CAPG's Blog 

St. Zita

by VP

Posted on Saturday April 27, 2024 at 12:22AM in Saints

File:Pittatore s Zita.jpg

S.Zita (Michelangelo Pittatore)

THE GREATNESS OF HUMILITY.-St. Zita, placed by reason of her lowly birth in a position obscure, or vile even, according to the views of the world, knew how to lift herself by faith to the sublime heights of sanctity. She passed her life in domestic work, the object of hatred and calumny: her humility was too great, it was said, to be real; it was sheer hypocrisy. Her submission was too prompt and perfect to be exempt from pride; and if the poor servant were any better than people of her condition, it was merely because she wished to appear so. Zita, however, accomplished all her duties with that perfection which those who wish to please God are wont to employ. She bore reproofs, injuries, bodily and moral sufferings, with that patience and submission which the love of God alone knows how to inspire. She was pious, cherished the poor, and forgave injuries. At last the general voice ended by rendering her full justice, which she by no means looked for. The world was struck with wonderment, and the Church has placed her on her altars. St. Zita died at Lucca in 1272, and was beatified in 1696.

MORAL REFLECTION.-All acts in themselves good become acts of holiness when accomplished with reference to God. "All things are turned into good in the hands of those that love God," saith the Apostle.-(Rom. viii. 28.). Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Abbe Auguste François Lecanu