. God often defers his help, to render his providence more adorable, and to recompense your patience with greater blessings.

St. Ann was the mother of a family. Pray for all in that state, that God would give them the spirit of discretion and patience, to be faithful in all duties, and to work out their salvation through all their difficulties.

Almighty God having mercifully provided all states with examples among the saints for their encouragement and direction; but the state of marriage having the fewest of all in the Christian calendar; this ought to awaken all of that state to make them fearful, that either their difficulties and dangers are more than ordinary, or that those who are engaged in it are more careless in the concern of salvation than other Christians. There is probably something of both that their difficulties are greater, and their care less and this may have been some motive to the Church to appoint this festival in charity to them. She probably wished that as Christians of all other states in the frequent return of holidays, have so many examples and encouragements to virtue, so these might have their day too, wherein to examine themselves, to ask all necessary helps, and be incited to a holy emulation of the saint whom they honour.

The first difficulty belonging to the state of marriage is in preparing for it. For it being a solemn sacrament, signifying the union of Christ and his Church, it is to be esteemed a holy state; and none ought to engage in it but with holy dispositions. Upon these terms only may those who contract marriage, expect the blessing of heaven. But there being very few who are not carried on either by sensuality, or the violence of blind passion, or the consideration of interest or humour, what wonder is it that blessings do not attend them?

There is afterwards a great difficulty. For when the first passion is abated, if it be not succeeded by a true Christian love, it is almost impossible to satisfy the obligations of this state, in bearing with one another as the apostle commands. So that if Christians that are married, either do not really love, or have not virtue to answer all the effects of love, their life must be a life of sin.

If we add to this, the difficulties belonging to that state, in the care of children; in their education, so as to avoid the two extremes of immoderate fondness, and neglect, and then in disposing of them, so as to provide for their temporal and eternal good. Then the duties towards servants, in which there may be many criminal omissions. Then the great solicitude in family concerns, which in many runs too easily into excess. There appears so many great duties in this state, on one side, and so many difficulties and dangers on the other, that no condition seems to require greater virtue to go through it well. Patience, humility, moderation, courage, longanimity, discretion, and all the gifts of the Holy Ghost, are here necessary. So that as they are guilty of great rashness who engage in it without due preparation, and obliging heaven to direct them in their choice, and fit them for all its difficulties; so it must be as great neglect in those, who having experienced the weight of what they have undertaken, omit this day to importune heaven for all necessary helps, whereby they may be enabled to perform all its duties, and not be hindered by its endless perplexities from securing their eternal salvation." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother.

Prayer to Sainte Anne (To obtain some special favor)

O GLORIOUS St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take V the present affair which I commend to thee under thy special protection . [State your petition.]

Vouchsafe to commend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy outcome. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and, with thee and Mary and all the Saints, praising and blessing Him for all eternity. Amen.

Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our Life, our Sweetness and our Hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request. [Three times.]

Saint James the Great, Apostle

by VP

Posted on Thursday July 25, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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Guido Reni: Saint James the Greater

"He was an apostle and brother of St. John the Evangelist; who being among the first called by Christ, left his father and nets, and followed him. Pray for all, those, who succeed in his holy function, that they may truly renounce the love of the world, and follow Christ. Having preached the Gospel in many places, he was at length condemned by Herod Agrippa, and beheaded at Jerusalem, being the first of the apostles that gave his life for Christ. Pray for all that suffer for their faith, and beg grace, that you may rather submit to all extremities and death, than deny Christ, or His truths.

His body was translated to Compostella, in Spain, where it has been ever since kept with great veneration, and visited by Christians from all parts of the world. Praise and honour God in His saints: let the memory of their sufferings excite in you a zeal like theirs. Pray for all those pious pilgrims, who for this end undertake their laborious journeys, that God would comfort them, and be the reward of their labours.

Christ, in choosing fishermen to be his apostles, and by their means converting the world to his faith, has abundantly demonstrated that this has not been the work of human wisdom, eloquence, or power, but only of His grace and truth. In this He has also taught His followers, how great confidence they ought to have in His assistance, in whatever they under take; and that for their success, they are ever to depend on Him. It is an instruction to all faithful souls, with what courage they ought to go on in the work of their salvation. It is a task of very great difficulty, which they have undertaken, to master themselves, to stand against the corruption of the world, and defend themselves against all the snares of a powerful and subtle enemy. This difficulty is increased by the consideration of their own weakness; which, compared with the great work which they have to do, seems enough to draw on dejection and despair. But how great a remedy have all Christians against these discouraging temptations, by looking on the apostles, and comparing the immense difficulties of their task of converting an idolatrous and wicked world, with the infirmities and slender abilities of those who were to undertake it. Is there not in this sufficient motive for all to go on with resolution, and a confidence in the divine assistance? They were all men as we are, subject to the same weakness and passions. But our work is nothing, if compared to theirs. They had the whole world on their hands we have generally but one to take care of. We have principles of faith, and education already laid they found all contrary in those to whom they were sent. We have only the opposition of a corrupt nature: and they had the power and interest of earth and hell to stand against them, armed with all the terrors which malice and cruelty could invent. And yet, did not they go on with courage? Were not they every where victorious, in rescuing so many nations from the tyranny of hell, and subjecting them to the faith of Christ? And cannot you, dear Christian, have hopes that God will carry you on with success in your little work. Have you not the same God to help you? His power is the same; His goodness is the same; His arm is not shortened; and His infinite truth, which cannot fail, is still engaged to help all those that put their trust in him. Be faithful then in your endeavours; benot tired with your labour; let no difficulties, or seeming delays discourage you; but place your whole confidence in God; for they cannot fail of His help, who lose not their hopes in Him.

Give to all thy faithful, O God, a true sense of the work which they have to do; that by a watchful and laborious diligence they may put themselves in dispositions of obtaining thy help, without which they must certainly perish."The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Prayer: O Glorious Apostle, Saint James, who by reason of thy fervent and generous heart wast chosen by Jesus to be a witness of His glory on Mount Thabor, and of His agony in Gethsemane; thou, whose very name is a symbol of warfare and victory: obtain for us strength and consolation in the unending warfare of this life, that, having constantly and generously followed Jesus, we may be victors in the strife and deserve to receive the victor's crown in Heaven. Amen

Saint Charbel Makhlouf, Priest, monk, Hermit

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 12:22PM in Saints

Saint Charbel

Saint Charbel Maronite Church in Raleigh, NC

"The collapse of the family means the ruin of the Lord’s plan for humanity, that is to say, a breakdown that removes salvation and sanctity from human beings. (...) "The family is the basis of the Lord’s plan; and all forces of evil are focusing all their evil on destroying the family because they know that by destroying the family, the foundations of the plan of God will be shaken. The war of the Evil One against the Lord is his war against the family, and the war of the Evil One against the family is the core of his war against the Lord. Because the family is the image of God, from the beginning of the creation of this universe, The Evil one is focusing on destroying the family, the foundation of God’s plan." "One does not have to look far to see evidence of Satan’s plan in our world today, as the family is further fragmented and divided in modern culture." Saint Charbel's Sermon

"And in fact, who would not admire, in Charbel Makhlouf, the positive aspects that austerity, mortification, obedience, chastity, solitude have made possible to a degree rarely achieved? Think of his sovereign freedom in the face of difficulties or passions of all kinds, of the quality of his interior life, of the elevation of his prayer, of his spirit of adoration manifested in the heart of nature and especially in the presence of the Holy Sacrament, to his filial tenderness for the Virgin, and to all these wonders promised in the beatitudes and realized literally in our saint: gentleness, humility, mercy, peace, joy, participation, from this life, in the power of healing and of conversion of Christ. In short, austerity, for him, put him on the path to perfect serenity, to true happiness; it left ample room for the Holy Spirit." Homily Pope Paul VI at the Canonization of Charbel (in French)

Saint Lupus, Bishop

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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French furniture patrimony of the French ministry of culture, under the reference PM35002875.

The Guardianship of God: There is no protection comparable with that of God and his Saints; the life of St. Lupus, bishop of Troyes, is about to afford us an example thereof. Lupus had been raised, despite all opposition on his part, and by reason of his sanctity, to the see of Troyes. He had been directed by the bishop of Gaul to proceed in company with St. Germain of Auxerre to England, in order to combat the Pelagian heresy, and had the glory of entirely uprooting it there. Having returned to his diocese, he was surprised in the midst of his apostolic labors by the invasion of Attila. Thrace, Syria, and Greece, had been laid waste; Rheims, Cambrai, Besancon, Auxerre, and Langres were merely heaps of ruin; the turn of the town of Troyes had come. Lupus prayed himself, and got his people to pray during three days and three nights; he placed his flock under the protection of God, and went forward to meet the ferocious conqueror. "I am the scourge of God!" said the king of the Huns, "and am come to destroy you." "Beware!" replied the bishop; "God crushes the instruments He has made use of." Attila, astonished at such boldness, turned his army aside from its onward march, and was defeated in the plains of Mery. St. Lupus died in 478.

Moral reflection: "God is wonderful in His saints, and will give power and strength to His people." (Psalm LXVII. 36)

Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints, Abbe Auguste François Lecanu

St. Alexius, Confessor, A.D. 410.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints


Saint Alexius of Rome

"This saint is a perfect model of the most generous contempt of the world. Whilst yet a child, not content to give all he could, he left nothing unattempted for the relief of all in distress. Fearing lest temporal honours might draw his heart too much from those objects which alone are noble and great, he entertained thoughts of renouncing the advantages of his birth, and retiring from the more dangerous part of the world. In disguise he travelled into a distant country. embraced extreme poverty, and resided in a hut adjoining to a Church dedicated to the Holy Mother of God. Being, after some time, discovered to be a stranger of distinction, he returned home; and being received as a poor pilgrim, lived seventeen years unknown in his father's house, bearing the contumely and ill treatment of the servants with invincible patience and silence. A little before he died, he by a letter discovered himself to his parents. In this saint, all those who have retired from the world may see the advantage of their choice; especially, if with his desire of inward peace, they are solicitous to cut off, as much as possible, all conversation with it. What a strange blindness it is, for men to have time given them to prepare their souls for the eternal possession of God, and to consume this time in seeking this world instead of him!

Pray for the spirit of purity, and beseech God to give you a clean heart. Be careful to avoid whatever may be prejudicial to it. Keep a guard on your eyes and tongue, and expose not yourself to dangers. Examine your weakness in this particular; resolve upon using the means necessary for your security, and having begged pardon for past failings, beseech God to strengthen you in all temptations. This you have reason to hope for in such as occasionally happen; but if you expose yourself to them, you tempt God to forsake you."The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Apollinaris, Bishop and martyr, A.D. 82.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday July 23, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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"A holy man, who came in company with St. Peter from Antioch to Rome, and was by him ordained bishop, and sent to Ravenna, in Italy, to preach the gospel. There he was blessed with great success, in the conversion of many. Venerable Bede in his martyrology, says that he sat twenty years. He was put to cruel torments, and afterwards banished out of the city. But the spirit of God everywhere accompanying him, he preached in other places, doing good to all, but was everywhere persecuted, and put to the most severe trials. God preserved him a long time to his Church; but at length returning to Ravenna, he had all his labours and sufferings crowned with martyrdom under the Emperor Vespasian, in the year 82.

Pray for all the prelates and pastors of Christ's Church, that succeeding in the function of this holy man, they may inherit his spirit and zeal, and venture all extremities for the good of souls, so that no apprehension of suffering may discourage them from their duty. Pray again for all in persecution and trouble: and let the patience of the martyrs teach you patience in all your trials. Christians ought to be ashamed, after so many great examples, to let ordinary difficulties and provocations cast them into dejection and passion. Labour therefore in earnest to overcome these evils: go through all with courage and resolution; considering them as the passage to everlasting rest; and beseech God to help you, who gave strength to the martyrs. Pray for all in affliction and trouble. They stand in need of God's assistance, to support them against excessive solitude, against impatience and dejection. If your experience has made you sensible of this danger, fail not to importune heaven in favour of all such as are under it: thus in Christ's mystical body, the members are to help one another. If you have any part of the bitter cup before you, offer yourself to drink it with the spirit of a martyr. It may be the only martyrdom required of you; be faithful, and beg of Him to strenghten you." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

"Woe to us who have been born in this wretched age, an age - I say it weeping - in which anyone who has any zeal whatever for the glory of God, and casts his eyes on the men and women who now live, will be moved to tears to see everything turned upside down, the beautiful order of virtue overthrown, the bright light of life quenched, and scarce anything left in the Church but open iniquity and feigned sanctity. The light of good example is extinguished in those who ought to shine as luminaries to the whole world, like watch-towers and beacons on the mountains. No light, alas! comes from them, but horrid darkness, and pestilent mischief, by which innumerable souls are falling into destruction." -- St. John Fisher; Bishop of Rochester, Cardinal, Tower of London, 1535

Prayer for Holy Bishops: Lord, according to Your promise that the Gospel should be preached throughout the whole world, raise up men fit for such work. The Apostles were but soft and yielding clay till they were baked hard by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So, Good Lord, do now in like manner again with Thy Church Militant; change and make the soft and slippery earth into hard stones; set in Thy Church strong and mighty pillars, that may suffer and endure great labors, watching, poverty, thirst, hunger, cold and heat; which also shall not hear the threatenings of princes, persecution, neither death but always persuade and think with themselves to suffer with a good will, slanders, shame, and all kinds of torments, for the glory and laud of Thy Holy Name. By this manner, good Lord, the truth of Thy Gospel shall be preached throughout all the world. Therefore, merciful Lord, exercise Thy mercy, show it indeed upon Thy Church. Saint John Fisher (Sermon in 1508) from Saint John Fisher Forum