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Saint John the Silent, Hermit 532

by VP

Posted on Monday May 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

DISCRETION. St. John, surnamed "the Silent," was born of one of the richest families at Nicopolis, in Armenia. He employed his wealth in constructing a church, dedicated to the Mother of God, and a monastery, into which he retired. His eminent virtues caused him to be elected bishop of Colonia at the age of 28. His piety, humility, and zeal for the salvation of the flock confided to his care, were producing the happiest results when serious differences, which arose between him and his brother-in-law, the governor of Armenia, against whom he found himself forced to complain to the emperor Zeno, caused him greatly to regret his previous manner of life. He resigned his charge at the expiration of nine years, and withdrew to a solitude, there to give himself to a mortified life and the fervent exercise of prayer. He subsequently retired to the monastery of St. Sabas, where he obtained the favour of still remaining alone, in order to apply himself more intimately to a contemplative life. He had adopted as a rule never to speak, save in case of necessity, and to speak with such discretion as that no word of his might be either wrong in itself or useless. He died about the year 560.

MORAL REFLECTION.-The Holy Spirit has said, by the mouth of the Wise Man: "In the multitude of words there shall not want sin, but he that refraineth his lips is most wise."-(Prov. x. 19.). The Pictuorial Half Hours with the Saints by Abbe Lecanu