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St. Fidelis of Sigmaringa, Martyr, A.D. 1622.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, a Capuchin (d. 1622). This holy martyr had a great devotion to Jesus' loving Heart, to which he consecrated himself in the following prayer: "O most sweet Heart of Jesus, I give unto Thee, Who art the source of all good, my heart, with all its affections. I place before Thee all my sins and faults, that they may be blotted out by Thy Precious Blood. But especially I ask of Thee that in the dreadful hour of my death I may find a sure restingplace in the wound of Thy adorable Heart.'"The Sacred Heart accepted this consecration, and filled the Saint's heart with so many graces that his most ardent desire was to shed his blood for Jesus Christ and for the Church." This wish was fully realized. When leaving his monastery for the last time, he was told that he would fall into the hands of the heretics and meet with certain death. His brief answer was: "I have offered myself for this." The holy Martyr's breast was stabbed by the heretics, and a sharp spear pierced his heart.† Friends and Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, By Fr. Peter Joseph Chandlery, S.J.
"From his youth, this saint was eminent for singular gifts both of nature and grace. His modesty, meekness, chastity, and other virtues, charmed all who had the happiness of his acquaintance. He received the Blessed Sacrament very frequently: in every town where he came, he visited the hospitals and churches; and passed several hours upon his knees before the Blessed Sacrament. He gave to the poor sometimes the very clothes off his back.

For some time he practised the law as a counseller at Colmar, with great reputation, but still greater virtue. He abstained from all invectives, detractions, and whatever might affect the reputation of any adversary. He conceived a disgust, however, for a profession, which was to many an occasion of sin; and determined to enter among the Capuchin friars. He first received holy orders, and having said his first mass in their convent at Fribourg, he consecrated himself to God by taking the habit. From that moment, humiliations, mortifications, and implicit obedience were his delight. In regard to dress and furniture, he always chose that for his own use, which was the least valuable and convenient. His life was a continued prayer and recollection; and at his devotions he seemed rather like an angel than a man.

When he had finished his course of divinity, St. Fidelis was employed in preaching and hearing confessions. He reformed many by his zealous labours, and converted several Calvinists. When a pestilential fever infected the Austrian army, he exercised wonderful charity in assisting the sick and dying. He also exerted himself indefatigably in composing differences between neighbours, and relieving those who were in distress. He was most devout to the Blessed Virgin, and regularly recited the holy rosary. By her prayers and those of other saints, he begged that he might shed his blood in the defence of the Catholic faith. His prayer was granted. For the Calvinists were so incensed against him, for his pious labours to convert them, that they murdered him in the year 1622, the forty-fifth of his age.

Pray for all who are engaged in the holy ministry, and labouring for the conversion of souls. To contribute to the conversion of a sinner, is something more excellent than to raise the dead to life. The soul, which from the death of sin is raised to the life of grace, passes from slavery to the devil, to the dignity and privileges of a child of God. By this divine adoption, she is rescued out of the abyss of infinite misery, and exalted to the most sublime state of glory and happiness, in which all the treasures of grace and of heaven are her portion for ever." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother