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St. Venantius, MARTYR, A.D. 250.

by VP

Posted on Saturday May 18, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Scarsellino:  Martyrdom of St. Venantius of Camerino

"A YOUTH of fifteen, of Camerino in Italy, who was accuesd under Decius the emperor, for his faith in Christ. He suffered many martyrdoms, being scourged, hung up by the heels over smoke, cast upon a dunghill with his teeth beaten out, and his jaws broken. He was also exposed to lions, dragged by horses, thrown off a rock, and at length beheaded with many others, who, moved by that divine power, which appeared so visibly in his protection, had believed in Christ. Pray for all those, who throughout the world suffer for their faith, for truth, or for justice. Pray for all of both sexes, who at the age of this martyr, being charmed with the follies and vanities of the world, are solicitous to please themselves, but forget God. It is an afflicting thought to consider the great corruption of youth; how early a knowledge they have of evil, and how ripe they are for vice. It is the care and duty of parents to prevent this mischief, by sweetly inspiring them with good principles, by teaching them the art of employing themselves usefully, of loving business and home. Reasonable diversions are not to be denied them; but care must be taken that they grow not too much in love with them. When diversions are allowed as an encouragement to duty, they are very commendable, and have a very good effect. But if a person is fond of idle conversation, loves gaming, plays, romances, entertainments, and late hours, is averse to all employment, to the methods of good discipline, and to whatever is serious and moderate; such a one is in the highway to ruin. It must be therefore the care of parents discreetly to moderate such inclinations in their children, and by easy self-denials insensibly lead them to the practice of overcoming themselves. This is laying in them the first seeds of martyrdom, and teaching them to be Christians.

Pray for patience and courage for yourself in all difficulties and troubles: and let the great sufferings of this martyr in his tender years be a subject of reproach and confusion to you, that you yet understand so little, what it is to suffer with resignation and patience." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother