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Ss. Philip and James, apostles

by VP

Posted on Friday May 03, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Paolo Veronese: Saints Philip and James the Less  

"They were apostles of our Lord: pray for all who succeed in that function, that by their zealous labours, the whole world may be enlightened, and brought to the knowledge and love of God.

They both laid down their lives for Christ, confirming their doctrine with their blood. St. Philip was crucified; St. James suffered a manifold martyrdom, in being first stoned, then thrown down from a pinnacle of the temple, and lastly, being yet alive, and praying for his persecutors, had his brains dashed out with a club. Pray for all those who are under any kind of persecution for truth or justice, that they may persevere to the end with the patience, constancy, and charity of these apostles.

On this (...) day of the month, while you profess to honour these apostles, resolve to live in the practice of the doctrine which they preached, by renouncing the corrupt customs of the world, and taking the Gospel for your rule. Examine the method of your life, and compare it with this rule; beg grace to reform whatever you find amiss, and let the blood of these martyrs inform you, how much you ought to suffer in this cause. He that has not patience under the unavoidable mortifications of a virtuous life, is not yet disposed to give his life for Christ. Learn to put yourself in this disposition from these holy apostles, in the lessons which they give you.

In these holy men, leaving all to follow Christ, and thus becoming His apostles, we have a lesson, that we cannot be followers of Christ, but by leaving something for Him. They left all; and we are to be in a preparation for leaving all, whenever He pleases to call us to it. But can this be reasonably expected, unless by proportionate steps we endeavour to bring our souls to this holy disposition? We are therefore, first, to leave all that is sinful: because a state of sin is a rebellion against God, and an aversion of the heart wholly from Him; and it is therefore inconsistent with the very lowest degree of a follower of Christ. They must be blind and mad, who in this state flatter themselves with the thoughts of being prepared to leave all for Him. Secondly, we are to leave all that is evidently dangerous: because living in voluntary dangers, is a state either of presumption or neglect, in rashly expecting God's grace, or being too little concerned for that divine assistance; both which are great dispositions for leaving God, but not of leaving all for Him. Thirdly, we are to leave whatever draws our hearts away from God, and fixes them with immoderate affection on creatures; because all such affections diminish the love of God, by which alone we are prevailed upon to forsake all for Him. Therefore such as desire in good earnest to put their souls in the true disposition of Christ's disciples, are very jealous of everything that is prejudicial to that love which they ought to have for Him. So that in whatever degree their state obliges them to make use of creatures, in the same proportion is their care to preserve their hearts from excessive affection for what they use. They avoid all attachment to grandeur and state, while their circumstances oblige them to it; they love not riches while they possess them. And so of all other things, which please the appetite, court the fancy, and are too apt insensibly to engage the heart, and draw it from its more substantial good. So that, however they are circumstanced, as to outward possessions, they are ever solicitous to preserve interior poverty, which is the poverty of spirit, one of the best titles to eternal riches, and the best character of a true disciple. This is the only expedient, by which those who live in plenty and honour, can pretend to the spirit of the Gospel. For if amidst all their greatness, there be not poverty of spirit, it is plain that as they possess and use the world, so they enjoy and love the world: and this is not the spirit of Christ, but contrary to all that he has taught. Leaving therefore all, either in reality or in spirit, is indispensably necessary for all those, who undertake in earnest to follow Christ." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother