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Saint Boniface, Apostle of Germany, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 755

by VP

Posted on Wednesday June 05, 2024 at 12:24AM in Saints

Saint Boniface by Cornelis Bloemaert.jpg

"THIS saint was an Englishman, born in Devonshire. When but five years old, his chief delight was to hear holy men converse on God and heavenly things. He felt a strong desire to devote himself to God in a religious state, and made his profession in the monastery of Exeter. At thirty years of age he was promoted to the priesthood; and from that time was chiefly employed in preaching the word of God, and in the care of souls. He never ceased to bewail those nations, which lay benighted in the shades of idolatry. And having obtained of Pope Gregory II. an ample commission to preach the faith to the infidel nations of Germany, his labours in that country were blessed with the conversion of great numbers to the Christian faith. Going afterwards to Rome, by order of the pope, he was there consecrated bishop by his holiness, and returned to Germany, to continue his spiritual conquests. By the succeeding pope, he was made archbishop and legate of the apostolic see in Germany, and fixed his see at Mentz. In his old age, going to preach the Gospel in Friesland, he was there martyred with fifty-two companions, in the year 755. Those who were with the holy martyr wished to defend his life; but he would not suffer it, declaring that the day was come, for which he had long waited, which was to bring him to the eternal joys of the Lord.

Give thanks for the success of this holy man, in carrying light to those who sat in darkness. Pray for all those nations who know not God. Beseech Him to raise up some apostolic spirits, who may preach His name among them, and teach them the way of salvation. Pray for those who labour in this function. Pray for all pastors, that being animated with this spirit of zeal, they may spend their lives in seeking the lost sheep. As many as are ignorant of the truth, know not their Christian duties, or live in a state of sin, are objects of this charity; and not only ecclesiastics, but the laity also may contribute to their good. Resolve to do your part by good example at least, if no more be in your power: let none be ignorant if you can help it. This charity towards others may be your salvation; and if you are wanting in it, especially to those under your care, their ignorance will be the loss of your soul." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

The English Correspondance of St. Bonifac:

"Take heed, therefore, unto yourselves, and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. I preached the Kingdom of God," said he, “as I went about among you: that I might keep myself guiltless of the ruin of all men. For the apostle calls a priest of the Church overseer, the prophet calls him watchman, and the Saviour of the world calls him shepherd, and all agree that a teacher who is silent about the sins of the people is guilty through his silence of the blood of the lost souls.

Wherefore, a great and terrible necessity forces us to show, in accordance with the words of the apostle, an example to the faithful : that is, unless my judgment errs, the priest must live so justly that from the contrast with his deeds his words may not be idle, and that, while he lives prudently for himself from his own, he may not by his silence be condemned for another's sin; because for this purpose is one set over the church of Christ, that not only by living well he may instruct others through his example, but also that, by faithful preaching, he may set out before each man's eyes his sins, and show what punishment awaits the obstinate, what glory the obedient. Because according to the word of God to Ezekiel he, to whom the dispensation of the word is entrusted, may live justly, but yet, if he is ashamed or fears to rebuke those who live abandoned lives, together with all who perish through his silence, he likewise perishes. And what will it avail him not to be punished for his own sins, who is to be punished for another's? The silence of the priest, the Lord speaking to Ezekiel condemns terribly and calls the priest a watchman : and just as the watchman must from a loftier place see farther than all, so the priest ought to be raised higher on the elevation of his merits and to have the grace of greater wisdom, whereby he can instruct the rest of men. Therefore hear the word of my mouth,” said the divine voice, “ and thou wilt give them warning from me. that the priest is to declare what he has learned from divine reading, what God has given him by inspiration, not what human senses have discovered. “ Thou wilt give them warning from me,” said He, “ from me, not from thy self; thou wilt speak my words, and wilt not boast of them as thine own. “ From me,” said He, “thou wilt give them warning. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die ; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; " He means the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will be required at thine hand ” It is as though He said openly: If thou hast not warned him of his sins, and if thou hast not rebuked him, that he turn from his sins and live, both thee who didst not warn and him who through thy silence sinned, I will hand over to eternal flames.

Let us not, therefore, be so stony or iron of heart, that these words of the Lord do not alarm us. Let us not be so barren of faith, that we should not believe these words of the Lord ; but let us rouse up and exhort our brethren with the revered words of Saint Peter the apostle : “ Be sober, be vigilant ; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour ; whom resist, stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world” And let us admonish the bishops who are under our synod with the exhortation of Saint Paul the apostle, when he says to Timothy : “I charge thee, therefore, before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead, at his appearing and his Kingdom : preach the word : be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and doctrine."  is the time foretold by the apostle “ when they will not Let us, endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers ” and the rest. according to the word of the prophet, cry aloud with all our strength, we who announce peace on earth to men of good will. For he cries aloud with all his strength, whom neither fear nor shame hinders from preaching the word of life.

Let us strive, with the aid of the Lord, that we may not be among those false shepherds of the sheep, whom the prophet accuses, saying: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe be to the shepherds of Israel, that do feed themselves ! Should not the shepherd feed the flock? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flock The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them, and they were scattered because there is no shepherd, and they became meat to all the beasts of the field.”  The woe of which the prophet speaks he has fixed for a curse : by the shepherds he signifies the bishops, by the flocks of the Lord, the faithful to be fed. But they feed themselves, because they strive not for the safety of the people, but for their own pleasure. The fat and the wool of the sheep of Christ they take with daily offerings and tithes from the faithful ; and care for the flock of Christ they put to one side.

They do not heal with spiritual counsel the man sick in sin ; they do not strengthen with priestly aid the man broken by many sufferings; they do not recall the erring one to the way of salvation; they do not seek out with pastoral solicitude the man lost through despair of forgiveness ; nor do they defend the afflicted against the violence of the powerful, who rage against them like wild beasts ; and so far from rebuking rich and powerful sinners, they do them honor.

So with threats the divine word smites the pride of such, saying: “Woe to the prophets of Israel !”And again : “ Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds ; and I will require my flock at their hands, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock ; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more.” What is this but to say: The shepherds who feed themselves and not the flock, I will thrust down from their high dignity, among the outcast and the accursed! At all this who will not tremble, unless it be one who believes not in the future ? Everything which God wished to have observed He has so clearly fixed and established with the authority of His name, that it would be easier to despise His words—and to say this is itself a sin-than to lie and declare that we did not understand things so clear and divine. When we hear : “ Thus saith the Lord,” who can believe that what God says will not be, unless it be one who believes not in God? With the thought of these things and things like unto them I am terrified, and “ fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror of my sins hath all but overwhelmed me; gladly should I have abandoned the helm of the Church once taken up, had I been able to do so or could I have found examples, either from the Fathers or the Holy Scriptures to approve such a course.

Wherefore, my beloved brother, since all these things are so, and truth can be sorely tried but neither conquered nor deceived, let our wearied minds take refuge in Him, who says, through the mouth of Solomon : « Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” And elsewhere : The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, is safe.” Let us stand fast in justice, and prepare our souls against temptation, that we may have the support of God and may say him : “ Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations."' Let us put our trust in Him, who hath put the burden upon us. cannot carry ourselves, let us carry through Him who is Omnipotent, and says: "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light Let us stand fast in battle in the day of the Lord because the “days of tribulation and hardship” have come upon us. Let us die, it God wills it, for the sacred laws of our fathers, that with them we may deserve to win an eternal heritage. Let us not be dumb dogs nor silent watchmen, nor hirelings who flee before the wolf, but zealous shepherds, watching over the flock of Christ, preaching the whole counsel of Christ, to high and low, to rich and poor, and to all ranks or ages, so far as God gives us strength, in season, out of season, as Saint Gregory has described it in his Pastoral Care."

Source: The English Correspondence of St. Boniface p 182